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MEXICO, April 2003.

Cisco Networking Academy E-Newsletter

  1. Our Community
  2. News!
  3. What Students and Instructors think about the program
  4. Did you know...?
  5. Activities Schedule
  6. Sponsored Curriculum
  7. Alliances
  8. May I help you?

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."
Our Community
Beyond CCNA Certification …

The first time I heard about a certification program for Universities was inside an elevator in a very nice Hotel, where I met Lisa Streeter, Program Manager of the Cisco Program in Latin America. Until then, I had never even heard the name of the program. When it was presented in México in September 99, it had no impact and only few universities adopted it.

The reason of my visit was to learn about the program to assess the feasibility of implementing it in our university. A lot of students would benefit with the integration of this program to our curriculum: They would be part of the largest e-Learning program in the world, the program included training sessions for Instructors, theoretic and hands-on activities, and quality control schemes, among other things. But what really caught my attention was that, though Cisco Systems is a Telecommunications and Communication Technologies company, the program is based on standards and important topics like the OSI model, cabling schemes, routing, IP addressing, subnets, access lists and so on. Topics like these are presented in such a way that the students really learn. The concepts are integrated as a ladder, where every step represents a well-founded knowledge. From my point of view and my experiences as a degree and master degree student, this program has a different approach; if I give the program to a sales representative, he would tell me that the product sells for itself.

As for the Mexican Universities, this program really updates our teachers and leads the students to a competitive world. The program embraces a lot of added values, for example, the ability to prepare teachers and students to present the CCNA certification exam. "But, what is a CCNA?" I will quote what happened to me while I was writing this editorial: "I opened my Internet browser and searched for CCNA in the T1msn page, as a result I got 25 documents, and 15 were Universities' pages".

Many Mexican Universities who adopted the program, did so thanks to their visionary and proactive personnel, that also had a great sense of responsibility, since educating is a great responsibility, but to educate with high quality requires additional efforts. For some people this could be marketing, for others a treasure full of knowledge that allows us to offer added values to our students, and this conveys with the saying of the Rector, Lic. Jesús Lavin Santos del Prado, "Our University's reason of being".

After 3 years of experience in the Tamaulipas Autonomous University, with a lot of pride I can see that this program is growing in different academic areas. I know this has been a shared task between Cisco Systems' Personnel, specially Verónica Tostado, Isaac Majerowicz, Help Desk staff: Erika, Nelly, Daniela, Rodrigo, Carlos, Daniel and University's staff, who have trusted me to establish new challenges and guidelines. While t is certainly true that the CCNA certification is a very important project and the skills acquired are very useful for people with degrees in Information technologies or Systems Engineering, as well as for every information technologies' related technical studies, the CCNP is perfect for university students to go on with the technological education, using the same method, but involving more knowledge and modern infrastructure.

I recently had the opportunity to attend to the fifth semester of the program, and from here I want to greet my friends in Dominican Republic and Equator. In this semester I am adopting new concepts, techniques, experiences and most of all, great satisfaction. I really think that for all those Technology and Communications lovers, this program will be very useful and we will be able to share knowledge. I want to thank everyone that directly or indirectly trusted me to be the main promoter of this new project. I know this is a big responsibility, but my willing to do it is bigger. The confidence and support of my family to accomplish new challenges is very important and priceless. If someone asks me about my behavior, I would say I owe it to my parents, thanks for teaching me values, for being an example of perseverance.

CCNA is an important step program … build your own ladder ... and build it as high as you want to get ... getting to the top is up to you, and you set the time and space to do it.

M.C. Everardo Huerta
CATC México, Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

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Attention Students…

- We want to let you know that the discount Voucher to take the CCNA certification exam is 70%.

- Show us your knowledge!!!
Answer the following questions, and if you are the first with the correct answers (only by e-mail), you'll get a surprise gift. Please send us you Academy Connection's Username and Password to be an official participant.

1. What command applies an access list in an interface ?
2. Which layer of the OSI reference Model performs the data encryption functions ?

-Get enrolled in the Employment Exchange
We invite you to enroll in the Cisco Networking Academy Program's employment exchange, and if you are currently working, please send us to the following e-mail: te_ayudo@netacad.com.mx the contact information of the Human Resources area of the company where you are employed, to invite them to join us.

To register, please fill out the form in the following web page: http://www.cisco.com/mx/netacad/bolsa1.shtml

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What Students and Instructors think about the program

I was in the seventh semester the Computer Systems Engineering degree in the ITESM campus Guadalajara, when I had to choose the subjects for next school year. Non of them were interesting. In the following days, I heard about a Cisco Systems Academy being opened at campus and that for the next semester it was going to offer networking related subjects. I talked to the head of my course and he gave me a detail description of the Cisco Academies. I didn't hesitate to enroll in the program. After starting the course, every day I could confirm that networking was what I wanted to do in the future; it was clear, coherent and orderly. I was about to start the second module and the last semester of my University course, when I decided to find a job. I thought the process of looking for a job would be long and tiring, sending resumes, interviews, tests, etc.

The first job that really interested me was as engineer in Avantel's INOC (Internet Network Operation Center), so I send my resume. Few days later, I received an email to go to the Human Resources department for an interview. I went to the interview and I had been surprisingly chosen for the job, even though I haven't finished my engineering degree nor was I certified as CCNA.

