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The New Year is always a good opportunity to complete and set new goals. Many of our instructors are currently in the training and certification process, and have to work hard in this time of the year. We appreciate their commitment and dedication and wish them all the best.

May 2006 bring success and happiness for our community.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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"This newsletter has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the Corporate Affairs informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."


Can I help you?
CCNA support education materials.
CCNP 1-4 updated curriculum.
See more...

Cisco Systems, Inc., the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, this year celebrates 20 years of commitment to technology innovation, industry leadership, and corporate social responsibility. Information on Cisco can be found at http://www.cisco.com. For ongoing news, please go to http://newsroom.cisco.com.

Cisco Networking Academy in the community:

In late November 2005, the Postal Palace in Mexico City was the venue for the First Indigenous Information and Communications Technologies Workshop. Among the more than 150 attendants, we had native representatives of 19 countries from the Americas and the Caribbean.

We want to thank José Antonio Zamora, vice-chancellor in the Academy Universidad Tecnológica del Valle de Mezquital, for his support and assistance. In addition, we would like to thank Margarita Núñez, Information Systems Manager, and Juan Carlos García, Legal Main Contact, for encouraging the participation of the following students: Verónica Xaxni Baltazar, Juliana Mendoza Xaxni, Juan Cruz Santos and Roberto Ibarra Cervantes. We also want to thank all members of the Hñahñú community who joined the Software Development, Technical Operation, and Connectivity discussion groups to share their experiences in the Cisco Networking Academy Program.

  • Special thanks to the Universidad Tecnológica de la Selva, for inviting us to share our Academy program experiences with students and instructors within the framework of their 8th anniversary.

Welcome new Academies:

  • ITESM Puebla.
  • TESE Coacalco.

Congratulations to the following certified instructors from the Academy UT Suroeste de Guanajuato:

  • Martín Cano.
  • Marco Antonio de la Rosa.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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Our students...
"I think it is excellent to have a Cisco Academy at hand, it keeps us updated in networking technologies and we are being trained day after day to be good professionals".
Lilian Sarahí Robles Moraga, alumna.
Instituto Tecnológico de Cajeme, ITESCA.

"It is really important to have new choices regarding networks and software. Personally, it helped me to stand out in both, the practice and the working realms".
Oscar Salazar Pérez, alumno.
Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcóyotl.

"This course (CCNA) offered me the tools to understand the objectives of several subjects. It also encouraged me to keep on studying".
Jorge Ríos Pimentel, alumno.
Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcoyotl.

A new year, a new start in your professional life.

Do not miss the excellent job opportunities offered by our business partners and customers. More than 70 companies are already registered in Career Connection. They are looking for competent people like you.

Register today and discover how you can join the Information Technologies world. Visit http://cc.netacad.net and click on Candidates log in here.

Do not forget to register as "Alumni” in Academy Connection to be granted access to Career Connection. Visit http://cisco.netacad.net/public/Checker.html and enter “Alumni Home” located on the left navigation bar and follow instructions.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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Getronics Mexico is looking for 13 candidates to work as Associate Network Engineer (entry level). For more information please visit Career Connection.

To get the benefits of a certified CCNA professional in the working market, members of the Cisco Networking Academy Program community have to take and pass the certification exam after completing the four CCNA Academy training modules. The exam can be taken in two parts (640-821 INTRO and 640-811 ICND) or as a single exam (604-801).

If you have a discount voucher, please have voucher code handy. The code is located in the My Profile section within the Academy Connection. Voucher creditors must be aware of the voucher's expiration date. Expired vouchers are not redeemable. It is also important to carefully choose a test center provider, either VUE or Prometric. Once test center is selected no changes can be make.

In order to be CCNA certified candidates must to be able to demostrate CCNA mastery during a time based exam.

The PREP CENTER is a great option for candidates. Please click here to access it.

 Instructors only.

If you have been teaching the Academy program for more than two years without the CCNA certification, you have until January 1, 2006 to get certified: otherwise you will not be able to open new classes. Hurry up! Time is Running Out.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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Where the cycle begins.

The network life cycle methodology is based on six different phases: prepare, plan, design, implement, operate and optimize.

In contrast to the traditional service and support approaches, which center the solutions in the design, implement and operate phases of network life cycle, Cisco's methodology uses a more holistic approach, focused on services for the entire network.

Individual solutions normally increase the level of complexity of the network and restrain customer's expected value. Some factors that affect technical requirements are not even considered, such as changes resulting from business's growth.

Cisco's concept of the network life cycle visualizes service and support as a comprehensive and proactive process including answers. This approach includes the prepare and plan phases, which are critical for the right network design.

During the prepare phase of the network life cycle, the company defines their business requirements together with their technological vision. The company develops a technological strategy and identifies those technologies that can best meet their growth needs. This phase also helps to justify investment in technology

In the following editions of the newsletter we will continue describing the components and benefits of the other phases of the network life cycle. The next phase is the Plan Phase.

Ana Saputi.

