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MÉXICO, January 2004.

Cisco Networking Academy E-Newsletter.

1.- Editorial
2.- News!
3.- Our Community
4.- Did you know...?
5.- Activities Schedule
6.- Academy Curriculum
7.- Alliances
8.- Career Connection
9.- Customer Advocacy New Section!
10.- From the CATC
11.- May I help you?

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."

A tool for the future!!

The Universidad Tecnológica Emiliano Zapata, (UTEZ), is the answer of the Federal Government and of the Sate of Morelos to the demand of more Superior Education options.

Founded during year 2000, the UTEZ is part of the SEP's National Technological Universities System, whose innovative model offers a practical curriculum for the students to be ready in only two years; competent professionals highly technologically skilled to meet the increasing needs of the productive and social sectors of the region and country.

Our mission is to build university technicians with a high level of education in science, social studies, humanistic, and ethics; with an orientation to service and committed with the development of their productive environment and the improvement of the life quality in their society. Create knowledge y technological support; spread and extend our work and the university's job among the society with quality, efficiency, and pertinence.

Since its foundation, the UTEZ is Local Academy in the Cisco Networking Academy Program, affiliated to the Regional Academy in the Universidad Tecnológica del Norte de Guanajuato. The curriculum of the Information Technologies TSU degree, includes 2 modules of the CCNA certification in the subject matters Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks. Modules 3 and 4 of the CCNA certification are taught as extracurricular subjects. For hundreds of students, this is a very important access door to the Cisco Networking Academy Program, most of them short of economic resources, situation that doesn't allow them to access the program in another way.

In the UTEZ are two Cisco labs and instructors trained in the 4 modules of the CCNA certification, which recently allowed us to grant 213 certificates to CCNA 1 students and 145 to CCNA 2 students. We have currently 40 UTEZ's students in the CCNA 3 class.

Some of our graduates have already been hired by several companies, which have been benefited from skilled Cisco professionals. We are sure of our students skills, as we had the opportunity to see some of our scholarship holders collaborating in the campus' installation of voice and data cabling , supervised by the instructors. They are helping in tasks such as nodes installation, projects engineering, cable route tracing, as well as the best location of the MDF and IDF. Every one of these tasks involves the use of top technology, cable UTP CAT 6, fiber optics backbones supporting Gigabit Ethernet. One of the latest projects being developed at the UTEZ is telephony over IP (VoIP), and therefore, our students are being trained on this protocol.

We are proud of the work we are doing with all these students. We are aware that these certifications and the experience gathered, will help to improve the international competence and professional image of our graduates.

Jonathan Aguilar Pascoe
Universidad Tecnológica Emiliano Zapata, Morelos.

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Attention Students…
- Show us your knowledge!

We thank all the students who have taken part in the quizzes published in previous Bulletins for their participation.

Answer the following questions and if you are the first to send a correct answer, via e-mail ONLY to jmerino@netacadlatam.com. You w ill receive a surprise gift. All you have to do is send us your username and password for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.

1.- On which OSI layers do VLANs work ?
2.- Which ways do you know to assign a switch port on VLANs?

Attention Instructors…
- Update to Download Curriculum Process

A recent change to the Academy Connection site requires a specific structure to be followed when storing dynamic curriculum on your Local Web Server. This change does not impact any existing curriculum, only dynamic curriculum released on or after December 20, 2003. Instructor Edition Curriculum must be kept in a different directory than Student Edition Curriculum.

This leaves two options:
1. Put all your Instructor and Student edition curriculum in two main directories
2. Create program sub-directories under those two main directories.

Program is synonymous with the bolded headers on the View and Download Curriculum pages (Academy Fundamentals, CCNA, CCNP, GLN, etc.).

Curriculum in the same program must be placed in the same sub-directory.For example, all CCNA Instructor Editions of curriculum would be storedeither in a directory structure of Instructor Edition Curriculum or adirectory structure of Instructor Edition Curriculum/CCNA.

