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January is a good month to outline goals and objectives. This year, we want to remind the entire community of the importance of certification, and to those responsible of the Cisco Networking Academy Program, the quality rules that must be observed by Academies and Instructors around the world.

In this direction, the issue of updating becomes important. We want to invite the entire community to Academy Conference 2005 on March 14 - 15 in Puebla.

This invitation is for everyone. Register today!

For more information on this event, please visit www.academyconference.com

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.

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May I help you ?
Launching: Fundamentals of Network Security: Router and Fundamentals of Network Security: PIX. Academies are now able to offer Fundamentals of Network Security as two separate Courses, Fundamentals of Security: Router and Fundamentals of Security: PIX... >> More

"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."

The beginning of a new year always brings new ideas, opportunities and hope, and this year is not an exception. We are pleased to welcome 6 new academies that joined the Cisco Networking Academy Program since December 2004.

The following institutions are now Local Academies. The first two from the Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla an the rest from the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas:

  • IT de Orizaba.
  • Instituto Universitario Tecnologías de la Información.
  • UT de Tamaulipas Norte.
  • UT Matamoros.
  • UT Nuevo León.
  • UT Altamira.

We expect that they achieve the educational goals they've planned regarding the Program. We are convinced that the Program will help them to offer their students avant-garde and quality education always on behalf of them.

New Academy Connection Benefits.

Cisco Networking Academy México, has developed a new tool totally in Spanish, to benefit the program's community. It is an interactive tool to assist you to find job offerings, as well as to create your curriculum vitae.

Career Connection is an Employment Exchange site, as well as a professional development approach designed to link the class room with the real working world. As an extension to the Cisco Networking Academy, Career Connection / Employment Exchange, is designed to act as a bridge between graduates of the program and partners, customers and organizations looking for IT and networking candidates.

To access Career Connection services follow these steps:

If you have already registered as “Alumni”, click on the following link: http://cc.netacad.net/home.do and using the same access data you use in the Academy Connection click on “Candidates log in here."

If you have not registered as “ Alumni”, follow these steps:

  • First, you need to register as member of the Alumni community. To see if you are eligible for this option, please click on “Alumni Home” located in the Academy's Connection navigations bar. Click on it to finish the registration process.
  • You will be asked to answer an online survey regarding your professional situation.
  • Once registered as Alumni, you will be redirected to the new home page of the Alumni site, where you will be granted access to the Career Connection services of your region

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.

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Our student's opinion...

"Cisco was a very encouraging experience. It extends knowledge horizons and you acquire new skills necessary to get better job opportunities.
The Networking Academy Team is doing a great job, improving student's educational experiences. I've seen the new curriculum version and it is good to know contents' are being updated almost as fast as technology changes".
Alfonso Santana Rodríguez.
Centro Universitario de la Costa Universidad de Guadalajara ro.

"This is an excellent course, because we are being trained in new technologies. On the other hand, it is a great tool, because the company I work at uses Cisco equipment".
Joel Mauleón Alemán.
Universidad Tecnológica de Morelia.

Gender Initiative

Fast parts replacement: What is it?

In today's article, we will describe the benefits associated to the option of fast parts replacement through Cisco's SMARTnet agreement.

The concept of fast parts replacement means, that the damaged part or hardware will be sent to the customer after diagnosing the problem, but before the damaged hardware has been returned to Cisco. This is the fastest hardware problems' solution, which can affect network availability, the customer's business or end-user's satisfaction.

If the customer only has the warranty and the Cisco's hardware is not backed up by a SMARTnet agreement, the part or hardware is shipped directly from the manufacturer in a minimum of 10 working days, but only after the damaged part or hardware has been returned to and received by Cisco.

Cisco offers several options for parts replacement, including:

8x5xNext Business Day (NBD): replacement parts are delivered the next business day of failure diagnose. The delivery is within regular working hours.