Customer Advocacy
E-mail: asaputi@cisco.com

Technology Report

  • Success Story. Cisco Make Over.
    With 5 of the top 10 shows on U.S. television and only 34 employees, this media giant relies on smooth communications. Watch video...
  • Cisco to Purchase Intelligent Security Service of Cybertrust.
    With Intellishield Alert Manager, Cisco Reinforces Self-Defending Network Strategy San José, California, November 29, 2005. Cisco Systems recently announced a definitive agreement to purchase intellectual property and assets of Cybertrust of Herndon, Va. Cisco will purchase assets, intellectual property, contracts and other components of Cybertrust's security intelligence information service, known as Intellishield Alert Manager. See more…

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The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was held in two phases, with participation of 175 countries. The first phase took place in Geneva hosted by the Government of Switzerland from 10 to 12 December 2003, and the second phase took place in Tunis from 16 to 18 November 2005.
In the second phase efforts were made to put the Plan of Action into motion and working groups were set up to find solutions and reach agreements in the fields of Internet governance and financing mechanisms.

In the Tunis commitment, issued last November 15, the importance of young people as key players in the construction of an inclusive Information Society has been emphasized: " We reaffirm our commitment to empowering young people as key contributors to building an inclusive Information Society. We will actively engage youth in innovative ICT-based development programs and widen opportunities for youth to be involved in ciberstrategy processes".(25)

Benefits for students and instructors. PADHIA.
Padhia and the Cisco Networking Academy Program, Mexico formed a strategic alliance to offer integral human development programs, academic improvement, pedagogical update training for teachers, as well as the integration of education high-tech.Visit Padhia website!

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
Remember that the Cisco Networking Academy is a non-lucrative program, therefore, if you are required to pay for it, please contact us.

From the National Training Center.... our best wishes to you for 2006.

2005 has certainly been a year filled with contrasts. The sustained growth of the program in Mexico is really impressive, but growing with quality is what we long for.

During this year we have coordinated our efforts to contact every Academy, particularly regarding the instructors CCAI certification process. We have never doubted the high commitment of our instructors, nor do we think that they do not know the quality standards demanded. We are aware of the two common situations that have impeded them to meet this requirement: too many activities in their jobs and the lack of support from the corresponding academic authorities. From our point of view, all Academies should open their communication channels between main contacts, instructors and authorities; when information flows. We can help close the gap between what is and what ought to be and results become highly positive.

Also, we can make a quick account of the most relevant activities and events around the program during 2005: Academy Conference 2005; the commitment to offer the Bridge training courses until December 2005; increase in the offering of the curriculum "Fundamentals of Wireless Networking"; the training in Mexico of the IP Telephony courses, which we will be promoting during 2006; the information gathering program we develop to collect information from every Academy in Mexico; our participation as judges in Ecuador during the Netriders 2005; and the presentation of the Packet Tracer workshops.

These activities have become a reality thanks to the enormous commitment of the CATC Mexico and we will go on with passion and perseverance.We want to thank the support of the most professional operations team, lead by
Verónica Tostado Span, Area Academy Manager for Mexico, including Marco Cobb, Marketing Manager for Latin America and Isaac Majerowicz, International Operations Manager.

The working team in the CATC Mexico: Marcela, Sonia, Karina, Ricardo, Andrés, Liz, Marina, Claudia, Juanjo, Jesus, Talía, Luís Enique, Ariana, Carmen, Johnatan, Lizzet, Nancy, Eduardo, Ruth, Carlos, Alfredo, Erika, Chucho, Iván and our Vice-chancellor, Ing. José Maria Leal Gutiérrez, wish you Merry Christmas and may 2006 bring success and achievement to all of you. Our best wishes.

Everardo Huerta Sosa.

Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: ehuerta@uat.edu.mx

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"We recognize that a gender divide exists as part of the digital divide in society and we reaffirm our commitment to women’s empowerment and to a gender equality perspective, so that we can overcome this divide. We further acknowledge that the full participation of women in the Information Society is necessary to ensure the inclusiveness and respect for human rights within the Information Society. We encourage all stakeholders to support women’s participation in decision-making processes and to contribute to shaping all spheres of the Information Society at international, regional and national levels". (23).

Tunis Commitment, November 15, 2005.
World Summit on the Information Society.
Ginebra 2003 – Túnez 2005.


What is the procedure to stop telnet sessions?

A) router#exit
B) router>ctrl+shift+6 –x
C) router#ctrl+shift+6
D) router#disconnect_all

Congratulations to Daniel Nava Ramírez, winner of the November Trivia.

If you are the first one to correctly answer this Trivia, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is December 31, 2005. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.

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CCNA support education materials.

There are different CCNA resources available to instructors, such as instructor guides, lab manuals, lab simulators and other interactive tools. These tools are free and can highly contribute to the educational performance within the Cisco Networking Academy Program. For more information please, click here.

CCNP 1-4 updated curriculum.

The four courses of the CCNP track have been updated and published in Academy Connection. For more information please, click here.

Help Desk Latin America.

Cisco Networking Academy Program
E-mail: webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net
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