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MEXICO, August 2003.

Cisco Networking Academy E-Newsletter

  1. Editorial
  2. Our Community
  3. News!
  4. Did you know...?
  5. Activities Schedule
  6. Sponsored Curriculum
  7. Alliances
  8. From the CATC
  9. May I help you?

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."
Importance of Information Technologies Education…

Education in our country claims for teachers and students to be trained in new skills, which allow them to face tomorrow's challenges.

Internet provides several benefits to education and therefore it is considered a very useful educational tool. This service allows access to a heap of information, which turns Internet into the biggest resource font for knowledge development.

According to John Chambers, President and CEO, Cisco Systems, "INTERNET AND EDUCATION ARE THE TWO GREAT EQUALIZERS IN OUR LIVES".

One reason Information technologies and education are close related is that Internet allows for a broader knowledge, and teachers and students find in IT a powerful tool for the continuous improvement of the teaching-learning process, allowing access to the latest information on any subject and anywhere.

Information Technologies trends shows that enterprises require professionals not only with a University Degree, but also with a plus, like an IT certification. The most wanted professionals are those specialized, for example in Networking. Remember the IDC study regarding the lack of networking specialists, showing that less than 8% of Mexican graduates have training in Information Technologies, and that a demand of 182,000 networking experts is expected in our country.

The main concern of most of the Educational Institutions in our country today, is to increase their curriculum and to implement new education methods, for the students to be ready to face future challenges.

Educational Institutions are not alone; several industry-leader Information Technologies companies are establishing agreements with them to create new training schemes, such as Cisco Systems that through its Cisco Networking Academy Program offers its participants not only the required training to achieve the CCNA and CCNP certifications, but Cisco has also developed a training ecosystem in other specialty areas, and companies like Panduit, HP, and Sun are part of it. These help the growth of IT certifications training and allow Educational Institutions in the improvement of their curriculum, to prepare their students to face the demand for Information Technologies professionals.

Rafael Gonzalo Alvarez Campos
Main Contact and Instructor
Regional Academy "Professional Technical Education School in Tabasco"

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Cisco Worldwide Education is pleased to offer the Networking Academy conference in México City, on Wednesday September 3rd, 2003!

The Networking Academy Conference will be held in the same place as Networkers, but it will NOT be integrated to Networkers. This year, the Networking Academy Conference will still be offering what you like from Networkers, to be up to date in the Cisco Networking Academy program progress, professional relationships with colleagues, technical training and a lot of FUN! All this at a lower price!

You can find all the information you need about the Networking Academy conference or Networkers, in the following web pages:

- http://www.cisco.com/mx/nw03/spa/netacad.shtml
- http://www.cisco.com/mx/nw03/spa/faqs_na.shtml


- Cisco Networking Academy Mexico is giving 15 entries for Networkers!!!
If you are a Legal Main Contact or an Instructor and want to go to Networkers, don't miss the opportunity of getting a FREE entry ticket.

How? Very easy, just follow these steps:

This offering is valid only for Main Contacts and active Instructors of the Cisco Networking Academy Program.
- You must enrol at least 30 students to the Networking Academy Conference.
- Confirm the student's registration and payment before August 20th to grant the Instructor or Main Contact free access.
- Access to Networkers include: free CCNA certification test (limited according to the application number), General Networking Academy Session, technical sessions specific to Networking Academy, selected technical sessions, special event, and access to World of Solutions.

This is the biggest networking event in Latin America and your presence and the presence of your students makes it more interesting; don't let it pass.

For more information please contact


-Show us your knowledge!
We want to thank all those students who have been participating in the different quizzes we published in previous bulletins and we also want to congratulate August winner, again Juan Carlos Romero Sánchez from ITESM Campus Estado de Mexico who answered all questions correctly.

Answer the following questions and if you are the first to have them correct (only via e-mail), you'll get a surprise. You have to send us your Academy's Connection username and password to participate.


1. Which is the mode where you can perform typical tasks such as changing the router's configuration?

2. Which is the register number of a normal configuration to search for the configuration file

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Our Community
My experience in the Cisco Networking Academy Program...

Even though I just finished the first CCNA semester, I realized how much I've learned about networking and its implementation in the real world. It's been a great experience having access to the valuable information provided in the course. As students, we are eager to go on with these courses. Understanding new concepts has been easy and they have been reaffirmed through the tests and through the CCNA quizzes. Some of us, able to put our knowledge into practice, understand the importance to keep on learning.

