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May I help you ?
Questions and Information about the Bridge Courses.
1. Is the Bridge Curriculum intended to be a guide?
2. Will the CCNA and CCNP Bridge Courses be static curriculum or dynamic curriculum?... >> More

Welcome to the August Edition of our Netacad's Information Bulletin, meeting point of a community in Mexico with more than 30,000 students, 1,000 instructors and 300 academies.

In this issue, Our Community a friendly hand, technical support, a secure and reliable tool we can access to explain and solve Networking Academy cases: Help Desk in Spanish. In Technology Report, one day in the life of IP telephony. Questions about bridge courses? May I help You? has the answers. Did you know … you can make the most of your services agreement? From Athens, Olympic hiring. For all students and instructors, in From the CATC, just a reminder about certifications. Interact in Networking Academy, with the rest of the world: Community on Line. Additionally, our regular sections , Get Certified...

Our gratitude to all of you who have sent us comments and suggestions to make this a useful and interesting publication.

Remember that your point of view is very important.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.

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There are First Aid packages, hospital emergencies, telephone centers, naval S.O.S., prevention lights, strong and beautiful life guardians at the beach, alarms, signs… and a long list of resources to ask for help o to find a solution. But, except for a cinematographic version, there is not real access to 800-GOD. So, where do you go or whom do you ask when you have a problem or when you have questions about networking?

Cisco Systems and the Cisco Networking Academy Program are always improving to offer their users community benefits beyond technology. We are talking about Help Desk, a friendly hand, technical support, and a secure and reliable tool to explain and solve cases.

From Mexico, Galicia reaches Spain.
Two years ago, due to the need to address the Spanish-speking community, it was necessary to create a working team now led by Rodrigo Galicia, who acts currently as Support Desk Manager (in Spanish). The team is in charge of motorizing and solving every question received through this tool, offered in the Academy Connection. One person in the team is dedicated full time to solve cases for Latin America.

When a case is opened or a request is received, a message is automatically send to the user notifying him that we will try to give an answer in 48 hours. We approximately solve 25 to 35 cases daily. Our job is very active and research intensive. We want to give optimum and effective answers, satisfying every client". Galicia reports amazing figures: 154 cases per week and 600 to 750 cases solved per month.

How to ask for Help?
Getting to Help Desk is quite easy, even when there are several ways to do it, depending on the users status. For students, the access path is to send a mail to webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net. Most of the cases received through this path have to do with Academys search, contacting the Cisco Networking Academy Program, exams activation, discount vouchers and overall information.

Through Academy Connection, one can select the internal “Help” link, which leads to http://cisco.netacad.net to fill the forms. There is also an online enquiry through AOL's Instant Messenger, which is an exclusive service for Instructors, Legal Main Contacts, Curriculum Leads, etc.

However, there is a third option, chat on-line, found at www.cisco.com/edu/espanol. This is the option with greater teams interaction and the one that offers an immediate answer. Access is free and customized. A window similar to the one in the image opens and an operator guides the user until the solution of his problem.

Attention hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Mexico time (UTC/GMT- 6 hours). Telephone number, in case you want to call the team is: (+5255) – 55724472.

There is only one goal: become a satisfaction tool, the most students and instructors reliable knowledge base with the highest number of customized answers.

By Beatnhey Rondón
Marketing & Communications Specialist, Cansac.
E-mail: brondon@netacadlatam.com

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Our student's opinion...

"The Program meant a huge step in my professional and personal development, placing my professional activities in another level where I can see a future with several improving perspectives".
Juan Antonio López, SEMS Chapala.

"The Program helped me grow, professionally as well as in my job. I witnessed how the Program has helped a lot of people to know, handle and manage networks and has convinced them of the importance of continuous training in this field".
Martín Franco Nieves, Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcóyotl.

New Regional Academy

Until July 2004, the Universidad del Valle de México had one Regional Academy (Campus Lomas Verdes) supporting and training 15 Local Academies. As of August 2004, this institution will have one more Regional Academy: UVM Campus Tlalpan. These two Regional Academies will serve the existing 15 Local Academies, plus another one: UVM, Campus Tuxtla Gutiérrez.

We welcome this new Academy and we congratulate the Universidad del Valle de México for this new opening. We wish both a great success!

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.

Gender Initiative

Get the most out of your services agreement.

If your equipment has a Cisco Technical Support agreement, learn how to get the most out of it to enjoy the benefits you paid for.

First, get all the information about the Technical Support agreement you bought. The company who sold it to you has to give you this information or at least to guide you to find detailed information. Always ask for you agreement number consisting of 7 digits, since this is the access key to every Cisco support structure.