If you do not implement this structure for dynamic curriculum released after December 2003, then users will receive an error when attempting to access that curriculum from the local web server.

Help Desk.
Cisco Networking Academy México.

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My experience in the Cisco Networking Academy Program...

It is very important that the students are able to practice in the real world what they've learned in class. This will help them to be certain of their skills and to dispel their doubts. The Instituto Tecnológico Superior Zacatecas Sur, together with the computers center, granted their students the opportunity to practice what they learned during the first semester of CCNA.

The problem they had to solve was the following: Due to organizational changes in the administration areas of the Institute, nine new cubicles had to be created, but they did not have network services.

For the application area, we had the service of an IDF consisting of a 16-port hub with its HCC patch panel. The building's facilities were suitable for the cabling task, since we were able to install the cable in false ceiling.

The followed procedure was:

  1. We created different teams, each with the responsibility of one service.
  2. Each team had to make an analysis of their assigned service, considering the following issues:

    a. Cable length
    b. Components needed for cabling
    c. Location of the network service
    d. How to fit in the cable
    e. Tools needed
    f. Job distribution among team members
  3. Each team gathered their material and tools
  4. Each member concentrated on its task
  5. PC configuration, using the addresses assigned by the computers center.
  6. Configure Internet access
  7. Test connections
  8. Use ping and trace for further testing
  9. Supervisor's review

Cable installation and PC configuration were the two most important factors for proper installation. The students were pleased because they could use their learned skills in a real world situation. We consider this a success case, since the network services installed are still working. On the other hand, we have now the skills to practice what is taught in the networking subjects of the course Computers Systems Engineering .

Ing. José Trinidad González Godina
Instituto Tecnológico Superior Zacatecas Sur

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Did you know...?

Attached storage for SOHO.

- Linksys new network attached storage device adds 120GB of hard drive capacity to home and small office networks.

Irving, California – December 17, 2003- Linksys today announced the new EtherFast™ 120GB Network Storage Device with PrintServer (EFG120) that provides file and printer sharing as well as backup and remote management via the Internet .

Complete article...

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Activities Schedule
New Training dates:

- CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University
- Technological Nezahualcoyotl University
- Guadalajara Autonomus University

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Academy Curriculum...

The CATC SC in Centro Universitario de la Costa, wishes you a successfully 2004. 2003 was a very important year for the program, especially because of the increase of Academies in the Sponsored Curriculum and the wide acceptance of the courses inside Universities.

Last year we published the dates for the courses Fundamentals of Java, IT Essentials, and Fundamentals of Unix. We had a great response and the Academies are eager to start teaching them. Technology changes very fast, and this is very exciting for our students, who see that these changes are covered in the Networking Academy Program. The program also develops a positive attitude in students, such as self-study, reading habits, learning in a foreign language, and most important, to put into practice what they've learned. All these activities help students to better face the current and changing challenges.

We will be waiting for your participation in our new Sponsored Courses' Calendar, which we will published by the end of this month in http://catc.pv.udg.mx , any question please contact Paty Hernandez at patyh@pv.udg.mx . Best wishes to everyone.

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Program´s Benefits for the community…

Remember that one of the program's benefits is the discount in the certification exam. The approximate cost at full price is $150 usd.

To locate the CCNA testing Centers in México, please visit the following sites:

www.vue.com/cisco y www.prometric.com.

"Many men pass as wise men, thanks to the others' ignorance".

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information:

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Career Connection

Find a job in 2004!

This year many of our users will intend to finish their Networking Academy Program courses, others' target is to find a job where they can benefit an enterprise with the skills and knowledge acquired through the Program.

The first step is to be member of the Employment Exchange of the Cisco Networking Academy Program, and the best tool to find the perfect job is, no doubt, Career Connection.

Cisco's Networking Academy Mexico team is always looking for new and enhanced modes to help program's students and alumni. One of their goals for year 2004 is to make the Employment Exchange the best link between students and enterprises looking for skilled staff.

