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MEXICO, June 2003.

Cisco Networking Academy E-Newsletter

  1. Editorial
  2. Our Community
  3. News!
  4. Did you know...?
  5. Activities Schedule
  6. Sponsored Curriculum
  7. Alliances
  8. From the CATC
  9. May I help you?

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."
CCNA y CCNP more then just certifications…

As the years go by, the Telecommunications and Information Technologies world becomes more important for the societies worldwide, because of their contribution in the improvement of life quality and several working processes, their help in immense costs savings and also easing the flow of information, to such a point that it does not matter how far you are or where you are, you are able to access a whole world of information.

But, how does all this about telecommunications appear? It is very simple, it starts with the need of the human beings to communicate with each other, the need to break down the traditional sender-message-receiver communication model. We can briefly review the events that ease the telecommunications' development.

1850 appears the telegraph and in 1876 the telephone, but it is until the second half of the 20th century that it became an essential element within the telecommunication systems.

The next phenomenon was in 1945 due to military interests. The communications' progress achieved during the World War II was crucial for their development. During those years, the human ingenious was forced to design systems that were faster, more secure and private than the current ones. Both World Wars were events that affected both, modern telecommunications and technology and scientific research overall.

Later, in 1945 appear the first satellites. The product of a very interesting multinational collaboration to use the space, was the launching and starts of operations of the first commercial communication's satellite, INTELSAT I, also known as "the early rising bird". INTELSAT I had a capacity of 240 phone circuits. After two years, two bigger satellites were launched, to integrate a global satellite communications systems. These satellites, Pacific and Atlantic INTELSAT II provided telephone communications (720 voice circuits) between any cities around the planet. INTELSAT V, launched in 1980, can process 12 000 phone calls simultaneously in addition to two TV channels.

Regarding the Internet, it originated in the USA at the end of the 60s and was known as ARPANET. During the 70s, this network was used by the Department of Defense and by some universities and research groups. It was in those years that the protocol TCP/IP appeared. The first international connections were achieved in 1973, but it was until 1985 that several main supercomputers were installed that it started to work. It was used in Universities for information interchange and query.

Computing became a mass activity with the appearance of the Personal Computers. In mid 90s, one of the greatest changes were the friendly browsers, which allowed ordinary people to browse the Internet. This was an era were people discovered the potential of data networks more than the power of PCs itself.

This goes far beyond finding a job, beyond having a better salary, we are talking about being part of a generation and being able to say we contributed to improve the education level in Mexico, and this is only regarding the instructors of the program, if we referred to the alumni of the program, we can say there is an enormous potential to improve productivity an communication in our country. We can say that CCNA and CCNP are more than just certifications, they are our means to collaborate in the Technological Development of Mexico The TAT-8 system, the first transatlantic fiber optics cable started operations between USA and Great Britain. This system carries 40 000 phone calls simultaneously, which is more than what carry other cables and combined transatlantic satellite links.

As we can appreciate, the development in telecommunications is not going to stop. In Mexico we have still seen the top of the iceberg: convergent communications, mobile wireless communications, internet and e-business represent an immense working field and only prepared people will be able to contribute in this development and they are the ones who in the future will say "I was part of the technological changes in Mexico".

This is why we believe in an e-Learning program called Cisco Networking Academy. This program teaches students not only to design, configure and install information networks, but it also gives them a general overview of what they can achieve with a Cisco Systems certification.

This goes far beyond finding a job, beyond having a better salary, we are talking about being part of a generation and being able to say we contributed to improve the education level in Mexico, and this is only regarding the instructors of the program, if we referred to the alumni of the program, we can say there is an enormous potential to improve productivity an communication in our country. We can say that CCNA and CCNP are more than just certifications, they are our means to collaborate in the Technological Development of Mexico.

Cisco Networking Academy Mexico.

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Cisco Worldwide Education is pleased to offer the Networking Academy conference in México City, on Wednesday September 3rd, 2003!

The Networking Academy Conference will be held in the same place as Networkers, but it will NOT be integrated to Networkers. This year, the Networking Academy Conference will still be offering what you like from Networkers, to be up to date in the Cisco Networking Academy program progress, professional relationships with colleagues, technical training and a lot of FUN! All this at a lower price!