Second, analyze your agreement. Benefits vary from one company to another. In case of Cisco Systems, if you bought a SMARTnet agreement, you will enjoy four basic elements:

1. Unconditional access to Cisco.com library, where you will find all the information you need to solve your problems by yourself, besides access to privileged information, including the latest documentation of different Cisco products. Our information tools group the knowledge learned during our operating years and have been awarded in several occasions due to the power they give to our customers .

2. Phone access to Cisco's TAC (Technical Assistance Center) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, where specialized engineers will help you and guide you to solve those problems you were not able to solve on your own.

3. Downloading updates and major enhancements of Cisco IOS Software.
If you do not have a SMARTnet agreement, every time you need a Cisco IOS software upgrade, you will have to pay for it.

4. Parts replacement. Through Cisco's local parts replacement centers, located in Latin America, we can guarantee that defective parts will be replaced as soon as possible. Delivery times vary from four hours to the next business day.

What is most important of your Cisco Services Agreement is that it guarantees the required tools to solve network problems as soon as possible.

Ana Saputi
Customer Advocacy
E-mail: asaputi@cisco.com

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Athens 2004: Olympic hiring for CCNA students.

Several months ago, a lot of companies around the world, including the Greeks, dedicated their efforts to prepare an important infrastructure to carry out and to transmit to the whole world the ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games.
This opened a lot of job opportunities to Cisco Networking Academy Program graduates: more than 100 students and graduates from the only 8 academies in Greece were hired by national and international companies to install the required infrastructure for such an important event. Students were hired because of their excellent academic studies in networking, and for sure, due to the abilities developed to solve realistic problems.

The History of Cisco Networking Academy Program.

How long have you been part of the Program? Hear the history told by John Morgridge, Chairman of the Board at Cisco Systems, click here!

Tecnhology Report.

One day in the life of IP telephony.

Voice over IP combines several communications infrastructures in only one, and the process reduces operation costs, simplified maintenance and productivity increase . >> More

New VUE certification exams testing center.

As of August 2004, the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas begins operating as VUE Testing Center, with the main goal of serving to the region's Program graduates.

This new Testing Center is open not only to Program graduates, but to everyone interested in certifying and not only as CCNA. People working for the Comisión Federal de Electricidad, to the Comisión Nacional del Agua, to the Instituto Federal Electoral, as well as other organizations of the local Ministry of Education, are waiting for this center to start operations so they can take their certification exams.

Any institution can aspire to become a Testing Center to offer their graduates the possibility to take the exams easier and faster, saving them from additional travel costs. This benefits not only students, but also institutions through additional income.

For detailed information, please visit http://www.vue.com/pvtc/ and read about the requirements for becoming a Testing Center.

Help Desk en Español Latinoamérica
Cisco Networking Academy Program
E-mail: webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net

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I can imagine the concern of many of you on the test of the new version. I had the same idea. I learned CCNA modules 3 and 4 new version and the old version of modules 1 and 2, and I thought it was better to take the exam on the new version. If you learned semester 3 with version 3 and you know about ACL, then you are ready to do it. Fortunately, I did a good test with 950 points, and since yesterday I am a CCNA”.
Silvia Colín, Marketing student at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Querétaro.

Are you studying or did you study CCNA 4?

If have are close to graduation or you graduated from the Cisco Networking Academy Program, the next goal is to apply for the CCNA certification exam.

Applying for the certification exam is an additional effort in time and resources, but if you fulfilled every requirement of the courses, you are entitled to a discount voucher.

About Testing Centers visit www.prometric.com or www.vue.com/cisco.

Benefits for students and instructors. PADHIA.

"From every success, no matter how small, some day a bigger effort will emerge to complete it".
- Whitman.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information call Padhia S.C. at 5603-0840, 671 7081 and 5603-3072.

Visit us, click here!

Certification is in your hands. Today is the day.

Many instructors and students of the Program are waiting for this important step. Statistics show that a high percentage of instructors and main contacts are not certified and therefore, many of the graduates have not either.

Time is running out and version 2.1.2 is about to disappear. A new version with fascinating topics, but with a pleasant complexity degree, will soon be part of the Academy Connection portal, where an important section, such as news and forums will have a dynamic behavior, considering the different contributions and the importance of people like you.

It is also important to consider that our students are the heart of this Program and thus, course after course, semester after semester, they try hard to achieve an active participation with great results. Today, the up date of the Program has to be seen as an achievement that is maturing day after day to build professionals with high analytic skills and with great experience based on the hours invested in each lab in the different academies.

As I mentioned before, we have to face a small effort when taking the certification test, and to achieve this a lot of the Regional and Local Academies are and will be applying soon to become VUE or Prometic Testing Centers, to have at home the possibility to apply tests. So, students will be eager to take them.

Today we can see how figures and statistics are changing in critical issues of the Program such as certification, which is getting better. What is really pleasing is that we do it all together and that we enjoy doing it, with devotion and dedication we can change our learning and working place into areas where time is no problem, the real problem will be the time for the plans to take shape and to discover the knowledge we all know has been in this same place.

