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MÉXICO, February 2004.

Cisco Networking Academy E-Newsletter.

1.- Editorial
2.- News!
3.- Our Community
4.- Did you know...?
5.- Activities Schedule
6.- Academy Curriculum
7.- Alliances
8.- Career Connection
9.- Customer Advocacy
10.- From the CATC
11.- May I help you?

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."

The 21st Century University as INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE model.

It's worth to think about some of the elements that could be part of a University in the next millennium. To that purpose, let's do the exercise of defining a 21 st Century University, under the technological dimension of a knowledge-based society.

Even though modern administration science and particularly High Education agree on the impact of information in organizations, there are only few authors who can define the new organizational model for Universities, based on the impact that information and technology have in the university's processes. It is necessary to move from an abstraction of the future to an exercise that allows us to unify criteria, methods, and models that reveal the quality of the new university's organization, where the processes and agents are classified under a production function related to the information management processes and an intensive use of new technologies.

The following can be considered as Information Management components:

- Information Technologies: which make up the backbone of the organization, such as computers hardware, computers' basic software, and telecommunications equipment .

- Information Systems: the set of methodologies and software applications directed towards the transformation of technology in something valuable for customers or beneficiaries.

- Organization's information and knowledge.

With this approach, we can analyse the High Education Systems, under the impact of this new paradigm.

The impact of Information Technology in High Education Systems

The new technology wave, where electronic information networks and multimedia are the tip of the iceberg, are speedily moving us towards what is called Information and knowledge society. There is no doubt that we are already experiencing a social and technological mutation.

Computing development and the possibility of its integration with telecommunications, has caused a big change in the storage, retrieval, transmission, and use of information, universal knowledge support. Under these circumstances, the usual communications' means and processes are being questioned, due to the theoretical and practical approach of interactive communication -established from the use of telematic- has caused that the computer, once seen as a calculator, to become also a communications machine, including interactivity, implemented as a process to help the construction of knowledge and massive access and use of information.

Under this scenario, one of the main purposes of education systems facing the 21 st century is to find the means to enhance their quality. It is appropriate to re-think strategies to re-size the University, based on telematic's potential for communications and on global information networks, as well as to establish models of information management that allow to conceptualise High Education institutions as true information industries.

"Virtuality", economy, and knowledge, are the vertex of the change to the new century. During the following years, we will see the complete transition of a capital economy to a knowledge economy. These tendencies confirm that to have a modern development, countries need to consolidate models directed towards the management of the main competitive resource of this new era: information and knowledge.

We can then try to define the 21 st Century University, as a socially active organization, open and interconnected with its environment, in which individuals are being shaped with a continuing learning culture, capable of interacting in information intensive environments, by means of the rational use of new information and knowledge technologies.

Lic. José Antonio López
Networking Academy Instructor,
Universidad Tecnológica de Huejotzingo.

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Attention Students…

Show us your knowledge!

Answer the following questions and if you are the first to send a correct answer, via e-mail ONLY to jmerino@netacadlatam.com You will receive a surprise gift. All you have to do is send us your username and password for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.


1. If you have the IP address and the subnet mask Which of the following is the broadcast address:

d). None of the above.

2. How many Vlans are supported by PVST (Per Vlan Spanning Tree)?


a). 16
b). 64
c). 256
d). 512
e). None of the above.

Help Desk.
Cisco Networking Academy México.

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My experience in the Cisco Networking Academy Program...

Cisco Networking Academy Program has given me the opportunity to stand out among other people in the professional field, leading me to successful experiences, as is my current position. However, I would like to make public a message for the Cisco Community, in particular for the CCNA students: "It is a great satisfaction to be in the course, and even more when you finish it. For the first time after finishing a course, you feel you are ready and secure to face any obstacles. ACL's and subnetworks became your best friends; they will never abandon you. But … you know what? You are not done yet: "YOU HAVE TO CERTIFY" , do not resign yourself to the knowledge you acquired, certification is a must. If you are not certified, you won't be competitive. Enterprises are demanding capable professionals, and I am sure you are one of them, but to let them try you, you need to be certified "!

"Culture and Technology for Development"

Ing. Victor Robert Córdova Sánchez
Coordinador Regional de Informática
Secretaría de Desarrollo Rural

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Did you know...?

Intelligent Telephony.

- Latin American communications media prove IP telephony advantages.

Intelligent telephony or Enterprise telephony, which use the IP protocol to transmit voice over a data network, is a business solution being rapidly implemented in Latin American leader companies, to save costs, unify data and voice infrastructures, increase employees productivity and to use the network as a competitive advantage. This is a very important topic around companies, and communications media.

In the last two months, more than 50 Latin American communications media, attended the IP Communications International Seminars, offered by Cisco Systems, the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. The first seminar was held in Guadalajara , Mexico in December 2 and 3, 2003, and the second one in Santiago , Chile in January 27 and 28, 2004.

Complete article...

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Activities Schedule
New Training dates:

- CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University
- Technological Nezahualcoyotl University
- Guadalajara Autonomus University
- CONALEP Tabasco

Important: During June and July, the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores Monterrey, Campus Estado de Mexico, will offer the 4 CCNA v3.0 modules. Dates are not confirmed yet

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Academy Curriculum...

We invite next March all Regional Academies to participate in the Retooling event, organized by the , Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas an the Centro Universitario de la Costa. This event offers all instructors Regional Academies' instructors and main Contacts an agenda with the most updated topics related to the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

CATC Academy Curriculum notifies its Regional Academies' training schedule:

Fundamentals of Unix

May 31 to June 4

IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software

June 7 to 11

IT Essentials II: Network Operating Systems

June 14 to 18

Fundamentals of Voice and Data Cabling

June 21 to 25

Fundamentals of Java Programming

June 28 to July 02 and
July 05 to 07 (8 days)

Any questions please contact Paty Hernandez via email, patyh@pv.udg.mx. Regards.

