Cisco is working to expand the benefits and services offered to Alumni members in an effort to build a global Alumni Connection Community.
We need your help to actively promote registration to the Alumni Community, who are those students who have successfully completed one course of any Academy curriculum . As an added incentive, we are giving away a "64mb USB Watch" to the 10 Academy instructors who achieve the highest Student registration increase.*
All you have to do is forward the message below to all your students that have completed one course and actively promote the benefits of joining the program, during your classes. This promotion will commence on 17 March and close on 10 April 2004.
For further information, please contact Robyn Collins, Alumni Connection Program Manager, robcolli@cisco.com or your AAM.
* First 10 Academy Instructors to achieve highest % increase between 16 March and 11 April 2004.
Dear Academy Student,
Cisco Systems is committed to supporting you in realizing your career goals and objectives and being able to transfer your classroom skills to the workplace. The range of services and benefits available to Alumni members continue to grow and we would like to invite you to become a part of the Global Alumni Community.
Current Benefits include:
Program Curriculum Updates
Access to the current curriculum to level you have studied
Discounts off Cisco Press books,
Free Subscription to Packet Magazine
Exciting benefits to watch out for include, access to career services to assist you prepare your resume, cover letter and find that first job or new career; online CCNA and CCNP games; discounts on courses offered by Cisco Learning Partners and much more.
Register NOW!
The link above takes you to the Academy Connection web site where you can register for Alumni Connection. Please use the same User Name and Password that you use to access the site as a Student. If you're eligible to register, you will be able to see a link to "Alumni Home". Click on that link to begin the registration process.
Programa Cisco Networking Academy.