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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a
non-native speaker.
Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."



Overview of the telecommunications in México...

Today Mexico is one of the preferred countries around the world to receive foreign investments. One of the most investor’s attractive industries is the telecommunications industry. In the last years, we’ve seen several international corporations acquiring Mexican companies, to consolidate in a very important potential market. Mexico is a country with more than 100 million inhabitants, but most of them have currently no computer at home and therefore any access to the Internet. The taxes the government set to telecommunications services and products, have forced the consumers to avoid them.

In this current industry’s context, the companies have the challenge to offer a faster and less expensive access to the Internet. The users who can afford an Internet service, want more then just the access. Their bandwidth needs have grown up and they are looking for faster, although more expensive options. The emerging technologies allow the cable television as well as the cellular phone companies, to acquire the required infrastructure to offer Internet and phone services over the same telecommunications equipment. Several approaches have been made, however they result in a still very expensive solution for the Mexican people and companies. Besides, they aren’t meeting all the customers’ needs.

A police officer with wireless access (connection established via specialized base stations on utility poles) can also show, in real time, as he pulls over a vehicle. In our case, the police officer was able to show the face of the driver. He was identified as a Cisco employee, on his way to 'work', who got pulled over for having his surfboard sticking out of the car.

However, the progress in personal communications technologies will allow companies to return with stronger basis. The ones with access, will be able to offer a faster and less expensive Internet access, therefore the companies offering the typical access through a modem connection, will have to redefine their strategies to compete against the even more cost effective access solutions. On the other hand, we have seen the efforts of many new companies that end with an ephemeral success, due to their feeble technological infrastructure.

Lets remember that the government is an important axis in the telecommunications development and that there are a lot of huge projects, like the e-México project, that have been left behind for several reasons, most of them out of our hands. Without the government promotion it will be very difficult to make the market grow through the inclusion to the Internet of the people with no current access. It is a fact, that the companies involved are making a strong effort to get more customers, but if they do not exist, the effort will have no results.

It is very important for the government to take up again all these projects, to encourage the growth of the industry. It is also important to stop the high taxes on the telecommunications services. However, the government is not the only one responsible for this situation, the companies need to improve their imagination and skills to meet their customers’ needs with a low budget. A key to achieve this is to train their staff. Cisco Systems, has strengthen its training programs through the Cisco Networking Academy México in several medium and superior education institutions in our country, with the ultimate goal of helping the people who work in this industry in their professional development. Knowledge is power and the one who owns it will be the next telecommunications winner in Mexico.

Pedro Parra, Ex – Certified Student CCNA, ITESM Campus Guadalajara.
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Academies in Mexico 
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Attention Students

If you are a current student or a graduate from the Cisco Networking Academy Program and you are currently working, please help us update our records by answering the following questions

To all the Cisco Networking Academy Community
Support Center for Cisco Certifications related topics.

The support team for Training and Certifications has a new support tool available at This tool offers 24 hours support with a great variety of questions and answers related to certification issues.

Some of the topics you can find an answer for are.
- Questions about CCNA and CCNP certifications.
- Questions about Prometric & VUE.
- Tracking to certifications tests, including the use of the Tracking System to get the status of the certification to approve the CCNA test.

To all the Cisco Networking Academy Community
Communications and Networking terms dictionary.

This dictionary is a wide reference with thousands of technical words related to the telecommunications world. With concise definitions and embracing new technologies, this book is an essential tool for both, the student as well as for the telecommunications professionals in their daily activities.

English-Spanish, Spanish-English. Author: Anna Navarro Schlegel – 612 pages- I.S.B.N.: 84-205-3471-4 Cisco Press.
For sale in and

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Rafael Gonzalo Álvarez Campos, Tabasco Technological University.

My experience in the Cisco Networking Academy program...

Around 5 years ago I learned what a router was, but I didn’t attach great importance to it; the only thing I knew was, that it was an equipment that allowed the company I was working with, to access the Internet. Later I learned it was a Cisco 2500 Series router, and I can say this was my first contact with this company.

During 2000, already as a Teacher in the Tabasco Technological University, the “Cisco Networking Academy”, who owns one of the most important certification programs in the TI market, invited the University to participate in one of the most innovative and important programs, regarding the training of TI professionals.

The University started as a Local Academy in 2001 it became a Regional Academy and thanks to that, I am lucky to know the two roles of the Academies inside the program.

Being part of the program not only allowed me to develop my professional skills through my achievement of the CCAI (Cisco Certified Academy Instructor) and CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certifications, but also allowed me to grow as a person and to adopt new teaching techniques as well as new methods to teach lab practices.