Because we are the Program and we are Mexico, I send you my best wishes. Improve yourselves, win and be good men. Today and forever.

Operations Teams
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: catcmx@uat.edu.mx
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Now, log in to Academy Connection in Spanish from www.cisco.com/edu/espanol, an informative portal of the Cisco Networking Academy Program for the Spanish-speaking community.

In our next edition:

  • Maximize your learning: Packet Tracer.
  • Minds behind the Program: From World Wide Education (start).

Are you a woman and you are in the Program?

We want to acknowledge your talent and your resolution.

It is 12 o'clock noon, with a computer and surrounded by some guys, Karina Butrón goes to her second class of the day in the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas. Karina could be mistaken for any of her students. 25 years old, graduated in Telematic Engineering and CCNA Certified, Karina is an instructor of the Cisco Networking Academy Program in this institution. For Karina, "it is a great experience and a great responsibility to deal with students: it is a commitment to keep on learning to be able to replicate present subjects, which will give us the tools to win, professionally speaking”.

Karina took the Cisco Networking Academy Program when she was studying her professional degree, ignoring gender prejudices. "You only need to take the initiative for professional improvement… There are some who think that to enter the Program you need basic networking knowledge or that it is male-oriented, but that is not true: I've been able to corroborate that the Cisco Networking Academy Program, in addition to enhance my networking knowledge, theoretically and practically, getting a certification internationally acknowledged, has opened me a lot of doors in the working field".

When Karina finished the Program, her improvement desire was not over. She is now a CCNA certified engineer, who enjoys being with her students and transmiting them her experience. For Karina "being certified as CCNA has allowed me to be involved in the development of relevant projects such as the installation of the NetLab, which is the only lab in Latin America for remote practices; the monitoring of the quality controls of the Academies of the Program, as well as the motivation to go on with the series of certifications offered by Cisco…".

“Inside the Cisco Networking Academy Program are no barriers impeding us to learn and to put in practice the wide world of Telecommunication Networks, and it is oriented to any student with improvement desires and willing to succeed”.

Karina Butrón,
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.

Contact us at rdelavega@netacadlatam.com
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  Cisco Trivia.

Which is the function of the CISCO IOS trace command?
a) It is used to configure access lists.
b) It allows the tracing of a packet through the network.
c) It uses IP protocol to verify the hardware connection and the logical network layer address.
d) It uses TTL (Time to Live) values to generate messages from every router used along the path.

If you are the first one to correctly answer this Quiz, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is August 31, 2004. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.

Congratulations to Carlos Gerardo Vite Valderrama, winner of the August quiz, student at the Local Academy Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Huauchinango, Puebla. The correct answer was c).

News online.

Networking Academy Program Headlines. This communication tool, offers Program members a brief summary of the most relevant information of the last three months. Some important topics you can find:

- Retiring of version 2.0 of IT Essentials I.
- Email updates.
- Time saving when activating exams and other updates.

 Training courses for Local Academies
 Academy Course Date
 Conalep Tabasco CCNA 2 September 6 - 11.
CCNA Bridge 1 September 13 – 15.
 Universidad Anáhuac del Norte CCNA 2 September 6 - 11.

Questions and Information about the Bridge Courses.

Is the Bridge Curriculum intended to be a guide?
The Bridge Curriculum was created for Instructors to use as a guide for self-study, formal Instructor training, or student classes.

Will the CCNA and CCNP Bridge Courses be static curriculum or dynamic curriculum?
The CCNA Bridge Courses are dynamic. The CCNP Bridge Courses are static.

Can the Bridge Courses be taken out of order or do they have to be taken in sequential order ?
Bridge courses can be taken in any order.

I have students who are scheduled to start CCNA 3 Version 3.0 in the fall, should I suggest that they study CCNA 3 Bridge 1 and Bridge 2?

What are the prerequisites for an Instructor to offer a Bridge course?
Before August 2004, Instructors must have successfully completed any one of the following courses to be able to create a CCNA or CCNP 3.0 class or a Bridge Course:

  • The equivalent CCNA or CCNP full course in Version 3.0 and the current version of Academy Orientation.
  • The equivalent CCNA or CCNP Bridge course in 3.0 and the current version of Academy Orientation.
  • The equivalent CCNA or CCNP course pre-version 3.0 (Versions 1.x or 2.x) and the current version of Academy Orientation.

After August 2004 Instructors must have successfully completed any one of the following courses to be able to create a CCNA or CCNP 3.0 class or a Bridge Course:

  • The equivalent CCNA or CCNP full course in Version 3.0 and the current version of Academy Orientation.
  • The equivalent CCNA or CCNP Bridge course in 3.0 and the current version of Academy Orientation.

Help Desk en Español Latinoamérica
Cisco Networking Academy Program
E-mail: webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net
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