
Large companies in the IT industry sometimes appear to us as huge walls impossible to go through, but the truth is opposed to this belief. Therefore, for you to get closer to some of the leaders of the most outstanding companies in our country, and to understand their values and principles, we are interviewing them. In this edition, Juan Pablo Medina, General Manager, Compusoluciones, shares with us the challenges they have faced, as well as the job opportunities they are offering to young people who want a development in the IT industry.
The SMARTnet policy, not only offers great benefits in backing up equipment; in this edition, we are going to tell you how to use it to access Cisco product's technical information, interactive networking administration, diagnosis tools, and knowledge libraries.
We will continue offering you several tips as well as students and instructors' frequently asked questions for your certification exam preparation. As we do every quarter, we want to invite you to answer the services quality survey for us to be able to improve our assistance. We count on you!
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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"This newsletter has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."
N e w s ! |
For Legal Main Contacts and instructors.
Cisco Quiz.
See more... |

May I help you? |
Useful Information.
For instructors only.
How can I register to the instructor's training course?
For students only.
Can students download and print the curriculum?>> More |
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO), the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, this year celebrates 20 years of commitment to technology innovation, industry leadership, and corporate social responsibility. Information on Cisco can be found at at http://www.cisco.com. For ongoing news, please go to http://newsroom.cisco.com. |

Interview with Juan Pablo Medina Mora.
General Manager Compusoluciones.
Technology industry is very challenging; a great number of products and providers share an environment more and more competitive. Market conditions have evolved and it is getting more difficult to add value while contending. What are companies doing to survive and to stand out? What are their perspectives regarding the environment? What do they consider to recruit and select their staff to be a successful company? What are the technologies they have to stake on as a company? What's the role of women?
To know the answers to these and other questions, starting in this edition, we will approach the heads of the most outstanding companies in the technology segment; companies that are constantly looking for our graduates. Follow us.
To begin with these series of interviews, we approached Juan Pablo Medina, General Manager, Compusoluciones. Being a Cisco Business Partner, this company, founded in 1985 in Guadalajara, Jalisco integrates information technology solutions for medium to large organizations, allied with other big companies.
Juan Pablo, tell us a little bit of the story behind Compusoluciones and what it meant to you becoming a Cisco partner.
We started selling end user solutions such as training and development; later we added software and hardware; the next growing stage was to include distributors and become specialized wholesalers. Afterwards, we realized that our business was highly hardware-reliant, and in order to develop services, we opened three business initiatives: training, consulting and the lease of computer equipment for short term needs. We wanted to include new product lines, so after reviewing 10 opportunities, together with our distributors' board, we unanimously decided to incorporate Cisco products and so we finally became Cisco's partner.
Figures Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico. |
% Women. |
% Men. |
30, 335 Students |
33.03 % |
65.55 % |
1, 081 Instructors |
20.44 % |
78.82 % |
Career Connection.
Cisco Networking Academy is aware of the competitiveness of today's job market. More then three years ago, Networking Academy Mexico began offering their students and graduates a specialized Job Board, where it publishes the best job offerings in the Information Technology arena.
Now. Recently, Networking Academy México launched Career Connection in Spanish. With added functionality, this tool allows students and graduates to post their curriculum vitae (CV) online, as well as to answer directly to vacancies offered by several companies who are looking for skilled candidates.
If you already posted your curriculum vitae in Career Connection and have questions on the functionality of this site, please send us an e-mail to:
Career Connection Frequently Asked Questions:
- I am already registered in Career Connection, but I cannot see available job offerings.
We are marketing the site, and we are inviting more companies of the sector to join the program. Even though, some companies do not publish their offerings, but they do look for candidates based on their CVs.
- How can I see available job offerings inside Career Connection?
If you are already registered in the system, follow these steps:
1. Login into Career Connection http://cc.netacad.net
Inside the ”Candidates Page" locate the navigation bar on the left side of the screen and click on "Search for Offerings”.
In the new windows, in Country select “Mexico” and the state.
Click on "Search".
- How can I be aware of offerings publications?
Currently, the only way to be aware of available offerings is to visit the site on a regular basis, as well as to review the monthly Netacad's bulletin.
Remember that Career Connection was created as an additional benefit to the Cisco Networking Academy Program. Use it!
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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Our student's opinion.
"I think the Cisco Networking Academy Program, offers new human development opportunities with advanced technology, but most of it, thanks to the program I've learned that distance turns into information and nearness feelings; the good use of technology results in benefits and great satisfaction".
Juan Carlos Martínez R.
"Cisco's Program is very useful. The information we receive brings benefits to the society. I am pleased that education is getting to more people".
Alejandra López Mejía.
"Cisco's CCNA course is very interesting: you can be a self-taught person and on the other hand you have important hands-on exercises where you can really show your knowledge and learn how things are in the real professional world".
Roberto Cabrera Cósetl.

Alumni Connection.
 "I found the Cisco Networking Academy Program, quite excellent, due to the range of opportunities inside and outside Mexico. Thanks to this program I learned to communicate in other media. The program provides us students with a lot of benefits".
José Guadalupe Vázquez.
UT Puebla.