When I started studying Systems and Computers, I knew I wanted to focus on networking; today I am sure that my future and the future of many support and information technologies companies is related to networking. I hope Cisco systems continue supporting students.

At this time of growing competitiveness and globalisation, it is very important to have the support of experienced companies like Cisco to go ahead. An ordinary higher education is not enough; I have been reading since I was a child, however it's been difficult to reach some of my goals. Through the training you are offering us, I am sure it will be easier for me and for my mates to acquire the professional preparation we need to reach our goals. I am proud of the universities growth and the creation of new networking labs, housing Cisco equipment on behalf of our education.

The strength of this country is its young people, however I would say educated and professionally prepared young people, able to rub shoulders with other professionals around the world.

With the support of this program, it will be easier for us to make our way in life and satisfy this demanding world; a world full of opportunities for those ready to take them.

Mario Daniel Domínguez Sosa
Universidad Autónoma de Veracruz (Villa Rica)

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Did you know...?

Cisco Systems announced that it reached a major milestone by shipping its 2 millionth Internet Protocol (IP) phones, 50,000 of them have been sold in Latin America.
- . Cisco also announced that this technology would be implemented in the XIV "Panamerican Games" in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from August 1st to August 17th.

The second million of IP Phones has been sold to SouthTrust Bank, one of the top-20 bank holding companies in the United Stated. "This signifies that IP Telephony is becoming mainstream technology in business organizations around the world and solidifies Cisco's leadership in this fast growing market," said Zeus Kerravala, vice president of enterprise infrastructure at the Yankee Group.

Complet Article...

Internet increases the productivity of Latin-American companies
- More than half of the companies (54%) declared as high the possibility to invest in Information Technologies in the next 2 years. Almost half of the business leaders from the major Latin American economies believe that the Internet has significantly improved the productivity of their companies, and 36% believes that it has improved it "somehow".

This is one of the key findings from a study sponsored by Cisco Systems and conducted by the independent market research firm Kaagan Research Associates entitled "Attitudes of Latin American Business Executives Regarding the Internet."

From a regional perspective, the growing influence that Internet is having in increasing productivity in companies is particularly evident in Brazil and in México. 53% of the respondents in Brazil and 50% in México, agree that the Internet has significantly improved their companies' productivity, while in other countries this percentage is smaller: Colombia and Peru (45%) and Argentina and Chile (33%).

Complet Article...

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Activities Schedule

CCNA, CCNP y Sponsored Curriculm
Consult the next dates in:

- CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University
- Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Technological Nezahualcoyotl University

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Sponsored Curriculum

The Sponsored Curriculum courses will be offered during October and November in the Cisco Academy Training Centre SC in Puerto Vallarta. It's amazing the interest shown by the academies and students to be part of this curriculum and increase their tools for students training. HP, Panduit and Sun Microsystems give us the opportunity of more training. We want to invite every academy in Mexico to participate in these courses. Contact us if you want that one of our instructors teach a course in your facilities.

On the other hand, from August 19 to 23, the course IT Essentials I from HP will be offered in the Universidad de Occidente in Los Mochis, anyone interested in this course, please send a mail to

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Program´s Benefits for the community…

Remember that one of the program's benefits is the 70% discount in the certification exam. The approximate cost at full price is $150 usd.

To locate the CCNA testing Centers in México, please visit the following sites:

www.vue.com/cisco y www.prometric.com .

Cisco Networkers 2003 is around the corner. In this event you will be able to find the latest Cisco Press' titles in English and Spanish. During the event, you'll get 30% off in the Cisco Store, so you cannot miss the opportunity to get books like.

- CCIE Practical Studies: Security (CCIE Self-Study)
- MPLS and VPN Architectures, Volume II
- Cisco Catalyst® QoS: Quality of Service in Campus Networks
- Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide 3.0
- Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 1 and 2 Lab Companion
- Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 3 and 4 Lab Companion

More information contact Erick Rodríguez erick.rodriguez@personed.com or call to +53-87-08-77; 53-87-08-91.

Best Regards,
Pearson Education México

"Intelligence without emotion is a bird without wings".
C. Archie Danielson.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information:

We are pleased to inform you about our advance in our academic Cisco - Sun program and to tell you that we recently signed an agreement with the University of Veracruz and with the Technological University in Hermosillo -both Cisco's Regional Academies. These universities signed the academic agreement together with their local academies.

