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The mission of the Cisco Networking Academy Program is to cooperate with Mexico's development, improving education and technological IT, as well as communications skills. According to this principle, we organized Academy Conference 2005, which wouldn't have been be possible without the support of education and technology leaders, who generously shared their experience among the academic community. But it was also possible thanks to the 1,600 Cisco Networking Academy Program's students and instructors who believed in this project. We hope the show provided you with a professional and personal development opportunity. We also want to thank the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas for sharing the challenges of this event. Thank you very much one and all!

We know that a big part of our community more than 30,000 students and instructors, didn't have the chance to join us. Therefore, we would like to dedicate this Netacad's bulletin edition to go over the most relevant aspects of the event.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.

We are listening. NOW.
Students, instructors and main contacts comprise the heart of the Cisco Networking Academy Program. We want to listen to you and to attend you better.
Satisfaction survey, April 2005. Click here.

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"This newsletter has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."

Jaime Carpenter.
General Manager, Cisco Systems Mexico.
"The goal Cisco wants to achieve through this event is to bring together a small part of the students' community of the more than 300 Academies in México, where the Cisco Networking Academy Program is present, as well as to introduce attendants to the latest networking and Internet technologies".

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO), the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, this year celebrates 20 years of commitment to technology innovation, industry leadership, and corporate social responsibility. Information on Cisco can be found at at http://www.cisco.com. For ongoing news, please go to http://newsroom.cisco.com.

Academy Conference 2005. Mission Accomplished!

Last April 14 and 15, more than 1,600 attendants brought to life the Centro de Conveciones in Puebla; together they wrote the story of Academy Conference 2005: the first Cisco Networking Academy Program's IT, Networking and Telecommunications show.

On Monday 14th, at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning, hundreds of students and instructors from all around México and several Latin-American countries, lined up to register for the event.

One by one, attendants entered the Analco hall, and no one expected the surprise, that despite the fact that Mrs. Martha Sahagún de Fox couldn't attend, she sent a video message where she warmly congratulated each member of the program for their development and she encouraged them to go on, on behalf of the society.

The first lecturer was Jaime Carpenter, President and General Manager, Cisco Systems Mexico, who spoke of the future changes and perspectives that will widen students' professional development. Throughout the day, several guests gave lectures, including Cisco Systems' area managers, as well as executives from our sponsors, such as Linksys, Intel and Pandiut, among others, all of them networking and technology experts.

The first day ended with a great surprise for the attendants: a bazaar-like social night. Neither rain, nor tiredness held back instructors and students' joy and energy. Surrounded by live-music, everybody danced, ate, and partied with their colleges from other states, meeting the goal of the organizers: fun and members' meeting.

The second day started with great expectation and with the firm idea to continue learning and acquiring knowledge, as well as the opportunity to get in touch with the experts, who were eager to share their experiences.

The final stage included a round table with a first-class panel. Major topics were discussed, and the attendants were able to place questions to the members of the panel and to share their interests and doubts.

Finally, in a melancholic atmosphere, Verónica Tostado, Program Manager, Programa Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico closed the event, thanking every person: attendants for their enthusiastic participation, lecturers for sharing their knowledge and meeting with the members of the program, and to every one who cooperated in the organizing of this event.

Thanks to every one for making Academy Conference 2005 a reality.
See you next year!

Career Connection. Recruiting during Academy Conference 2005. Great Success!

During Academy Conference 2005, our partner Compusoluciones made a nationwide effort looking for new talented people to start a new expansion project. Results were successful: more than 200 students registered as potential candidates.

Don't think it over, post today your resume (curriculum) in Career Connection / Employment Exchange. Visit http://cc.netacad.net.

"I currently work in an IT area in SAGARPA. We are pursuing an integrated project, including voice, data, and video using existing infrastructure. I couldn't do my job if I didn't have the skills and knowledge offered by Cisco Networking Academy".
Francisco Valdez Tovar.
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.

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Welcome Message.

"...In front of you is a space of community modernization, but also of personal development to forge a fine future for oneself. A future that enables you a better life quality and the possibility to support your community people's development, especially of those who didn't have working or learning opportunities..."

Welcome message from Mrs. Marta Sahagún de Fox to all attendants at the Academy Conference 2005.

To see the video message, click here.

Our students say...
"Academy Conference was an event I was waiting for. I knew it was going to be a first-class show, and it really was. It met my expectations, and I was able to corroborate that technology is part of our lives, and that knowledge is only possible through a lot of learning, through updates and through lectures and events...".
Alicia Torres Márquez.
Universidad Tecnológica de Morelia.

