
In this edition, we introduce the launching of Packetville. More than just network training: a text for students and graduates; new challenges and responsibilities: From the CATC, and the first part of a special report about gender and technology, as well as our regular sections.
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
Cisco Systems. |
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO), the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, this year celebrates 20 years of commitment to technology innovation, industry leadership, and corporate social responsibility.
Information on Cisco can be found at http://www.cisco.com. For ongoing news, please go to http://newsroom.cisco.com. |
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"This newsletter has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it." |
N e w s ! |
For Legal Main Contacts and instructors.
Cisco Quiz.
See more... |

Get Certified! |
IT Certification: Increasing Women's Career Opportunities.>>
See more... |

Packetville: It's time to play!
From now on, playing in class is not only a permitted activity but a recommended one. Packetville was launched last June. Packetville is a web-portal with interactive and educational content, designed to introduce kids and teenagers to the wonders of the Internet, using topics related to mathematics, science, real world solutions, education and technology courses. Students can meet Peter and Peeny Packet jumping into the Internet and taking part in endless activities to explore technology and to discover its role in society.
Packetville is an online community divided into sections for parents, teachers, and students ages 8-16. Its goals are to help students better understand the Internet so that they can use it sensibly, safely and effectively, as well as to invite them to explore different ways to use the Internet to help others. Through games and activities, they will be learning about careers in technology and will be building a foundation in knowledge of computer science.
In the Instructors' section you will find games, lesson plans, additional resources, music, and a lot of ready-to-use materials. Take the time to find out what the site can offer you and your students and to test your knowledge in technology.
Visit Packetville now and start playing… Do not forget to recommend this site to students, instructors, friends, brothers, and sons…
Career Connection.
Have you ever asked yourself what is beyond the training in information networks?
No doubt, today's Networking professionals have to face the challenge of emerging technologies, as well as industry faces the challenge of hiring world class skilled professionals.
We invite you to visit the CompTIA Tech Career Compass portal and assess your skills in your IT career to define your professional development goals. This portal will help you establish yourself as an IT professional. This site is also a repository for resources critical in assessing, training and developing proper IT skills.
Don't wait any longer, vist: http://tcc.comptia.org/.
Did you know that being a registered Alumni benefits you with access to CCO (Cisco.com)?
Don't' wait any longer and register as Alumni to start enjoying these benefits. Just activate your Alumni account in “Alumni Home” and answer the questionnaire.
I am already an Alumni, how do I register at CCO (Cisco.com)?
Just click and fill in the required fields.
As member of CCO, you have access to additional product information, as well as to training resources aimed to Cisco's customers. Register as Alumni, today.
Looking for other Alumni members from your Academy or class?
Just use the link titled "Membership Directory" in the Search bar at the top of this page. Input the name of the person you want to find and if they have opted in to be searchable in the Directory, you'll find their personal profile information.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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Our student's opinion.
"The Program taught me a new way of learning, using the new technology. Particularly I think this learning method is very interesting and important, because we become more independent, it teaches us to reason and to understand that it is not necessary to depend on a teacher to learn".
María del Refugio Raundry.
"Becoming an academy of the Cisco Networking Academy Program, means an excellent opportunity not only for the University but for the students, because we learn more than just networking. We have access to very expensive courses and we also have the chance to certify, which is very valuable for our curriculum".
Erika Trejo Espinoza.
UT Querétaro.

Alumni Connection.
 "Cisco Networking Academy, gave the support and the opportunity to learn about networks. This Program besides being interactive and functional, offers us the knowledge and skills we need to complement a superior technical carrier or University degree. Being an academy's graduate will help us to have a better future".
José Miguel Domínguez Nieto.
UT Puebla.

Are you certified as CCNA? |
Cisco Networking Academy Program, Mexico. |
Cisco Networking Academy is a non-profit program in Mexico. If you are requested a fee to take any course, please contact us at click here. |

Gender Initiative


Part 1. Girls and education.
María is 4 years old. Starring at the screen she clicks the mouse to change the color of her doll's clothes. At her short age she is in command of information technologies, but only during one or two hours a day, time during John, her elder brother, allows her to use his computer. He uses it to chat, to send photos to his cousin Octavio, to check the movie's schedule and to do his homework.
María's father is an engineer. He would like her to be a dentist. "She could make money and plan her appointments in a way that allows her take care of her family", he said. "I hope John becomes an engineer like his father", said her mother. What about María? Why don't you want her to be an engineer? See more...
“I find networking technologies very interesting. Besides, this area offers me the opportunity to work, improve myself, and to receive better income for my efforts”.
Liliana Lizeth Dávila Placencia.
Dafne Sabanes Plou,
APC WNSP regional coordinator for Latin America and Caribbean, reflects on her recent experience at regional World Summit
See more: http://www.genderit.org/en/index.shtml?w=a&x=91496.
Share your experiences with us. Send us your comments, personal experiences, satisfactions and motives as one of the great number of women developing in the IT world
to dvidal@netacadlatam.com.
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Interestings links...
Gender Evaluation Methodology for Internet and ICTs.
Click here.
Association for the progress of comunications.
Click here.
Sharing internet knowledge.
Click here.

