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MEXICO, July 2003.

Cisco Networking Academy E-Newsletter

  1. Editorial
  2. Our Community
  3. News!
  4. Did you know...?
  5. Activities Schedule
  6. Sponsored Curriculum
  7. Alliances
  8. From the CATC
  9. May I help you?

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."

To all of you, somehow involved in the Cisco Networking Academy Program, it is not a mystery that this is one of the most successful programs of its kind in the whole world.

But, what is success and how is it measured?.

1850 appears the telegraph and in 1876 the telephone, but it is until the second half of the 20th century that it became an essential element within the telecommunication systems.

One success measure is the program's worldwide number of academies, instructors, students and graduates. From this point of view, we have been very successful: with 450,00 students in 10,000 academies in 151 countries, the program can be considered the largest e-learning lab in the world.

From the academies perspective, success is measured in terms of the rate of registered students, by the added value it grants their students, by the way the students help the communities they belong to, by the way the relationship university-industry is getting stronger, by the research opportunities it generates and by the professional development and ongoing improvement of their members. We've heard that from this point of view, the program is being successful.

But from our students' perspective, the word success has a different meaning. The measurement is easier, the promise for better life quality or the opportunity for a better job. Which has been the program's performance on this matter? For many people, there has been an immediate reward as for they found better jobs. This has been the case in countries with high incomes, and with an obvious deficit in workers with high information technology skills and where there are still job offerings, however, in other communities this is not exactly the situation. Many communities have a total lack of technological infrastructure and job opportunities just do not exist. In those conditions, we realized that our program has played an important role by reducing what is known as the digital breach, and has helped in the generation of job opportunities.

Let me tell you a little bit more about the digital breach.

High-income countries contribute 15% of the world's population and 80% of Internet users. On the other side, the countries with the lowest income contribute 60% of the world's population, but they represent less than 5% of the world's Internet users. Internet's infiltration in wealthier countries reaches 30% average, while the infiltration in the poorer ones reaches scarcely 1.5% of the population. México is close to the middle of the curve. With 8 million Internet users, has 8% of infiltration.

This difference between rich and poor countries or communities is what we call the Digital Breach. It's considered as the modern version of the Analog Breach, which has been the gulf between rich and poor communities since the telephone's invention.

Lessen the Digital Breach has become one of the major goals of several governments and multilateral organizations. If we accept Internet as the most efficient way to transmit information, to share knowledge, to increase productivity and to improve life quality, we will understand why it is imperative that the poorest communities make an effort to reduce this digital breach.

The reduction of the digital breach is not an isolated effort of one institution or program. It requires several multisector and multidisciplinary activities, which include political and regulatory actions, access and connectivity, human resources development, knowledge creation and delivery, among other things. The Cisco Networking Academy Program has been an important contributor, but it is still part of an enormous and well-coordinated effort where government, private sector organizations and academic institutions share the same challenges and responsibilities.

It is in these kinds of good deeds where we can measure the real success of programs like ours. The program has been the only one of its kind able to call governments, multilateral organizations and other institutions to participate in a common effort to solve the technological challenges of developing communities. The difference springs from the technical knowledge base created by our program, which make people believe in the success of technology development projects.

Depending on the reality of your own community, you should define you role to ensure your students' success, if you are an instructor, or your own success if you are a students. You should be able to decide if you are best suited for a community with the need of technical proficient workers or for a community with a strong digital breach. Some of your students or graduates will need help in shaping their future. It may be possible that you have to equip them with a better set of tools to be able to face every challenge. We have confidence in our Latin American and Mexican academies, and we are sure they'll find the way to do he best on this matter.

Isaac Majerowicz
Technical Manager International Operations
Networking Academy Program

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Cisco Worldwide Education is pleased to offer the Networking Academy conference in México City, on Wednesday September 3rd, 2003!

The Networking Academy Conference will be held in the same place as Networkers, but it will NOT be integrated to Networkers. This year, the Networking Academy Conference will still be offering what you like from Networkers, to be up to date in the Cisco Networking Academy program progress, professional relationships with colleagues, technical training and a lot of FUN! All this at a lower price!