You can find all the information you need about the Networking Academy conference or Networkers, in the following web pages:

- http://www.cisco.com/mx/nw03/spa/netacad.shtml
- http://www.cisco.com/mx/nw03/spa/faqs_na.shtml


-Show us your knowledge!
We want to thank all those students who have been participating in the different quizzes we published in previous bulletins and we also want to congratulate the May winner, Alejandro Hernández from CUCEI (Centro de Ciencias Exactas e Ingenierías; Exact sciences and engineering center) in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Answer the following questions and if you are the first to have them correct (only via e-mail), you'll get a surprise. You have to send us your Academy's Connection username and password to participate.


1. What category should you use to work with Fast Ethernet technology, having a patch panel, UTP jumpers, jacks and plugs?

2. Which is the right command to enter VTP configuration mode?

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Our Community
My experience in the Cisco Networking Academy Program...

As a graduate alumni of the CCNA in the ITESM Campus Monterrey Regional Academy, (Monterrey, Nuevo Leon), I have broaden my working horizons and at the same time I grew professionally and as a person. The knowledge and skills acquired in the Cisco Networking Academy program allowed me to add value to my job and to be prepared for the ever more difficult competition for the key positions inside organizations.

As the e-commerce development sub-manager in the Soriana headquarters, I have been developing my skills in networking and telecommunications, which means a competitive advantage that encourages me to continue learning and achieving more ambitious goals that benefit me as well as the company. By optimizing resources, both human and material, you improve overall productivity.

I am in the process of attaining the CCNA certification, and in the meantime I am still learning. Knowledge is the best tool to face daily troubles and the acquired experience gives me the security that makes the difference between one and other people fighting for the same job opportunities. Besides the certification, I am studying a postgraduate course. I am Systems Administrator Engineer and one of my goals is to complete my Master in Telecommunications.

Personally, I do not loose focus on my long-term objectives. I have always tried to concentrate in areas I am interested in and I fight to get what I want. Patience and strategy are also needed, not only knowledge. It has been said that the one who posses the information has an advantage, however, if you don't know how to use it, it's not worthy. It's very important to know when, where and who to approach.

The CCNA program was a start for me. Now I am intending to do the and to specialize in a couple of areas. I know new doors are going to open and will take advantage of it.

I want to thank all those people part of the ITESM campus Monterrey Regional Academy, for their full-time work preparing us to face the networking technology and telecommunications world

Ing. Enrique Pérez García
CCNA Program graduate Alumni
ITESM Campus Monterrey

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Did you know...?

Cisco donates equipment and services to help China's Anti-SARS efforts.

The equipment will be used by China's Ministry of Health to build a National Data Interchange Network to fight against SARS.

Beijing, P.R.China, May 28, 2003 - The Ministry of Health (MOH) in China is planning to build a National Data Interchange Network as a tool to protect their citizens against SARS.

Cisco Systems will donate to the MOH, networking equipment and services valued at $2.6 million dollars (RMB21,48 millions). Cisco will also help to setup the network and will offer support in monitoring and controlling the disease.
Complet Article...

BellSouth updates its network with the Cisco ONS 15454 MSSPs

San José, California, and Atlanta, June 4, 2003 - Cisco Systems announced that BellSouth has chosen the Cisco ONS 15454 SONET Multiservice Provisioning Platform (MSPP) as part of the companies plan to migrate from a SONET (Traditional Synchronous Optical Network) network to a low cost, flexible and scalable optical infrastructure.

This transformation strategy will enhance Bellsouth's extensive optical network to support new data services such as metro Ethernet, as well as allow flexibility in customer service, including enhanced service level agreements and speed options.
Complet Article...

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Activities Schedule

CCNA, CCNP y Sponsored Curriculm
Consult the next dates in:

- Technological University, Hermosillo, Sonora
- CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University
- Technological Queretaro University
- Guadalajara Autonomus University
- CATC SC - CUC Guadalajara University
- ITESM Campus Mexico State
- ITESM Campus Guadalajara

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Sponsored Curriculum

Last May 29, CATC SC Mexico participated in Retooling 2003, which was held in the Tamaulipas' Autonomous University facilities. Dan Myers (International Program Manager) and Jaime Tabares (Latin-American Program Manager), were present in this successful event, where 40% of the Cisco's program Regional Academies in México agreed to sign an agreement.

