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Education for the Internet Generation

I thought excitedly to myself, "Wow! This is truly getting amazing!' I'm talking about networking, and I'm not even an engineer.

Last week I attended Cisco's worldwide analyst conference, and John Chambers, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cisco Systems, Inc. presented a demonstration that to me truly demonstrated the pervasiveness of computer networking. The idea that we can be connected at anytime from anywhere seemed to come to life. It also made me realize that the demand for people with networking skills, with a networking education, will increase in many new areas.

The demo showed how the Seal Beach Police Department is better able to serve their community through live streaming video and wireless Internet access. We saw an in progress 'bank robbery' as well as a policeman in his patrol car stopping a 'suspicious car driver'.

In a real case, once an alarm is activated by the bank, a police department dispatcher can immediately scan the bank 'live' to see if a crime is in progress. The policeman also has wireless internet access in his police car, enabling him to get live video of the crime scene, as well as other important data including layout of the bank building, a map of the vicinity, etc.

A police officer with wireless access (connection established via specialized base stations on utility poles) can also show, in real time, as he pulls over a vehicle. In our case, the police officer was able to show the face of the driver. He was identified as a Cisco employee, on his way to 'work', who got pulled over for having his surfboard sticking out of the car.

If you were not at the conference, I hope this story makes you recall some activity this year that made you feel that same measure of excitement knowing that you are using, or teaching about, the latest in networking technology. In the Networking Academy Latin America area I can think of a number of events in 2002 where we shared new initiatives: students and instructors who attended the Networking Academy Day at the Networkers conferences in Buenos Aires and Mexico City heard first hand where the program is headed; in addition, many academies all over the region, such as academies in Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, Argentina, Brasil, Costa Rica, and the Dominican Republic took steps to expand their program offerings by signing up to implement the CCNP and Sponsored Curriculums courses.

With the New Year fast upon us, you can bet that there will be more opportunities for our Academies to see new technology in 2003. The new Academy Connection will be live at month's end, and will allow us to provide you with more support and more flexibility to manage the Networking Academy Program. In addition, we are happy to announce that new courses on Security, Voice and Wireless will also become available.

I was very lucky in May of 2002 to give birth to a healthy baby girl. When I see the changes in technology currently underway, such as police department demo, I find myself wondering what the world of high technology will be like as she grows up. She will probably laugh when I tell her I remember a time when we didn't have wireless access, or any Internet access at all.

Here's to the future! But in the meantime, a sincere wish for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for participating in the Networking Academy Program. Thank you for helping to create 'Education for the Internet Generation'.

Sincerely, Lisa Streeter, Manager, Networking Academy Program, Latin America.
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Academies in Mexico 
Job Placement:

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Get in touch with us from
7am to 5:30pm PST.
(Pacific Standard Time)

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To all the Cisco Networking Academy Community

The Cisco Networking Academy México program wishes you merry Christmas and a happy new year 2003.
We also want to thank each academy in México and Latin America for all their support and participation.

Thank you very much for sharing another year with us.
Cisco Networking Academy Program México.

To all the Cisco Networking Academy Community
Communications and Networking terms dictionary.

This dictionary is a wide reference with thousands of technical words related to the telecommunications world. With concise definitions and embracing new technologies, this book is an essential tool for both, the student as well as for the telecommunications professionals in their daily activities.

English-Spanish, Spanish-English. Author: Anna Navarro Schlegel - 612 pages- I.S.B.N.: 84-205-3471-4 Cisco Press.
On sale in: y

To main contacts and Instructors, bulletins from the Academy Connection

We remind you to all the main Contacts and Instructors, that through the Cisco Web Page, you can review every one of the bulletins to check for news in the Academy Connection.
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Marva Angélica Mora Lumbreras, Full time teacher Tlaxcala Autonomous University

Testimony: Surprise after surprise!!.

I studied at an University where the career is divided in optional subjects, so even when I studied Computers Engineer, I never focused on computer networks, the optional subject I chose was Hardware and the only thing I know about networking is what I read, which is not the same as having a teacher.

Later on, I studied a master degree, very interesting, but this time I focused on "Graphics with Computers", a very exciting topic, but I still had no tangible knowledge of networking. However, to my surprise, when I entered the University of Tlaxcala as a teacher, the agreement with Cisco was in its early stages, and I have been selected to undertake this new alternative. At the beginning, I did not know how the training was going to be and even less that I had to take tests. I arrived very calm to our regional university and started reading the material. I was very surprised that with very simple words we were brought a wide world of knowledge.

Every minute was surprise after surprise. When I started practicing, every theoretical knowledge was immediately applied, no question, all this was new for me and the program takes you step by step in such a way, that when you realized you are deep in this new area with no difficulties.

Taking exams online was something really new for me. When I was told that we had to take several tests, I thought, "we won't have time for a lot of tests and the instructor will have to evaluate many, many tests."

Beyond all doubt, behind the Cisco Networking Academy Program are a lot of people supporting it, providing us with the required tools to learn about the Computer Networks world.

One of the latest surprise was Networkers 2002. There were a large number of conferences with world-class lecturers and the Magna conferences were first class.

Now for me to talk about routers is routine, and I am eager to learn something new every day, cause I am aware of the magnitude of this area and that you need permanent training.
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The Cisco 3200 Mobile Access Router is a high performance small sized router to be used in vehicles.

The video shows the product details and its different implementations in the Public Security sector, as well as in the army.
Click the following link to download a demo:
Download Demo...

Video of the Police Department in Seal Beach, CA.
Learn how the Seal Beach Police Department uses the Cisco 3200 Mobile Access Router to maximize surveillance and the communications systems.