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Program´s Benefits for the community…

Remember that one of the program's benefits is the discount in the certification exam. The approximate cost at full price is $150 usd.

To locate the CCNA testing Centers in México, please visit the following sites:

www.vue.com/cisco y www.prometric.com.

" There is the art of good talking, but there is also the art of good listening".

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information:

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Career Connection

Cisco, always concerned about the relationship between students, alumni and instructors of the Cisco Networking Academy Program, creates a new initiative to get them together in a new community called Alumni Connection!

When you register as part of this community, you will be able to communicate with the program's participants wherever they are in the world through chat-rooms and forums, to access the employment exchange and place your, so every member of the Alumni Connection community can look at it. You will also look at the vacancies placed by our partners and customers.

You will have the latest news regarding curriculum updates, latest versions, etc. as well as other benefits such as discounts in certifications.

Before joining ALUMNI CONNECTION, remember that:

- You must have finished at least the CCNA 1 course
- Less then 150 days after graduation (if more than 150 days have passed, then you aren't an active member of the program anymore), please contact Cristina Vidales at cvidales@netacadlatam.com

The following link takes you to the Alumni Connection site :

Employment Exchange.

We have more and more participants in our Employment Exchange, if you haven't joint it, register your data now!

If you already registered but haven't received an answer, two things may have happened:

1. Problem: You do not have an email address where we can reach you.
Solution: Register again and do not forget to give us your email

2. Problem: You are an alumni and aren't active anymore.
Solution: Get in touch with us to reactivate your account

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Customer Advocacy...

Differences between warranty and service

In Latin America , a lot of people have the wrong idea that warranty and service agreement have the same meaning. The truth is that these two terms are completely different, and the advantages and benefits they offer vary widely.

Usually, every product has a vendor's warranty. This only means certain security –for the consumer- that if the product has any manufacturing defect, the manufacturer will be responsible of replacing it.

In Cisco's specific case, product warranties have a limited period, ranging from 90 days to a maximum of 5 years, depending on the product. This mechanism assures that the hardware and software are defect free, as well as making it easier for the customer a limited access to Cisco's TAC (Technical Assistance Centre).

As long as the warranty is current, the customer can contact the TAC to have them solve some equipment problems, but nothing else. On the other hand, a Cisco Service Contract is a yearly agreement that gives the customer certain permanent benefits. Among the advantages of having a service contract are, the access to maintenance releases for the Cisco's IOS® software, access to small and main versions of the Cisco's IOS® software, registration for complete access to Cisco.com, 24 hours, 365 days TAC phone support, and the option of fast parts replacement.

The fast parts replacement feature includes several options to choose from: 8x5xNBD (8 hours a day, five days a we, Next Business Day, which means, the following day after receiving the request); 24x7x4 (24 hours a day, 7 days per week, four hours upon request reception).

Summarizing, next time you buy a technological equipment, remember that warranty and service contract are two different things, the first one only assures you the good operation of the equipment, while the second one, offers you technical support each time you have a problem.

Ana Saputi
Customer Advocacy


From the CATC...

Consolidating our commitment with the program.

Once a year, Regional Academies make our best effort to reschedule our agendas, to be able to attend our annual event. This event allows us to show the guidelines for our program and training, changes in labs, and changes to the program to be updated and let statistics speak for them. These will allow us to go on with our growing synergy in every one of our geographic areas of our beloved Mexico.

This year, our event will be held in the beautiful city of Puerto Vallarta , Jalisco in our CATC for the Academy Curriculum Program, the Centro Universitario de la Costa. The event will take place on March 17, 18, and 19, of this year.

It is very important to attend this event. We will discuss current topics and will talk about our competence, about Academy Connection, about CCNA 3.0, as well as of the status of the program in Mexico topics are current, and about our , due to its topic.

We also will explain the procedure for those Academies that want the Fundamentals of Wireless Networking and Fundamentals of Network Security curriculum. We will talk about evaluations and quality follow-ups. We also have a great surprise for all of you, which we hope to be useful. In the same event, we will be integrating several workshops of topics relevant for the implementation of bridge courses. I do not want to talk about more surprises, we will be waiting for you!

CATC Mexico and the Program's Operations Team, will be waiting for you with open arms. Centro Universitario de la Costa.


CATC México, Everardo Huerta
Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

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May I help you?

How can I get the CCNA discount voucher?

Before requesting the discount voucher, students need to visit the following links to choose one of the Cisco Authorized Testing Centres (VUE and PROMETRIC).

We recommend you to choose the Testing Centre closer to your region. To locate the testing centres in your country or region, you should visit the following sites.

- Pearson VUE ( click on Test Center Locator ).
- Prometric (click on Locate a Test Site).

Once you have chosen your country or region, you will be able to view available testing centres, and you should contact them to get information about their schedule.

To request the CCNA discount voucher, follow the steps below:

  1. Log In into Academy Connection at http://cisco.netacad.net/cnams/public/index.html
  2. Click on “Request for CCNA Voucher” , located inside “Career Development” in your Home Page.
  3. Before requesting the voucher, please read all the information located in the "Request Voucher" page.
  4. Select a city
  5. Select a testing center
  6. Click on “Submit"

Note: After completing the Voucher Exam, the link to request the discount will appear in approximately 24 hours. If you are not eligible for the discount voucher, or any particular reason, the “Request a CCNA Voucher” won't be available for you.

Help Desk.

Cisco Networking Academy México.

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