"This is the first time I attend a Cisco's event, and I can say I really liked it... I hope to be able to come next year, to see more innovations".
Angel Jorge Cárdenas Morales.
Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco.

Alumni Connection.

"...I graduated from a regional high school and, to say the truth, I had no idea of what the University was like, since I didn't speak English nor did I know how to use a computer. Through the Cisco program I have been learning about new technologies. I already finished the 4 modules and next year I might get my certification".
Victor Hugo Montaño Cruz.
Centro Universitario de la Costa Cuc.

"Continue organizing these kinds of events and lectures, which help to improve ourselves in our working environment".
Roberto Contreras Cárdenas.
Universidad Tecnológica de Tabasco.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
Cisco Networking Academy is a non profit program in Mexico. If you are requested a fee to take any course, please contact us at click here.


On of the major challenges of the Cisco Networking Academy Program in Mexico is without question the certification issue. Academy Conference was also intended to be an update forum, and it was possible to take 200 certification exams free of charge. We strongly congratulate those who successfully seized this opportunity. Those who didn't are cordially invited to face the challenge, to continue studying and try it again next time.

We want to congratulate the following students and instructors who got the highest scores in their exams:

  • Damián Martínez Rico. ITESM.
  • Sergio Ruiz Moctezuma. Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica. IPN.
  • José Gonzálo Lugo Pérez. Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro.
  • Antonio Rodríguez Gómez.
  • Himer Hernández Magaña. Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica. IPN.
  • Jaime Martínez Garza. ITESM Campus Monterrey.
  • Isabel Legón Sautie.
  • Salomón Schandower. ITESM Campus Estado de Mexico.
  • Oscar Díaz Alcántara. Universidad Anáhuac del Sur.


For those who are certified: How to keep certifications active.

Cisco has extended the recertification policies for the associate's level (CCNA).
In order to keep their certifications active, users must advance to the next certification level or re-certificate.

To renew their certifications, users need to show their knowledge in advanced technologies by passing the exams. Recertification:

The last version of the CCNA certifications is valid for three years. To automatically renew their Associate certification users must, either advance to the Professional level of certification (CCNP) or recertify as Professional.

To recertify, users need to register and pass assigned exams. It is required to make all proper recertification arrangements prior to expiration.

CCNA users are recertified when they pass the latest certification exam or any exam bearing the prefix 642. When taking any of these exams, recertification is automatic.

Cisco Qualified Specialist's recertification exams are updated versions of the certification exams.Candidates must be aware of their certification's expiration date. If candidates do not meet the recertification requirements prior to the expiration date, their certification will expire. There is no time extension. Users with an expired certification must repeat the entire certification exam process in order to regain their certification.

For more information on certification status of the certification, authorized certification sites, etc please visit:

The following link has also important recertification information:

For more information, do not forget to contact us.

Help Desk in Spanish.
Cisco Networking Academy Program
E-mail: webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net

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Certified students say... 
"I decided to certify because knowledge is important, but more important is to certify. Certification guarantees your knowledge and skills, besides it was a personal goal which now became an important achievement...
...When I registered for the exam I was taking module 3, so I had to study module's 4 contents on my own based on the curriculum and Cisco's books...
I took the exam in English and it didn't appear difficult to me; only one or two questions were confusing...
Salomón Schñadower Mustri.
ITESM Campus Estado de Mexico.

My experience in Networking Academy has been satisfying. During the Academy Conference I had the opportunity to certify as CCNA, despite the fact I was still studying module 3".
Sergio Ruiz Moctezuma.
IPN ESIME Zacatenco.

Our speakers say...
"Great event! One of the best lectures I've attended globally. I've learned a lot...".
Jackie Barker.
Quality Assurance Manager, Cisco Systems.

"Congratulations to the team for the professional organization".
Isaac Majerowicz.
Technical Manager, Cisco Networking Academy, Latin America.

"A very valuable event".
Irvin Valencia.
Information Technologies Manager, Casa Herradura.

Our Instructors say... 
"Meeting, sharing, enjoying, discussing.... with instructors and students from other places. Exchanging professional and personal experiences with Cisco Systems experts, with people from regional/local academies, and with foreign CATC was a special and motivating experience, which encouraged us to continue with the Program...".
Araceli Narváez Saucedo.
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.

Academy Conference Quiz.

What percentage of Academy Conference's attendants were women?

A) 46%.
B) 70%.
C) 32%.
D) 20%.

Congratulations to David Escalona Martinez, winner of the March trivia.

If you are the first one to correctly answer this Quiz, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is April 30, 2005. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.

Results of the Peter Packet Contest.