8x5x4: replacement parts are delivered within 4 hours of determining that part replacement is required. This service is available 5 days a week 8 hours a day.

replacement parts are delivered within 4 hours of determining that part replacement is required. This service is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

The option of fast parts replacement, allows you to reduce network down times, because the parts will arrive in less time. You will also reduce operating expenditures, because you will not need a stock of equipment.

Finally, it is important to remind you to begin your coverage immediately. To assure equipment or parts availability, Cisco's logistics team needs a reasonable amount of time to supply local warehouses, given import and customs procedures. This process can affect customers located in geographically remote areas.

Ana Saputi,
Customer Advocacy
E-mail: asaputi@cisco.com

 SMARTnet for Lab equipment
- SMARTnet is a safe step towards well operating lab equipment. To make sure every student has the possibility to make his hands-on exercises on time, it is necessary that all Academies have a valid SMARTnet.

January 31st 2005 is the due date to fulfill this requirement indicated in the program's QAP (Quality Assurance Plan). If your Academy still does not have it or has not renewed it, please contact Erica Peralta, via e-mail eperalta@netacadlatam.com or by phone 5240-1020.

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Alumni Connection.

Do you live in USA, Canada o Mexico and are looking for a job in the IT field? Have you already published your Curriculum Vital in Career Connection? Cisco is preparing a marketing campaign with its different partners, customers and organizations who need its curriculum published.

Don't wait any longer and publish your curriculum in: http://cc.netacad.net

Please be sure to register as candidate and not as employer, otherwise your curriculum will not be available to employers. Please visit the Employment Exchange on a regular basis, to learn about new vacancies o scholarship programs.

Tecnology Report.

Study shows the importance of mobility for working success. Mobil communication tools are critical for working success, according to a new Economist Intelligence Business Unit survey of executives worldwide, sponsored by Cisco Systems.

The study, called "Communications, mobility and the working world" , conducted between July and August, 2004, queried users on their productivity levels, and the current and future use of mobility tools in their working environment. The study shows that more mobility is associated with greater productivity.

See more...

One of Cisco's main goals offering the Program to students is to give them the possibility to improve their job opportunities when they graduate. This cannot be accomplished if students do not certify. The certification is the tangible proof that they posses the required knowledge to solve real world problems. Instructors have a lot to do with this issue as they are the students' example.

In accordance with the worldwide quality rules that control the program, instructors must get certified. For more information on this topic, please click here or contact Erica Peralta: eperalta@netacadlatam.com.

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Benefits for students and instructors. PADHIA.

" Wisdom begins in wonder".
- Sócrates.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information call Padhia S.C. at 5603-0840, 671 7081 and 5603-3072.

Visit us, click here!

Two critical actions.

I want to start this 2005 text by wishing the entire Networking Academy community a year full of well-being, health and love. This is also the right time to consider new challenges and to start taking care of the ones accomplished.

Last year, a special Cisco team and its different partners have been making a special follow-up to all local and regional academies that don't have a SMARTnet policy, which is a must stated in one of the contract's clauses, and it is everyone's responsibility.

It would be regrettable to suspend an academy for not having the SMARTnet policy. It is time to be responsible in all our tasks, we therefore urge Main Contacts and functionaries of the different education institutions to double their efforts to comply with this duty.

On the other hand, the CCAI Certification is a necessity, also stated in the QAP and it is necessary to remain active in an Academy. Due date is February 20, therefore you will be receiving a series of messages asking you for feedback on your certification process, to avoid your dismissal in the system and a lot of subsequent problems. We are aware of the enormous responsibility and therefore we need to join forces and work as a team.

We are sure we can make it.

Remember we are here to help you. If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Cisco's Academy Training Center México operation team.

Operations Teams
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: catcmx@uat.edu.mx
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 Cisco Networking Academy Program México.

Cisco Networking Academy is a non profit program in Mexico. If you are requested a fee to take the course, please contact us at

Help Desk Latinoamérica


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  Cisco Trivia.

Which are the two main functions of a router?
a) Simplify the installation of an information network in an organization.
b) Maintenance of routing tables.
c) Keep a record of every conversation traversing the network.
d) Distribution of knowledge in the form of routing tables updates to other routers.