You can find all the information you need about the Networking Academy conference or Networkers, in the following web pages:

- http://www.cisco.com/mx/nw03/spa/netacad.shtml
- http://www.cisco.com/mx/nw03/spa/faqs_na.shtml


-Show us your knowledge!
We want to thank all those students who have been participating in the different quizzes we published in previous bulletins and we also want to congratulate the June winner Juan Carlos Romero Sánchez from ITESM Campus Estado de México.

Answer the following questions and if you are the first to have them correct (only via e-mail), you'll get a surprise. You have to send us your Academy's Connection username and password to participate.


1.Which OSI Reference Model Layer coordinates two applications interacting in two communicating hosts?

2. Which is the appropriate command to know which type of interface (DTE or DCE) is in the serial interface?

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Our Community
My experience in the Cisco Networking Academy Program...

Surprising and Wonderful!
Something I never thought of and now I am experiencing it and it is a REALITY!

My name is Juan Manuel De La Cruz, alumni of CIC-IPN. You wonder what am I talking about. The funniest thing is that the line separating the present from the future is getting thinner.

I am telling you these, because I graduated from a regional-local Cisco Academy, the IPN CIC (Centro de Investigación en Computación; computers research center), and I did not know the benefits of being a CCNA student. Today, the technological environment is very demanding and we have to be technically proficient to stand out and built an environment full of excellence around us.

I am currently working for BANCOMEXT in the Telecommunications section. You can't imagine how pleasant it was (and is) the responsibilities and trust you are granted because you are a CCNA student. This institution has a network infrastructure of around 65 routers. Now you can imagine the size of the network and the diversity of services we offer to our end users.

It is a pleasure to belong to this selected group of engineers, responsible of managing a delicate and vital area such as telecommunications.

The Cisco Networking Academy Program conferred me a culture I want to share with my schoolmates. Besides, one of my goals is to become a networking instructor.

I invite you to think about the program's scope and all you can accomplish with the knowledge and skills it offers you.

Juan Manuel De La Cruz

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Did you know...?

Cisco Introduces CCNA Program Enhancements.
- CCNA Offers New Exams for Those Entering Connectivity Field.

San José, California, July 2, 2003 - Cisco Systems announced three enhancements to the CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) Program. As the entry-level certification of the Cisco Career Certifications Program, CCNA represents a strong foundation and understanding of IP networking and troubleshooting. The enhancements are based on customer feedback, the need for an accessible path to enter the certifications and upgrades to the exam for addressing emerging connectivity technologies.

Enhancements include a new two-step exam for new candidates entering the connectivity field, revisions to the existing CCNA exam and the option for candidates to apply to one of the new exams for the CCNA re-certification.

Cisco Systems will donate to the MOH, networking equipment and services valued at $2.6 million dollars (RMB21,48 millions). Cisco will also help to setup the network and will offer support in monitoring and controlling the disease.
Complet Article...

Advanced Networking performance for Educations Markets and SMB
- New Fixed Configuration Chassis-based Switches Help Make Small to Medium Networks More Intelligent, Secure and Reliable.

SAN JOSE, Calif., June 24, 2003 - Cisco Systems, introduced new intelligent LAN switching solutions that make advanced networking features and capabilities more affordable for SMB (small-to-medium business) and education institutions.

The Cisco Catalyst 4500 Supervisor Engine II-Plus, Cisco® Catalyst® 4500 Supervisor Engine II-Plus, Cisco Catalyst 4500 next generation 48-port 10/100/1000 Module, Cisco Catalyst 4500 Access Gateway Module (AGM) enhancements, as well as the fixed configuration Cisco Catalyst 2970 and 2940 series switches provide, SMB and education institutions a broader range of options and the ability to deploy services.
Complet Article...

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Activities Schedule

CCNA, CCNP y Sponsored Curriculm
Consult the next dates in:

- Technological University, Hermosillo, Sonora
- CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University
- Technological Queretaro University
- Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- ITESM Campus Guadalajara
- Technological Nezahualcoyotl University

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Sponsored Curriculum

Last Friday June 27, we went to the Technological University in Queretaro to visit its facilities and to have a little chat with the academy instructors, about the Sponsored Curriculum courses. Armando Galo, main contact of the Academy, said that the students accept these courses very much and they hope to be able to send the instructors to take the courses we are not teaching yet.