Are you certified as CCNA? |
Cisco Networking Academy Program, Mexico. |
Cisco Networking Academy is a non-profit program in Mexico. If you are requested a fee to take any course, please contact us at click here. |

Gender Initiative


"I am currently working in the public sector. This experience has been very satisfying, since I keep on learning. I am in the networking engineering area testing telephony over IP and documenting it. I would like to be in the operative area of the company, but the differences between men and women are still huge; it is difficult to join the team and I have the impression that they think we are not able to build a cable, or do a configuration, etc. It is an area ruled by men, and only showing our skills we will be able to conquer this field".
Alicia Torres Márquez.
Universidad Tecnológica de Morelia.
“Since I was in high school I got interested in working with computers, and I studied a computers related degree. I am currently working in Mabe in a budget simulation project. I realized that the working field is very hard; there are very few jobs and the salaries aren't good enough, besides the fact that most jobs do not give you the opportunity to learn: companies look for experienced individuals and that is frustrating, because I feel I am very capable of learning fast”.
Edith Cuevas Ruiz.
Instituto Tecnológico Agropecuario No. 33, Cortazar.
Women of 75 countries agreed to accelerate their economic autonomy (Global Summit of Women).
Accelerate their economic progress, develop more female leaderships, fight poverty which has a women's face and domestic violence, as well as to end up with social and cultural prejudices that hinder gender equity and equality of economic opportunities, were some of the issues agreed by more than 900 women, leaders of 75 countries, during the XV Global Summit of Women 2005.
See more: http://www.inmujeres.gob.mx/pprincipal/index.html.
Share your experiences with us. Send us your comments, personal experiences, satisfactions and motives as one of the great number of women developing in the IT world
to dvidal@netacadlatam.com.
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Interestings links...
National Junior Science and Technology Contest 2005.
Click here.
Gender, education and job.
Click here.
USA: Women engineers in IT work more hours than men… they earn less than them.
Click here.

Use the Help Desk.
 As member of the Cisco Networking Academy Program, you can request for help in Spanish any time you need it.
See more...

How to make the most of the SMARTnet agreement to go on with your learning process.
If your academy has a valid SMARTnet services agreement, you can use it to continue your learning process. A valid SMARTnet agreement assures your access to the entire technological information of Cisco products, Interactive networking administration, diagnosis tools and knowledge libraries.
Accessing Cisco.com, you can use the same reference materials and tools used by Cisco's TAC engineers. Besides, the technical documentation is organized to help you find the required technical information, such as tips, configuration guides, installation guides, study cases, and more.
Most of the tools and resources available, are classified in the following way:
- Configuration/Installation Tools. Allows to identify, asses and track bugs that could affect network operation; to determine compatibility among hardware and new software releases, and access to the Software Center to download software enhancements, among other benefits.
- Troubleshooting Tools. Provides design and monitoring tools, as well as other diagnosis functionalities.
- Case Management Tools. Provides tools to handle Severity 3 and 4 cases with the TAC.
- Technical Documentation. Material related with configurations, verifications, troubleshooting, and hardware and software training.
The information and tools available in Cisco.com allow that three out of four technical support cases to be solved without human intervention, which improves productivity in the organization, cutting down installation times and network downtimes.
Seized this opportunity and enjoy the technical knowledge gathered by Cisco throughout the years at no additional cost for you or your Academy.
Ana Saputi.
Customer Advocacy
E-mail: asaputi@cisco.com
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Technology Report.
 Cisco Integrated Services Routers. Ci
Cisco Systems redefines “the best routing of its class" with a new portfolio of integrated services routers, designed for the simultaneous delivery of data, voice, and video at wirespeed. Adopting an integrated systems approach for incorporated services, speeds up application deployment and reduces complexities and operative costs. See more…
Netimpact 2005. Increase productivity is the dilemma faced by every company, no matter size or sector, including Latin American companies. See more…
Create new services and revenue opportunities. See more…