Congratulations to
Arturo Lerma, winner of the December 2004.

If you are the first one to correctly answer this Quiz, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is January 31, 2005. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.

Launching: Fundamentals of Network Security: Router and Fundamentals of Network Security: PIX.

Academies are now able to offer Fundamentals of Network Security as two separate Courses, Fundamentals of Security: Router and Fundamentals of Security: PIX.

¿What are the requirements to be a Local Academy from Fundamentals of Network Security?

  • Need to be a Regional or Local Academy of CCNA.
  • Have at least two CCAI Instructors.
  • Contract Agreement for CCNA & Smartnet update.
  • Complete CCNA equipment.
  • Students with certification CCNA.
  • Have tought the CCNA 4.
  • To apply for FSN Academy send a mail to: catcmx@uat.edu.mx
  • Acquire the FSN Lab. Practices.

Fundamentals of Security: Router aligns to the Cisco SECUR 642-501 Certification Exam.

Fundamentals of Security: PIX maps to the Cisco CSPFA 642-521 Certification Exam.

Student level courses can be offered as one course (Fundamentals of Security) or as two separate courses (Fundamentals of Security: Router, Fundamentals of Security: PIX). Instructor level courses can only be offered as two separate courses (Fundamentals of Security: Router, Fundamentals of Security: PIX).

On January 8, Cisco will retire Fundamentals of Network Security v1.1 for both Student and Instructor level courses and Fundamentals of Network Security v1.2 for Instructor level courses. Once retired, the version of the curriculum will.

  • Not be viewable (in course materials area) on the Academy Connection.
  • Not be downloadable from the Academy Connection.
  • Not be available for creating classes.

If you already have a Fundamentals of Network Security class in progress, you will still be able to conduct any class activities through the Academy Connection.

In order to access these two new versions of the Security curriculum, please make sure your Academy's has enabled both of them. Legal Main Contacts and Curriculum Leads may enable course offerings at their Academy by following these steps.

  • Log in to Academy Connection.
  • Access the 'Administrator Home' page.
  • Click on the name of your Academy under the 'Manage My Academies' section.
  • Click on 'View/Edit Academy Information' under the ' Administer Academy ' section.
  • Click on the 'Enable/Edit Course Offerings' link under 'Academy and Curriculum'.
  • Click on the checkbox to the left of each version and language for the course you are going to enable at your Academy and select the anticipated class start date.
  • For each curriculum you enable, select 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate if the curriculum will be replacing a similar course at your Academy.
  • Click 'Submit' at the bottom of the page.

Help Desk en Español Latinamerica

Cisco Networking Academy Program
E-mail: webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net
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Important Notices, Privacy Statement, and Trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc.

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."

Cisco's 20th Anniversary.

Twenty years and thousands of innovations later, Cisco stands today as an industry leader with approximately $22 billion in annual revenues. It has a thriving workforce, is results-focused and has a culture of community investment.

See complete article...

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New benefits inside Alumni Connection!

When was the last time you visited the Alumni Connection? If it has been a while, then you have missed some new functionalities, such as:

  • Access to the downloading of the Packet Tracer software.
  • Link to Peter Packet.
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate assessment test (for every student who finished at least one CCNA course).
  • Access to the CCNA Certification Training Center.

Enter the site http://academy-community.net using your Academy's username and click the "Alumni Connection" link .

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Our student's opinion...

"This program has been of great help to me because of its important and updated information. Now I know how networks work, I understand topologies and the technological appliances used to improve performance and control. Hands-on exercises were also very helpful. With this program I became a more organized and responsible person".
Eduardo Torres Cadena. ITESM, CEM. Student.

"I am proud of having the opportunity to attend these courses and get certified as CCNA. I have learned a lot about internetworking devices. I want to keep on learning to complete other certifications".
Elpidio Rivera. UT. Nezahualcóyotl. Student.

SMARTnet: How to make the most of the access to Cisco.com.