Gonzalo Lugo and Martín Larios, both Academy instructors said that the students are very excited about Cisco's course due to their structure and hands-on exercises included, even the students push themselves to complete every exercise.

We are expecting dates to open the new Sponsored Curriculum courses, which will be announced in the following link: http://catc.pv.udg.mx. For additional information regarding the courses: Java Programming, IT Essentials I & II, UNIX Fundamentals and Cabling over voice and Data, please contact: Lic. Patricia Hernández patyh@pv.udg.mx .

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Program´s Benefits for the community…

Remember that one of the program's benefits is the 70% discount in the certification exam. The approximate cost at full price is $150 usd.

To locate the CCNA testing Centers in México, please visit the following sites:

www.vue.com/cisco y www.prometric.com .

15 % off in all Cisco Press books, if you are a student or a teacher and part of the Cisco Networking Academy Program México.

We introduce the new titles of Cisco Press and Pearson Education, this book will be available in august.

Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Handbook
Autor: William R. Parkhust
ISBN: 84-20-4000-5
Computación: Redes
Nivel de Usuario: Intermedio - avanzado
Precio: $190.00

Book Description: Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Handbook is an exhaustive practical reference to the commands contained within BGP-4. For each command/subcommand, author Bill Parkhurst explains the intended use or function and how to properly configure it. Then he presents scenarios to demonstrate every facet of the command and its use, along with appropriate show and debug commands. Through the discussion of functionality and the scenario-based configuration examples, Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Handbook will help you gain a thorough understanding of the practical side of BGP-4.

Just get in touch with Erick Rodríguez erick.rodriguez@personed.com or call to +53-87-08-77; 53-87-08-91.

Best Regards,
Pearson Education México

"Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation... even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind".
Leonardo da Vinci.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information:

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From the CATC...
Cisco Networking Academy Conference…an event to share experiences!!!

Hi, here we are again. It is a pleasure for the CATC México team to write these lines to help spreading the events around the program (academies, students and instructors excelling and integrating themselves day after day.).

A lot of students and instructors are frequently working in sites without contact to the global environment. It is in these situations where we can compare our students' quality and the quality of the academies in teaching the modules.
This great event includes this year a special Networking Academy session to discuss the walked path and the facing challenges such as, the new version of our curriculum, equipment, hands-on exercises, training, etc. with one purpose, to keep the Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexican community updated with topics that allow graduates to be more competitive.

We know this transition won't be easy, but we are aware that every change is for good.

The CATC Mexico team is making all necessary adjustments for the new quality guidelines of the revised QAP (Quality Assurance Plan), including the section of the Academy Connection assessment and the new curriculums Wireless LAN Fundamentals and Networking Security Fundamentals. For these new projects we require teamwork and comprehensive tracking of every step taken, and we are sure we can rely on the Help Desk team to achieve these. We will discuss these projects during the event and we will be able to meet every member of this important educational technological revolution, the Cisco Networking Academy, a program with technological vision.

I also want to thank the participation of all Regional Academies' main contacts, and let them know that this project belongs to all of us and to every participating educational institution. We are proud of being worldwide placed second e in number of students, this leads us to keep on working and to keep the feedback channel always open.

Best Regards,

M.C. Everardo Huerta
CATC México, Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

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May I Help you?
Benefits available to your students!

In addition to receiving access to quality instruction and course content, the Cisco Networking Academy offers many additional benefits to students who successfully complete their courses. These benefits include a course completion certificate listing all competencies gained by the student (which is a valuable attachment to a resume), discount certification vouchers, alumni site access , etc. Your students will only receive these benefits if you close out your online gradebook.

To close out your gradebook complete the following steps:

1. Administer and have students complete the Course Final Exam and Feedback Forms.
2. Administer the Skills-Based Assessment
3. Check the Attendance box
4. Select the Final status of P or F for each student in the gradebook

For additional details on course completion requirements, printing certificates, alumni access, discount vouchers refer to the FAQs or online QAP which are both posted in the Academy Connection online support area. To reach online support, login to Academy Connection, click on 'Help' in the top navigation bar, select the 'click here' button in the English or Spanish Program Support area, click on 'Find Answers'.

We will be sending messaging to students as well to let them know all of the many benefits they are entitled to receive as a graduate of a Cisco Networking Academy course.

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