Following is a list of the local academies that will sign with the Regional Academies mentioned above:

University in Veracruz (Universidad Veracruzana)
- Technological Institute in Misantla
- University Cultural Center in Veracruz
- Faculty of Statistics and Information Technologies
- Faculty of Administrative Computers Systems in Xalapa
- Faculty of Telecommunications Engineering in Veracruz
- Faculty of Telecommunications Engineering in Poza Rica
- Faculty of Engineering in Xalapa
- Cristobal Colón University
- Faculty of Computer Systems in Veracruz

Technological University in Hermosillo:
- Kino University
- Superior Studies' Technological Institute in Cajeme
- Superior Technological Institute in Cananea
- Northwest University
- TU (Technological University) in Tijuana
- TU in Cd. Juárez
- TU in Chihuaha
- TU in Piedras Negras
- TU in Nogales
- TU in Hermosillo

It is very important to mention that during this month the regional and local academies of these universities will be trained, so they can start teaching these courses to their students in September 2003.

Any Cisco Regional or Local Academy interested in signing our academic program Cisco - Sun, please sign the Sponsored Curriculum agreement.

We are expecting your participation in this academic program!
For more information about the Cisco - Sun program, please contact Viviana Adalid,

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From the CATC...
SMARTnet, A solution at your fingertips

Guarantees exist in almost every product, weather electronic or others. Today, we really do not worry about the guarantee, the user's manual or the customer's support until problems arise. The telecommunications area is not an exception, and after tracking down the statistics of the different local academies regarding the use of SMARTnet, we decided to write these lines, expecting to help you. Many Cisco's products have a limited 90 days guarantee, and according to Gartner Group, 80% of the networking problems are not hardware related, and therefore it is very important to know what is the SMARTnet support offered by Cisco.

This service improves the performance of the installed Cisco networks, offering technical assistance, online resources, IOS upgrades, advanced parts replacement, etc. There is an option to this service called 8x5xNBD, which means 8 hours support during 5 days with a next day response, it also allows the customer to check for service availability and to identify the kind of service available in its city or country in the following link:

SMARTnet and SMARTnet on-site will help you with the advanced parts replacement, avoiding the need for backup equipment. These services are available throughout 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Service through our Technical Assistance Centre (TAC) is also included. We have 4 TAC centres around the world, accessible via telephone or via web, the service is available in Spanish and in Portuguese, with more than 2000 engineers, 64% with a CCIE certification.

One important issue is the IOS upgrade, to keep the equipments up and running with optimum performance, new features and security.
Customers have also access to Cisco.com, an online support tool including knowledge resources, and online problem solution, as well as access to new technologies' solutions and courses, configuration tools, and online diagnoses for network customisation.

If you are already a SMARTnet user, I expect you are using it, otherwise we suggest you visit the following link:

As always, it is a pleasure to share this space with you. See you next month.
And...Are you ready for Networkers 2003?

Best Regards,

CATC México,
Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

E-mail: catcmx@netacad.com.mx

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May I Help you?
How can I quickly search through the list of users at my Academy?

The Academy User List has recently been upgraded and a 'Search/Filter' feature has been added. All Non-Student users may now use the 'Search/Filter' feature to organize their list of Academy Users. The 'Search/Filter User List' link, located at the top of the Academy User List page, allows user data to be separated upon entering specific search criteria. With the 'Search/Filter' feature, you will no longer need to scroll through several pages to locate a specific user or user type. You can search or filter your list of Academy users by criteria such as city, state, country, last name, Academy role and more. In addition, the list is searchable so you can find the record for one user if you wish (enter email address or first name or last name, etc.). To use this feature, please follow the steps below:

1. Login to the Academy Connection site.
2. From the 'Instructor Home' page, click on the 'Manage Academy User List' link located under either the 'Manage Student Classes' or 'Manage Instructor Classes' section of the page
3. Click on the 'Search/Filter User List' link located directly above the name of the Academy at the top of the Academy User List page
4. Enter the Filter Criteria
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Search/Filter User List' link

After receiving the list of results, you may reset the list to display all users at the Academy by clicking on the 'View Full Academy User List' link located directly above the name of the Academy.

Help Desk.
Cisco Networking Academy México.

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