Don't forget to completely fill out the forma found in:

If you have a job already, and are a former student of the Networking Academy Program, please help us filling out the survey found in:

We wish 2004 to be full of success and achievement!

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Customer Advocacy...

Why Service Agreements?

What does the word service mean? For most people in Latin-America -based on own and region related experiences- this word can be associated with high investments, failed promises, and even frustrations. For Cisco Systems, this word has very different connotations. Its meaning goes from customer satisfaction and 24 hours, 7 days a week attention until we are sure the customer's network is 100% available.

Recent studies in the United States revealed that when it comes to make decisions related to new technological investments, the first element the customers evaluate is the ability of the provider to offer technical support.

Few years ago, the word services didn't even appear among the first three reasons to choose a technology provider.

Latin-American reality makes us believe that this tendency is going to be replicated in the region. The financial bounds to invest in new equipment, has forced the person in charge of the technological investments, and IT managers to be more creative in protecting their interests. The goal is to take advantage of existent equipment, and use it to expand the network's capacity to add new and modern technologies.

The service agreements offered by Cisco through its partners are a secure way to ensure that the customers are backed by the technological knowledge they need. Some of the benefits include, access to all the required troubleshooting documentation via Cisco.com; maintenance and Cisco's IOS® software upgrades, and the option of fast parts replacement.

By offering technical support, we want to go beyond the limits of maintenance, and be able to attend any problem, to anticipate problems, and become an important part of the support strategy. One way we to do it are through the expertise and knowledge of the more than 10,000 specialized Cisco engineers.

Having your SMARTnet policy updated is an unavoidable requirement for the Program Academies. SMARnet guarantees your equipment and allows you to updated your software, among other advantages. If your Academy does not have SMARTnet, please contact your supplier immediately.

Ana Saputi
Customer Advocacy


From the CATC...

Happy New Year 2004.

We wish to the Networking Academy community a 2004 filled with health, knowledge, and new projects, and the ability to complete courses, training program, Retooling, and the Academy Conference.

2004 indicates the beginning of great projects, such as the new course of Fundamentals of Network Security, and Fundamentals of Wireless LANs. CATC team will keep the community posted on the procedures to adopt these courses, as well as on the different training activities. It is very important to get ahead in some issues, because these new programs require knowledge in IP, routing and security, access lists, etc. The Academies wanting to add these programs to their curriculum will need trained and CCAI certified instructors, to be able to comply with the quality standards stated by these courses, and to teach the 70-hour program filled with a great number of hands-on exercises.

The Networking Academy community Mexico needs your feedback, to be able to meet our expectations, achievements, and dreams. Remember there are a lot of ways to reach us, and this bulletin is one of them. Being part of this important project is a shared responsibility that benefits a significant number of students, who will be tomorrows Mexico's pride.

CATC Mexico wishes you healthy New Year, full of hope, work, blessings, joys, projects, and realities.


CATC México, Everardo Huerta
Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

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May I help you?

Instructions to enroll eligible students to a class

It seems that students can be enrolled in a class that an instructor has just opened, but sometimes access may be denied. Instructors must be aware that the student is not enrolled in another class, and if this is the case, they must ask the support team to mark the Student as incomplete.

To place the request, instructors should open a case in the Help section or by e-mail. It is very important to provide the following information: Student's Academy Connection ID, or Username, and the name and ID of the class. This way you will be able to enroll the students in the open class that has the same features.

When the status of a student is changed to “Incomplete”, the instructor has to do the following:
Access Academy Connection, select the class where he wants to enroll the student, in the “Manage Class” section, click on “Roster” and then on “Enroll Incomplete Students", search the student by “Username” , select “Retake” or “Continue” (“Retake”, he/she starts the course from the beginning; “Continue”, he/she keeps his/her grades), click on “Compose Welcome Message”.

This procedure is valid for those students marked as Enrolled in an old class. Following this procedure they will be active for the current class and able to finish the course.

Please contact us for more information

Help Desk.

Cisco Networking Academy México.

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