Use the Help Desk.
 As member of the Cisco Networking Academy Program, you can request for help in Spanish any time you need it.
See more...

Cisco joins Yahoo and other vendors to fight Spam.
Electronic mail has turned into a vital communication means, including people we should not trust. Fortunately, Cisco Systems and a group of leader computers and connectivity vendors are working to fight the increasing fraud emails.
See more...
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Technology Report.
steps to succeed in the deployment of IP Telephony networks.
Which is the best way to successfully deploy IP Telephony Networks? See more…

IT Certification: Increasing Women's Career Opportunities.
Recently, Certification Magazine, published an article on a report by Catalyst, a nonprofit research and advisory organization, which mentioned that women comprise only 1.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs, and although women occupy half (50.5 percent) of managerial and professional specialty positions in the United States, they hold only 15.7 percent of corporate officer positions in the Fortune 500. According to the Center for Women's Business Research, women owners of firms with $1 million or more in revenues are more likely than their male counterparts to embrace technology as integral to their business strategy. Women also are more likely to have a Web site with transaction capability.
In our country figures are even smaller. To promote gender equity in the Information Technology segment we need to have more prepared women, able to face not only market challenges but also the stereotypes of women's role in society. Only education can provide better tools, and certifications are an undeniable argument and media for professional ascent.
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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Certified students say...
"The CCNA and CCAI certifications helped me to be more self-confident and it also meant a great personal achievement and I have been able to motivate my students. It is really satisfying to have job opportunities. I really want to exhort other instructors to certify as soon as possible".
Reyna María Guillermo.
UT Tabasco.
Benefits for students and instructors.
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.
Visit us, click here!
New challenges and responsibilities.
The CATC Mexico is a training center for the Regional Academies that make up Networking Academy. This center was created to offer support, training and high quality services, according to the guidelines of the QAP (Quality Assurance Plan).
In Mexico the program includes currently 276 Academies. Together with Cisco Networking Academy Mexico, the CATC (Cisco Academy Training Center) extends its technological resources and activities, looking forward to increase the program's quality.
The main changes inside CATC are as follows:
- We had 5 telephone extensions and 3 direct numbers. Given new responsibilities, we migrated to the new Voice over IP technology; we installed new applications (Cisco IP Communicator) to extend the extensions to 16 with Cisco IP phone 7960 series.
- We augmented our staff and trained the new people to be able to follow up academies by zone in three different issues: pending training; bridge courses, lab infrastructure and pending activities.
- To meet training needs in Mexico and keep on with the quality of the program, we created remote training courses for instructors. These courses will begin on September 1st and will go on until December 31st, offering the four modules, using remote infrastructure for the practices, and, therefore, saving in travel expenses.
- CATC's personnel will start immediately with an information gathering and verification process that will allow us to have complete and detailed data of our academies. This will allow us to identify their strengths and weaknesses to generate actions aimed on behalf of the program's quality.
The actions mentioned here today are part of the goals and strategies established in the next Fiscal year exercise by Cisco Networking Academy Mexico and supported by the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, as Cisco Academy Training Center.
Mc. Everardo Huerta Sosa.
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: catcmx@uat.edu.mx
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For Legal Main Contacts and instructors. |
SMARTnet Policy:
Remember it is mandatory to have the SMARTnet policy for your Academy's lab equipment. Due Date: August 30, 2005.
CCNA Certification:
On May 20, 2005 expired the period for instructors certification. Avoid being dropped out. If you are not certified yet, and you are interested, please contact: Erica Peralta at
If your students already completed module 4 and they want to take the CCNA certification exam, but they do not know where to do it, please contact webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net |
To all our working students and graduates. |
It is very important for our community to learn about the achievements of our students and graduates in the job market. We can only do it with your help. If you are working and have not answered the survey, please click here. |
Cisco Quiz.
According to recent statistics, the percentage of women around the world using the Internet is?
A) 1%
B) 5%
C) 13%
D) 26%
E) 52%.
Congratulations to Kinxoc Cano, student from Universidad Quintana Roo, winner of the July Quiz.
The correct answer to the last Quiz is: b) Facilitate routing protocols configuration.
If you are the first one to correctly answer this Quiz, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is August 31, 2005. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.
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