Rounds: 11.
Students per Round: 11.

Number of Contenders: 121 students.


  • 1st Place: Salomón Schanadower, 370,000 points. ITESM, Campus Estado de Mexico.
  • 2nd Place: Adolfo Correa, 295,000 points. ITESM, Campus Estado de Mexico.
  • 3rd Place: Jaime Rocha Vives, 285,000 points. Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to sponsors and contenders.

Thank you every one!

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Our exponent say...
"Congratulations. A great team is required to coordinate such big participation".
José Ignacio Guzmán Vázquez.
Business Development Manager, Intel.

Winner of the Peter Packet Contest.

"I read about this game in the Internet site and I liked it. I found it very useful and didactic for people starting in the Program; it should be promoted".
Salomón Schñadower Mustri.

ITESM Campus Estado de Mexico.

Our Attendants say...
"I have been helping in structured cabling installation and I was able to meet people from other places. We worked together to finish the installation. I also had the chance to meet people from other companies such as Apsis, Cisco México, and the UAT campus Tampico, and we made a good team...".
Juan José Huerta Sosa.
Associate Professional in Information Networks Installation.

I am from Morelia Michoacán, and this is the first time I attend to such a big event. Due to the topics discussed, I think it is worth to attend to the next one; I learned a lot, and I had the chance to meet nice people".
Oscar S. Herrera Raya.
Morelia, Michoacán.

Thank you...

Academy Conference 2005 has been a gratifying experience for everyone who did its bit for the show. In this special edition we would like to thank everyone who, directly or indirectly, took part in the event.

Cisco Academy Training Center, Mexico.
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
Oliver Acosta
Ramón Herrera
Orlando Acosta
Everardo Huerta
Armando Alvarado
Juan José Huerta
José Luis Antonio Hernández
Arturo Lerma
Daniel Azuara
Javier Macias
Alfredo Balboa
Alejandro Marquez
Karina Butrón
Jesus Mata
Norma Carvajal
Sergio Moreno
Irina Castro
Diana Pereira
Daniel Cuellar
Adolfo Ramírez
Marcela Diaz
Enrique Reyna
Sonia Durán
Rodrigo Rodriguez
Alfredo Espinoza
Aracely Saucedo
Ivonne Espiricueta
Adan Urbina
Jair Gómez
Felipe Sosa
Ricardo Gonzalez
Wendolyn Z
Gustavo Granados
Victor Hugo Hernández

We are sure that, thanks to you, Academy Conference 2006 will be the most important IT event in Mexico.

Operations Team CATC Mexico.
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: catcmx@uat.edu.mx

From the CATC Sponsored Curriculum.

Congratulations to the Cisco Systems operations team who allowed us to enjoy “Academy Conference 2005”. It was amazing the number of Academies' students who joined the event, as well as the way they were handled. Due to the experience of the lecturers the sessions were really interesting. From Centro Universitario de la Costa there were 40 attendants; there was also the presence of individuals from Local Academies from Centro Universitario del Norte, Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, Centro Universitario del Sur, all of them from the Universidad de Guadalajara and from Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO). A small survey showed that the most interesting sessions were the ones offered by Jaime Carpenter, Sergio Mejía, Isaac Majerowicz and Claudio X. González, mainly for the topics discussed. We expect more similar events to meet with the Academic community of Cisco Systems.


Paty Hernández.
Legal Main Contact.
Centro Universitario de la Costa – Universidad de Guadalajara.

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For instructors only.

One of the topics discussed during Retooling the annual Regional Academies updating event, held during the Academy Conference 2005 show was the need for a SMARTnet agreement. This agreement goes beyond protecting the equipment used in the Programa Cisco Networking Academy; it offers much more benefits.

Knowledge one click away.

Experience and specialized knowledge of our Cisco engineers is available through our website at Cisco.com.

Besides this information, privileged access to www.cisco.com, is granted through a SMARTnet agreement, which enables users to use several configuration and installation tools allowing them to:

  • Identify, assess and track down bugs who might be affecting network performance. Identify particular software versions features. Verify compatibility among products and software versions. Search current or potential hardware and software configurations. Access to Cisco's software center as well as to the Cisco's products and applications upgrade tool.
  • Seek advice from qualified engineers worldwide, through forums in the web.

When using tools and resources available at www.cisco.com, your technical IT staff will be able to troubleshoot most of the day by day networking problems, using the same tools used by TAC's engineers to diagnose and troubleshoot networks. Your staff will have the opportunity to learn from Cisco's Best Practices.

Remember, if you do not have a SMARTnet agreement, your company will have to pay each time you need to use these online tools and resources.

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