Cisco.com is a portal that provides customers who acquired a SMARTnet with unlimited access to the tools, references and knowledge bases used by TAC's (Technical Assistance Center) specialized engineers, to help them through troubleshooting processes.

In Cisco.com you can find several technical support documents classified in four main categories to facilitate the search: Installation and Configuration tools, troubleshooting tools, Case Management tools and Technical Documentation. Besides, the site offers several technical tips, configuration guides, installation guides and case studies.

Using this powerful online tool, the user himself can solve most of the technical problems that could be affecting normal performance of his network, and he will be saving time and money to the company. In fact, recent studies show that three out of four cases requiring technical support can be solved with the tools of Cisco.com

Besides this benefit, Cisco's SMARTnet offers the customer access to specialized TAC (Technical Assistance Center) engineers to help him in cases requiring deeper knowledge, as well as replacement of failed hardware and Cisco IOS Software updates.

Without a Cisco's technical support agreement, the customer is exposed to additional payments every time he accesses the resources and tools that can help him solve network problems.

Ana Saputi,
Customer Advocacy
E-mail: asaputi@cisco.com

SMARTnet for Lab equipment
- SMARTnet is a safe step towards well operating lab equipment. To make sure every student has the possibility to make his hands-on exercises on time, it is necessary that all Academies have a valid SMARTnet.

January 31st 2005 is the due date to fulfill this requirement indicated in the program's QAP (Quality Assurance Plan). If your Academy still does not have it or has not renewed it, please contact Erica Peralta, via e-mail eperalta@netacadlatam.com or by phone 5240-1020.

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Alumni Connection.

Looking for a job?

The Cisco Networking Academy Program offers its students valuable networking training to those companies hiring Information Technologies specialized staff.

Ingram Micro Mexico, Orben Comunicaciones, INFOTEC, ALESTRA and Cisco Systems México have currently important job vacancies .

If you have finished at least CCNA 1 or are a Program's graduate, register here and check out the Employment Exchange information of the Program .

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.

Technology Report .

Integrated Services Routers , offer safe communications to branch offices. Three engineers of the new Cisco Integrated Services Routers talk about the new company's product line .

See more ...

The end of the year is, without question, the proper time to set up new goals. The members of this community around the world share one common goal: CCNA certification. "Next year I will get certified", is something we hear very often, and it is worth to carry it out.

If you have finished or are about to finish CCNA 4, seize the opportunity to study and take the certification exam. It is a worthy effort. "I got certified as CCNA because I saw the impact this certification has in the industry. I had already finished the Program and I knew I had the knowledge to pass the exam," said Ramón Viñals, alumni of the Program and now, Systems Engineer at Cisco Systems (See the success story).

If you have a voucher to take the CCNA certification exam, use it now. Once expired, you will not be able to recover it. All you need is your Academy Connection ID and your Academy Connection Username. The exams are 90 minutes long. The available Spanish version is 604-607. The latest version is 640-801 and is only available in English.

For additional information regarding exams' proceedings and contents, we suggest you to click here.

To take the exam, please visit www.prometric.com or www.vue.com/cisco. We also want to remind you that the Centro Universitario de la Costa and the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas are authorized testing centers.

For instructors this is an unavoidable compromise. If you are an instructor and you took the exam and you are certified as CCNA, please contact us. Erica Peralta, eperalta@netacadlatam.com.

We are sure that during 2005 we will have a lot of CCNA certifications.

Cisco Networking Academy Progrma Mexico.

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Benefits for students and instructors. PADHIA.

"Wisdom begins in wonder”.
- Sócrates.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information call Padhia S.C. at 5603-0840, 671 7081 and 5603-3072.

Visit us, click here!

A reality we cannot hide...

Maybe I should not write these lines during the holiday's season, but it is necessary to take care of what we have, and to know where we are failing, particularly in topics such as certifications, update and maintenance of lab equipment, as well as bridge courses.

Every Academy in Mexico, both Local and Regional, should have at least 2 CCAI (Cisco Certified Academy Instructor) certified instructors, therefore, also CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certified.