Today I am certified and I am sure that the determining factor to choose me was because I was a Cisco Academy student. My sincere acknowledge to my instructors and to everyone involved in this priceless program.

Pedro Parra Parra
ITESM Student - Campus Guadalajara.

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Did you know...?

Cisco, ahead of the wireless LANs ecosystem.

Industry leaders like, Agere Systems, Atheros, Atmel, HP, IBM, Intel, Intersil, Marvell, and Texas Instruments support the program, "Cisco Compatible Extensions".

Cisco Systems announced a free of charge licensing agreement, which allows the interoperability of client adapters with third party mobile devices, using Cisco Aironet, Cisco's wireless local area network infrastructure.

The program known as "Cisco Compatible Extensions" is available for a selected group of strategic silicon providers, who produce embedded and individual wireless LAN designs.
Complet Article...

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Activities Schedule


CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

Retooling is a yearly event, intended to review the most relevant issues of the program, like news, program status, improvements and training.

The purpose of this event is to keep all Regional Academies up to date and informed of the most important activities regarding the administration and teaching of the program. The participation in this event is high priority; every Regional Academy is committed to attend.

For more information please contact:
Marcela Diaz-Guzman Verastegui
Mail: mdiaz@uat.edu.mx
AOL: Marcela CATC MX

Date: May 29 & 30
Location: Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas.

CCNA, CCNP y Sponsored Curriculm
Consult the next dates in:

- Technological University, Hermosillo, Sonora
- CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University
- Technological Queretaro University
- Technological North Guanajuato University
- CATC SC - CUC Guadalajara University

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Sponsored Curriculum

The purpose of the Regional Academy "Centro Universitario de la Costa - Universidad de Guadalajara" chosen by Cisco Systems as CATC SC (Cisco Academy Training Center, Sponsored Curriculum) in México, is to implement the SC courses in addition to the Cisco Networking Academy Program semesters, to Mexican instructors and students. The courses are.

  • Fundamentals de UNIX.
  • IT Essentials I y II.
  • Java Programming.

The Sponsored Curriculum allows for the training of Regional Academies' instructors in México, as well as for the teaching of these courses to the Cisco Networking Academy Program's students.

Thanks to Cisco and its alliance with Sun Microsystems and Hewlett Packard, the level of knowledge and skills has been increased for program's students. The student is able to reach his / her productive stage in business and / or in the technological industry, assuring his /her competence inside the global economy.

Courses include the basic internetworking concepts required to implement networking solutions, as well as the participation in labs designed to help students interact with the equipment and tools.

For more information please contact:
Patricia Hernández patyh@pv.udg.mx or Edmundo Sánchez edmundo@pv.udg.mx.

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Program´s Benefits for the community…

Remember that one of the program's benefits is the 70% discount in the certification exam. The approximate cost at full price is $150 usd.

To locate the CCNA testing Centers in México, please visit the following sites:
www.vue.com/cisco y www.prometric.com.

We inform that Cisco Networking Academy Program First-Year and Second year Companion Guides, now are available. You can finf it in the Bookstore “Casa del Libro” (Mexico DF) or you can request it in your local libraries.

To compensate the absence of this titles in the past months, Pearson Education will give 3 off this titles with value of 690.00 pesos each one (Cisco Networking Academy Program: First-Year and Second year Companion Guides), to the first 3 people who answer correctly the follw questions

1. What´s the origin of Pearson Education Press ?
2. Actually, how many academies does Cisco Networking Academy Program Have in Mexico?
3. Tell us 5 titles of of Cisco Press for the CCNA certification.

Send us your answers via e-mail to: te_ayudo@netacad.com.mx if the questions are correctly, we will send you the books to your community. (This trivia is just for Students and Instructors of Cisco networking Academy Program Mexico).

We invite you to put atention this section, we will continue making this kind of games to give you gifts. And we invite you to know more about Pearson Education in it´s Computational, Business, and general titles.

The beauty of the dessert - said the little prince -, is that somewhere out there is a hidden well.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery.

At Padhia we offer Human Integral Develop programs, academic improvement, pedagogic educational actualization, as well as integration for cutting edge technological education.

For more information visit the website at: www.padhia.com.mx/cnap/index.htm

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May I Help you?
How can I add a Student to a class?

Legal Main Contacts, Instructors, Curriculum Leads, and Registrars have the ability to enroll an existing Student into a class if the Student has completed the course prerequisites. Please follow the steps below to enroll an existing Student into a class.

  1. From the 'Instructor Home' page, locate the 'Manage Student Classes' heading under the green 'Teach' section of the page and click on the name of the class under the appropriate Academy.
  2. Click on the 'Roster' link for the class
  3. Click on 'Enroll Eligible Students'
  4. Click on the checkbox to the left of the Students that you are attempting to enroll
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on 'Compose Welcome Message'
  6. Add notes to the welcome message if desired and click 'Submit'

The system will generate Student accounts for each Student Number entered. You will then be presented with a screen that contains the Student Numbers entered and their respective Academy Connection ID numbers and temporary passwords. You will also have the ability to download an Excel file with this information and/or ‘Print’ the file containing this information.

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