This gives us an idea about the interest of the Regional Academies in increasing the courses of the program to satisfy all students' demands.

The Guadalajara University, Campus Puerto Vallarta, has the commitment and capacity to satisfy the potential training demand, and to support Regional Academies in QAP compliant training and high quality services.

Regarding training, we are flexible and ready to start, the CATC Sponsored Curriculum is open for suggestions for the next Regional Academies' instructors training dates, for the following courses: Fundamentals of Unix (SUN), Fundamentals of Java Programming, IT Essentials I and II (HP) and Fundamentals of Voice and Data Cabling.

For more information, please contact: Lic. Patricia Hernández patyh@pv.udg.mx .

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Program´s Benefits for the community…

Remember that one of the program's benefits is the 70% discount in the certification exam. The approximate cost at full price is $150 usd.

To locate the CCNA testing Centers in México, please visit the following sites:
www.vue.com/cisco y www.prometric.com .

Pearson Education wants to thank you for the invitation to this event and for the attentiveness of the organizers, as well of for the experience to personally know most of the instructors of the program, their needs and concerns.
We consider our presence and the exposure of our material and titles in Spanish as a positive experience. We were surprised at their interest for titles in Spanish and English, and in receiving updated information and brochures or catalogs, as well as the addresses of our distributors.

As we already told the organizers of this event and Cisco Networking Academy, a way to thank you for your comments and suggestions is that we are able to offer you the 2003's novelties edited in English. Please contact us to get a list of all titles edited in English during 2003, and a list of the distributors where you can buy all available Cisco Systems' material in English or Spanish.

The instructors who couldn't find a title in their city can send us a purchase order to our offices in México City, where you will get the discount we agreed with Cisco Networking Academy. Please contact us as soon as possible to place your orders to the following phone numbers or email address: 53-87-08-77; 53-87-08-91; erick.rodriguez@personed.com.

Best Regards and thank you very much
Pearson Education México

"Wise men are those looking for wisdom; fools think they have already found it".

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information: www.padhia.com.mx/cnap/index.htm

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From the CATC...
More than an event ... a team commitment

One of the Cisco Networking Academy Program community more relevant events, was recently held in our university. This event is known as Retooling. It is very comforting for the CATC working team to receive support from the program's support team, as well as from the regional academies and the company. This support establishes great mutual responsibility and compromise, and it is indispensable to be able to carry out this great project that benefits professionals and university students.

The different regional academies' contributions and the different feedback exercises, enriched my opinion and work and also motivate people to move on to new projects such as Security Fundamentals and Wireless Networking Fundamentals.

On the other hand I want to thank Lic. Jesús Lavín Santos del Prado, Rector of the University for his support and effort to achieve these important project.

In the 2nd training series we are including new materials and hands-on exercises for the instructors to increase the quality of the subjects they teach.

CCNA 3.0 is the best example of the vision, commitment and determination of the Cisco Worldwide Education team, to develop and maintain the quality, content and infrastructure of the e-Learning Cisco Networking Academy program. I want to thank Isaac Majerowicz and Veronica Tostado as well as their valuable team, for given us always the right orientation, direction and support.

I also want to thank the participation of all Regional Academies' main contacts, and let them know that this project belongs to all of us and to every participating educational institution. We are proud of being worldwide placed second e in number of students, this leads us to keep on working and to keep the feedback channel always open.

Best Regards …. See you next time.

M.C. Everardo Huerta
CATC México, Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

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May I Help you?
Do you know the requisites to get the end of term CCNA certificates?

The end of term certificates will be available for students and instructors until they have finished every CCNA curriculum. These certificates are neither a grade nor a proficiency document. The end of term certificates are available for students and instructors that have graduated as CCNA1, CCNA 2, CCNA 3, and CCNA 4. To receive the end of term letter, students should have a weighted score of 70% or above in the Gradebook during the whole course. To receive the end of term letter, Instructors should have a weighted score of 80% or above in the Gradebook. Don't forget that: the end of term letters or en of term certificates may not be available in every version and/or language of the curriculum.

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