More than 150 Academies have been teaching the program for two or more years, therefore the number of CCAI instructors should be at least 300. However, out of 1099 instructors, only 5.7% is certified, it means, there are only 63 certified instructors.

On the other hand, many academies will need to update their equipment to be able to teach the new 3.1 version of the curriculum, and many of them do not have the SMARTnet policy. If to this situation you add the status of the bridge courses training, statistics get more alarming. From October 2003 to October 2004, the CATC offered 4 bridge courses update sessions; 378 instructors registered to these 4 courses, 205 instructors passed, 11 failed and 162 did not finish. Regrettable!

What I mentioned above is not only CATC's responsibility, nor the program's operating team; we are all responsible. So now that you are reading this bulletin, ask yourself how you have helped. Local and Regional academies play a very important role in this subject, too.

If the message for 2004 was "WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF WHAT WE HAVE", 2005 should be its culmination. We want to remind Main Contacts and Instructors that time is running out to comply with QAP's s standards to deal with the new program challenges. Remember that the Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico is made by all of us and our responsibility is to do it with Quality. Today we want you to think about this message. We wish peace and love to enlighten your home during Christmas.

Have a successful 2005!

Operations Teams
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: catcmx@uat.edu.mx
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 Cisco Academy Training Center Sponsored Curriculum.

Centro Universitario de la Costa – Universidad de Guadalajara- wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2005 filled with individual and professional successes. We start next year with the following training schedule:

  • Fundamentals of Unix - January 3 – 7, 2005 .
  • Fundamentals Java Programming Language - January 3 – 7, 2005 & 10 - 12 (8 days).
  • Voice and Data Cabling - January 10 – 14, 2005.
  • IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software - January 17 – 21, 2005.
  • IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems - January 24 – 28, 2005.

The Voice and Data Cabling course is being updated to prepare Network Technicians, Administrators and Managers to identify and solve problems related with the Physical Layer. This curriculum based strongly on skills, prepares students for the real networking world, and it will be available on January 2005. The lab required for this course can be found in the Academy Connection.

This year ends satisfactorily; the number of Academies teaching the Sponsored Curriculum (SC) increased, and the curricula of the SC courses are still being updated. We are aware that the constant changes in technology deserve constant update, for the students to acquire more and better skills to face real world challenges.

We expect to see you in the SC courses. The training schedule can be checked out in http://catc.pv.udg.mx. Do not forget to confirm your attendance to this training before going on vacations.

For more information on these courses and their requirements, please contact Paty Hernández at patyh@pv.udg.mx

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  Cisco Trivia.

How is the ISDN type switch configured in the router?
a) Router>isdn switch-type.
b) Router#isdn  switch-type [tipo].
c) Router(config-if)#interface switch-type.
d) Router(config)#isdn switch-type  (tipo)

Congratulations to
Elia Patiño, winner of the November Trivia, student at the Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez.

If you are the first one to correctly answer this Quiz, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is December 31, 2004. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.

Peter Packet in Alumni Connection.

Learning about routers, servers and packets is now a matter of playing. Academy Connection users can access an innovative entertainment section to learn while playing or to introduce users to networking from Peter Packet's point of view.

In a networked world, Peter Packet faces unpleasant virus, hackers, and congested networks; difficulties he has to overcome to carry information from the Internet to people around the world in a safe way.

Named after the main character of this adventure, Peter Packet is a funny interactive online learning offer developed by Cisco's Creative Learning Studio. The game shows players some of the problems people face around the world to explain them the operation of a network in easy-to-understand terms.

Peter Packet shows the key role of the Internet in the daily lives of people around the world.

To join this adventure, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Academy Connection site and log in: http://www.cisco.com/edu/espanol.
  2. Go to the “Alumni Home” section.
  3. Click on “Alumni.
  4. The link to start playing can be found in the right bottom corner of your screen and it reads “Peter Packet”.

Help Desk en Español Latinamerica
Cisco Networking Academy Program
E-mail: webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net
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Important Notices, Privacy Statement, and Trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc.