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Leon Guanajuato  General information

  • Population: 1,134,842 inhabitants.

  • Territorial extention: 1,183.2 kms2.

  • International airport: 1 (located 20 minutes away from the city).

  • Average temperature: 65ºF.

  • Height: 1,876 mts above the sea level.

  • Mexico City – León distance: 244 miles.

Academy Conference Mexico
León, Guanajuato. September 12 - 13, 2006.

Very soon, León, Guanajuato, Mexico, will be hosting the Academy Conferece 2006. More than 2,000 students and instructors are expected to attend to this important event of the Cisco Networking Academy Program community.

The event will take place in the Poliforum León. With more than 45,000mts2, this conventions centre is the biggest in Mexico. It is located 15 minutes away from the international airport and 5 minutes away from the main hotels, restaurants and avenues.

At the time being, more than 2,350 people have registered to attend: students and instructors that belong to 29 states of Mexico. Women participation is outstanding with more than 33% of the total registered.

We are looking forward to your participation in Academy Conference 2006. We are certain that everybody´s participation will contribute to extend the benefits of the Cisco Networking Academy to more students every day.

León is a city that prevails for its history and business activities. We hope you enjoy your stay in this beautiful city during Academy Conference 2006. Below, you may find useful information about its history, weather and other interesting issues.
  Guanajuato, the state
The city of Leon is located in the state of Guanajuato. Due to its historic and monumental value, León was declared World Heritage by the UNESCO in 1988. Guanajuato is a one-kind city with underneath streets that run below the city and emerge in beautiful squares, romantic alleys and splendid buildings.

There are two main water sources that irrigate the state: the Lerma-Santiago, that irrigates the 84% of the surface and the Pánuco-Tamesí. Among these water sources there are some important dams as the Solís, Allende, Purísima, Yuriri and La Gavia.


León is a city with great vitality and business nature. It is the biggest city in Guanajuato in land extent and population. It is known as the World Shoe Capital, due to its reputation from the production of fine leather products.

The city of León is well known because of its neoclassic and baroque style combined with the European and Greek-Roman art and modern architecture found downtown. The archaeological sites of Alfaro and Ibarilla located near León show that the birth of the city goes back to prehispanic times.

León is the perfect place for conventions due to the available facilities and services. There are 10 important malls, restaurants, sport & golf clubs, night clubs and a wide variety of activities for all the family, as the children´s museum Explora, the Metropolitan Park and the Zoo.

León is located near important cities as Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende: perfect sites to plan a short trip. In these cities visitors may visit museums, buy art and crafts or attend a cultural event in the theatres and squares nearby.

The city is located close to 6 states of Mexico that represent a potential market of almost 30,000 people, approximately.
  Cultural places to visit:

Hotel for Speakers
Hotel Poliforum Radisson Plaza.
Reservation Call free: 01 800440 50
Code: Cisco Academy Conference.
Rate: $ 750.00 pesos + taxes.
Includes transportation: Hotel-Poliforum- Poliforum-Hotel.
Phone: 01 (477) 710- 0022
Web: www.poliforumplaza.com

Guanajuato is located in the center of the country and besides its cultural richness, it is famous for its culinary art.

The visitors may find a wide variety of food and dishes. For example, in Apaseo el Grande, where vegetables and cereals are grown, one may find delicious “antojitos” (food made mainly of tortillas, chile and nopales). Celaya, the golden door to El Bajío, is famous for is milk candies packed in wooden boxes, or its “obleas”, nut candies and almond cheeses. Up in the north, in the city of Comonfort, visitors may taste the “mantecada” sorbet and some dishes as “nopalitos al pastor”, “menudo”, dried “adobo”, “gorditas” of black lands, “poor” “fritangas”, “nata tacos”, sweet guava that may be tasted with coffee, “atole” and “colonche”, a traditional drink made of fermented tuna (fruit form the nopal trees).

In León there are more than 500 restaurants where visitors may find a wide variety of dishes, ranging form the traditional “guacamayas”, which are “tortas” made of pork meet and tree chile sauce, to the top Mexican cuisine.


The weather is generally warm, 52ºF average; 48ºF minimum and 60ºF maximum. Springs are sunny and hot with low humidity. Summer is warm with rainy afternoons. Autumn is sunny and warm with some rains during the first days of December. Winter is cold with strong winds in February and March.

In Spring light clothing is recommended; in Summer an umbrella is useful; in the Autumn afternoons a sweater should be worn and in Winter a jacket should be needed.
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