Through the Cisco Networking Academy, I have been able to share my experiences and knowledge with my peer instructors as well as with the students in the program. I also think that the development of this type of courses by Cisco Systems is vital, because a lot of our students cannot afford a course like this in a private institution.

It is worthy to note, that to be part of the Cisco Networking Academy Program you don’t need to have previous or current IT studies, besides there is no genre distinction; I make this observations, because one of my peers studied languages and she could go along with the program with no difficulties. She entered the program to help some students with the translation of some terms, but the only way she could do that, was learning about networking. I also had the opportunity to see, that one of my students who had studies in Telematics and a degree as Superior Technician, after taking the first module and getting a letter recognizing the conclusion of this module, found a job as Outsourcing in PEMEX.

Today, being an Instructor in the Regional Academy in the Tabasco Technological University and being certified, has opened me the possibility to work as a consultant.

The Cisco Networking Academy means a raise of my professional development and a growth as an individual, not to mention that I am proud of being able to train new generations, faced with an imminent lack of highly qualified TI professionals, and especially of helping the developing of México and Tabasco.
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Cisco offers a new Routing and Switching specialization channel

This new specialization allows the channel partners to be accredited for its knowledge in Cisco’s routing and switching technologies.
As part of their permanent effort to deliver knowledge to all technological areas of the channel, Cisco Systems unveiled a new Routing and Switching technological specialization.

The new Routing and Switching technological specialization delivers a structured training map and a verification process to assure that the channel partners have the required knowledge to plan, design, install and support the Cisco’s routing and switching core solutions.

The accreditation is based on their ability to build, configure and solve problems in the campus’ networks as well as in the remote access networks, using the Cisco’s Catalyst multilayer switching technologies on Ethernet and Cisco’s high speed routers connected to LANs and WANs.
Complete article...

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Activities Schedule
CATC Courses, Tamaulipas Autonomous University

1st. Semester
From January 22nd to January 29th, 2003.

Orientation Course
From January 21st, 2003.

Consult the web-page for more information...

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"Where everyone thinks the same, no one thinks much."
W. Lippmann

At Padhia we offer Human Integral Develop programs, academic improvement, pedagogic educational actualization, as well as integration for cutting edge technological education.
For more information visit the website at:


Remember that one of the program's benefits is the discount of 50% in the certification exam. The approximate cost without this discount is $150 USD

For more information visit the website at:


Fluke provides the active academies with special discounts in a wide variety of tools and tools packages. Example:

Starter Kit:
Network Inspector Site License
Protocol Inspector Educational Version Site License
Network Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide
620 LAN CableMeter
110 Digital Multimeter

More information visit the website at:


First of all, we would like to wish you a happy and successful new year 2003.

We want to introduce the new Pearson logo. This logo will appear from now on in all our publications.

To start with this year’s events, from January 18th to 21st, we have Expocomm México 2003 in the “Centro de Expositions y Conventions Las Américas”. Pearson Education will have a stand, where you can find all news, as well as the Cisco Press backlist so it would be great if you could visit us. In the next month’s bulletin, we’ll inform you the number of our stand.

15 % off in all Cisco Press books, if you are a student or a teacher and part of the Cisco Networking Academy Program México.

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Academy Connection: Feedback, a vital stage…

We have been longing for the aimed launching of Academy Connection, the community in Mexico and Latin America know about the relevance of the continuity in the different academic processes, to register, evaluate and track the diverse CCNA , CCNP classes as well as the sponsored courses. The best of it is, that the same users will be the main contacts, instructors and students, who after the launching have experienced the new image and usefulness of it and can provide us with their valuable feedback, which in turn will improve the management of the classes.

For the portal to have a great evolution it is necessary to ask for feedback to the several teams that have faced the challenge and the responsibility of large amounts of information.

We are aware of the big efforts needed every day to keep the portal’s integrity and to fix certain events that can make an unstable system.

For these reasons, it is very important to generate detailed reports to help us improve this tool that is an essential part of our worldwide successful program.
"Communication is an important part of the change".

M.C. Everardo Huerta Sosa.
CATC México, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
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May I help you?
How can I download the curriculum offered in my Academy?

To download the curriculum offered in your Academy, follow these steps.

1.- Access the Academy Connection
2.- In the “Resources” section, located on the left side of your screen, click on "Course Materials"
3.- Click on “Download Curriculum”
4.- Click on the symbol to the left of the desired curriculum.
5.- Select either student or instructor
6.- Select the course
7.- Select the language for the downloaded material
8.- Select the curriculum’s version
9.- Select the format of the file, ZIP or EXE
10.- Please read the Curriculum’s downloading agreement and click on “I Accept”
11.- Save the file.


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