Download Video...
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Gender Initiative in Mexico

Cisco Learning Institute has chosen 3 Academies of the program Cisco Networking Academy, to start a pilot program within the Genre approach and share experiences and information about the women participation in the program, as well as the results and strategies that CLI shares with them, and with this information, demonstrate, improve and implement the initiative in México.

These academies have been chosen based on the number of registered enthusiastic women in the program. Through this campaign, CLI will share, among other things, promotional material, job opportunities, support material kits, instructors and/or students success stories, Genre initiatives presentations, challenges and experiences.

The chosen academies are:
Lomas Studies Center, Toluca Technological Institute and the Tabasco technological University.

Through this pilot program, we expect to obtain the active participation of all the academies in México and as a consequence, to achieve that women have the same opportunities for a professional development.

Aurora Salgado
Cisco Learning Institute
Project Coordinator Gender Initiative in Mexico.
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Activities Schedule
CATC Courses, Tamaulipas Autonomous University

Semester 3 & 4
From January 6th to January 11th, 2003.

Semester 2
From January 13th to January 18th, 2003.

1st. Semester
From January 22nd to January 29th, 2003.

Orientation Course
From January 21st, 2003.

Consult the web-page for more information...


Semester 1
From December 11th to December 20th.

Semester 2
From January 7th to January 14th, 2003.

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Sun Microsystems de México together with Sun Educational Services, is interested in promoting the successful academic model Sun AASEC. Such model is intended to be taken to all Regional and Domestic Academies who have signed the Sponsor Curriculum with Cisco.

We have received a great response of several academies and are very interested in continue to provide more tools and opportunities to all academies, both regional and local as well as to the Cisco Networking Academy.
By this means, I let you know that to this date, we have signed this agreement with three regional academies, each of them holding about six to ten local academies. We also have several academies on the doorway, we'll be glad to inform you when they happens.

We want to notify you that Sun Educational Services is working on the development of a web page, specially designed for the AASEC academic program.

"Sun Microsystems de México wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year "

For more information visit our website at:


"It is totally useless to help someone by telling him what to do, the only useful help he can receive and accept, consists in allowing him find the solution that best meets his needs, through a constructive dialog."
Catherine Cudicio

At Padhia we offer Human Integral Develop programs, academic improvement, pedagogic educational actualization, as well as integration for cutting edge technological education.
For more information visit the website at:


Remember that one of the program's benefits is the discount of 50% in the certification exam. The approximate cost without this discount is $150 USD

For more information visit the website at:


Fluke provides the active academies with special discounts in a wide variety of tools and tools packages. Example:

Starter Kit:
Network Inspector Site License
Protocol Inspector Educational Version Site License
Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide
620 LAN CableMeter
110 Digital Multimeter

More information visit the website at:


Once again the title CNAP "Guía del Primer Año" (First year's guide) is out of stock nationwide and in Central America. A month ago we received a shipment with this material, but it was sold in a few days; we already placed another order, but since this book is printed in Spain the delivery time is longer. As soon as the material arrives, we'll inform you.

On the other hand, we are aware of the trouble many of you go through to get the Cisco books, because not many libraries handle them. Pearson Education has been dealing with some sale points and Casa del Libro and its 9 branch libraries in México City will be selling Cisco Press books. All Cisco Academies' Students will still have 15% discount.

To get the discount, the students will need to identify themselves as academy students.
We hope to have in the near future more libraries around the country selling Cisco Press books.

15 % off in all Cisco Press books, if you are a student or a teacher and part of the Cisco Networking Academy Program México.

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Distance, a problem of the past…

If we analyze the geographic position of the new CATC México, many people could see it as a negative factor regarding to courses, training or for the retooling event. Thinking positive, the current infrastructure of the different universities around the country is excellent. We want to build a virtual team working hand in hand to be an international example, with virtual communications and taking advantage of the great all level support teams in all our Universities. We can really make distance to be a thing of the past. In the CATC México team we are aware that the only thing that can stop us is the attitude of a person who does not believe in teamwork. I really appreciate the support of the Help Desk in this first stage of this difficult task, as well as the assistance of Verónica Tostado, Isaac Majerowicz, Emilio Castros. We want to build thinking about tomorrow, taking care of yesterday and living today with friendship ties and the work of many people who think intelligently for the challenges to become a daily matter.


M.C. Everardo Huerta Sosa.
CATC México, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
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May I help you?

Through the "Student Gradebook" online, students and instructors can now ask for their own discount vouchers.

To request a discount voucher, pleas follow these steps:

1. Visit the URL
2. Click on "Students Login" bellow the header "Students" and fill out the required data

Please remember that both, students and instructors need to enter the Students Community and request their discount voucher

3. Click on "Gradebook" in the yellow "Go Box"
4. Click on "Gradebook" for your CCNA 4 class.
5. Click on "Request a Voucher Number" located at the bottom of the page

If you do not fulfill the requirements for a discount voucher, these link will not appear in your "Gradebook".

If you already received your discount voucher, your voucher number and other relevant information will be displayed when you click the "Request a Voucher Number" link.

6. Two pull down menus will appear on the next page. Please choose your preferred Application Center (Prometric or VUE) and the country where your academy is located.
7. Click "Submit"

On the next page, besides your voucher number, are the expiration date, the exam application center and the country where your academy is located. This page will also instruct you how to register your voucher and schedule your CCNA exam.

We remind the Instructors and Main Contacts Spanish speaking communities, that you can rely on a Spanish support team.


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