Customers of Cisco. |

CCNA Certification. Now.
Are you ready? Here are some useful tips:
How are the exams like?
Exams are online, timed and delivered in a secured environment. Most exams last approximately one hour.
You must sign the
Cisco Career Certifications and Confidentiality Agreement at the authorized testing delivery provider, prior to taking any Cisco Certification Exam. If you don't do it, you won't be able to take the exam and you won't get your money back.
Exams can be very challenging, therefore it is very important to familiarize with the different kind of questions.
- Multiple-choice single answer.
- Multiple-choice multiple answers.
- Drag and drop.
- Fill in the blank.
- Teslet
- Simlet
- Simulations
This will allow you to focus in the exam concepts and not in how to use the tools to answer the exam. Please refer to the tutorial.
At the completion of the exams, candidates receive a general score report along with a score breakout by sections, as well as the passing score.
Cisco does not publish exam passing scores because exam questions and passing scores are subject to change without notice.
If you want to know more tips unload the following document (PDF) and you will find great answers:
Cisco Networking Academy Progrma México.
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Certified student say...
" …I decided to accept the challenge of showing what I've learned in the last two years and certify as CCNA. I scored 962/1000 points. The exam demanded two things from me: my interest in networking and the correct use of the knowledge acquired in the program and in the University. You only need to remember some concepts and have the guts to take it.
The passion of knowledge encouraged me to move on through the same way, which is barely the beginning to reach my professional goals as CCNP and CCIE".
Alejandro Matute González.
Benefits for students and instructors.
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.
Visit us, click here!
An idea turned into reality and into a solution for your Academy: XpressTerminal.
Many of our contributions are related to technical curriculum issues; others are about experiences or certifications, lab exercises and events. However, this time we want to provide something that benefits every Academy in Mexico: we will dedicate this space to XpressTerminal.
This product started as a project from one of our students of the Programa Cisco Networking Academy in Dominican Republic. His name is Ing. Reiner Campillo. He was interested in developing a product to facilitate the use of the different Routers and Switches used for hands-on exercises. Particularly, he analyzed the time spent in changing serial cables and the need to minimize the deterioration of cables and connectors. He also wanted to be able to transfer configurations from one equipment to the other to reduce configuration times.
What started as an idea is today a reality that already arrived at Mexico. Every instructor and student who receives this bulletin will be able to benefit from it. Our CATC has already made the required tests to this equipment and we decided to use this space to offer you access to its Website at: http://Xpressterminal.com.
Something we noticed is that this product provides users with a logical interface to access active network devices for configuration and administration, reducing interconnection time and, since it does not require any protocol to interconnect devices, it allows for simultaneous equipment configuration, without interrupting the use of the communications network.
This improves the performance of the administration and configuration of the devices comprising the network's infrastructure used for hands-on exercises.
When used in operative networks, it is not necessary to incorporate the product to the network schema and therefore it does not affect or jeopardize network security policies' implementation, as well as broadcasts. It features a very simple interface that can be handled by any terminal emulator, without modifying the equipment or software. It can be used through a modem connection via RS232 to remotely configure network devices. The list of features of this equipment is very large.
I think we all need valuable information to simplify our learning process and this device is worthy. Inside the product's website you will find an emulator you can use in your lab exercises. Except for Cisco's Access Servers I think there is no other tool as functional as the one we are introducing here. Finally, remember to contact us if you have any questions about this device.
Happy holidays. We'll write us as soon as we return.
Mc. Everardo Huerta Sosa.
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: catcmx@uat.edu.mx
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For Legal Main Contacts and instructors. |
SMARTnet Policy:
Remember it is mandatory to have the SMARTnet policy for your Academy's lab equipment. Due Date: August 30, 2005.
CCNA Certification:
On May 20, 2005 expired the period for instructors certification. Avoid being dropped out. If you are not certified yet, and you are interested, please contact: Erica Peralta at
The last day to hand in the signed addendum regarding program's operation policies in Mexico, is July 15, 2005. Avoid being dropped out. After July 30 no documentation will be received. If you have not handed it in, please contact Erica Peralta.
If your students already completed module 4 and they want to take the CCNA certification exam, but they don't know where to do it, please contact Erica Peralta. |
To our community. |
Every quarter, we conduct our SERVICE'S QUALITY SURVEY. During July we will be conducting the second survey of the year. You participation is relevant. As far as we know your expectations, we will be able improve our service. Please do it now. Click here. |
To all our working students and graduates. |
It is very important for our community to learn about the achievements of our students and graduates in the job market. We can only do it with your help. If you are working and have not answered the survey, please click here. |
Cisco Quiz.
Of the following, which IS NOT a reason to use an Access List on a Router?
Improve Network performance.
Facilitate routing protocols configuration.
Provide traffic flow control.
Provide a basic level of network access security.
Congratulations to Antonio Moreno, student from Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez, winner of the June Quiz.
The correct answer to the last Quiz is: b) In the switch.
If you are the first one to correctly answer this Quiz, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is July 31, 2005. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.
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Useful Information.
For instructors only.
- How can I register to the instructor's training course?
1. Log in to the Academy Connection site.
Click on "Instructor Home" located on the navigation bar on the upper left side of the page.
Scroll down to the section "Learn" and click on "Register for training".
Select the desired curriculum and click on the link "Register".
Select a class and click on "Register" on the left side of the class information.
We recommend instructors to get trained at their Regional Academy. However, if the class you are trying to register to is offered in open training mode, you can click on "Search for Courses" to locate alternative courses. If the class you are trying to register to is not on the list, it can be because your Academy or you do not fulfill previous course requirements. If this is the case, please contact your Academy's Main Contact for additional class information.
For students only:
- Can students download and print the curriculum?
The Cisco Networking Academy Program curriculum and additional tools, are copyrighted materials. Every unauthorized use of the Cisco Networking Academy Programa's tools and curriculum is illegal and considered a violation to the federal copyright laws.
Students have the option to see the curriculum when they have an active class.
You can ask your instructor for assistance at any time during class. I can also tell you the availability of Program's learning material that can help you through the modules and even for exam preparation. (This is optional material).
You can look up this material in the following web site:
Choose your country to have access to available books and locations where you can buy them.
For more information, please contact us.
Help Desk Latinamerica.
Cisco Networking Academy Program.
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