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MÉXICO, October 2003.

Cisco Networking Academy E-Newsletter.

1.- Editorial
2.- News!
3.- Our Community
4.- Did you know...?
5.- Activities Schedule
6.- Academy Curriculum
7.- Alliances
8.- Career Connection
9.- From the CATC
10.- May I help you?

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."

Hundreds of Cultures Brought Together by One Common Technology.

Statistics show that over 600 million people are actively using the Internet in the twenty-first century. While that is currently only about one-tenth of the world's population, the growth shows no signs of stopping.

As the number of Cisco Networking Academy Program users approaches the five hundred fifty thousand mark, I find it amazing how we have become such a tight knit community in the midst of such mind-boggling numbers. It's true the world over as the Internet grows. A hundred years ago the world relied on boats or horses as its best means of carrying a message. Since then the telephone, the automobile and the airplane have sped the process up, but the Internet age has far surpassed them all. Technology has helped shape the way businesses run and have helped nations find an economic or social niche that evaded them only two decades ago. It's odd to think that something as simple as an e-mail could have such a huge impact.

As this technology changes business standards and empowers nations, it also has this peculiar ability to draw us as citizens of the world closer to one another, regardless of numbers. People from every corner of the world can keep in touch with business associates, friends, and family by simply clicking a button. But simple communication is just the beginning. The World Wide Web has created just that, an interdependent network of knowledge and opportunity for everyone with access to a phone line.

This whole concept is what makes the Internet and the Cisco Networking Academy Program such an exciting business to be involved with. Instructors and Students from all walks of life, and from almost every nation have come together to learn the basics of the same technology that has made this program possible. What may be even more exciting is the hope that as the program grows, the technology itself will also see benefits.

Today's Students are tomorrow's business owners and political leaders, taking knowledge with them that, in many countries, was never available to their predecessors. These same Students may also be tomorrow's Instructors, bringing a perspective to the program and the curriculum that can only lead to greater leaps and bounds.

Working with the Customer Support team has allowed my associates and me to experience this community atmosphere every day. Though we might not recognize it, we have the opportunity to connect with the entire world each and every day. Often times an Instructor will contact us only once during their time with the program. Other Instructors contact us daily and know some of us by name.

We are one team, located in hundreds of places around the world. An Instructors' questions can go from Mexico City, Mexico to Phoenix, Arizona to London, England within ten minutes without them ever knowing about it. Our entire team prides ourselves in making sure Instructors and Students we serve have the information they need, no matter what nation they hail from.

Luke Little
Training and Quality Coordinator
Help Desk, Cisco Networking Academmy Program

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Attention Students…

- Show us your knowledge!

We thank all the students who have taken part in the quizzes published in previous Bulletins for their participation.

Answer the following questions and if you are the first to send a correct answer, via e-mail to jennifermerino@netcad.com.mx only, you will receive a surprise gift. All you have to do is send us your username and password for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.

1.- Which is the command used to copy the system image in a trivial file server?
2.- Which router memory stores the backup copy of the configuration file of the router?

Attention, Academies…

We remind you that one of the security requirements for the program's curriculum in the QAP document is to keep it in a safe Academy server. This is so that only Cisco Networking Academy users (Instructors, Students, and authorized Users) can access with a username and password. This way access and copyright control will be kept.

Si estás interesado en conocer el procedimiento para realizar la descarga de archivos y la forma de renombrar los documentos por favor envíanos un correo a la cuenta de: te_ayudo@netacad.com.mx o catcmx@netacad.com.mx requesting further information on the subject.

Help Desk.
Cisco Networking Academy México.

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My experience in the Cisco Networking Academy Program...

My history within the program began a bit over two years ago when we were informed at school that our curriculum would be complemented with the Cisco Networking Academy Program. I found the method excellent since the working material is very well achieved, with plenty of diagrams and labs which allowed my knowledge of neteorks and internetworking to grow in a structured fashion.

The experience that I acquired little by little with the equipment that the school bought for our laboratory got me interested, and I was soon able to invent my own "what if…" experiments which, I believe, allowed me to reaffirm what I had already learned.

An important factor was our teacher, Mr. José E. Godoy, who took us through every step of the way. His classes were pleasant, and he always showed a good disposition to help us clear our doubts and, of course, lend us the equipment so we could "play" at our leisure.

Today, as an alumnus of the Cisco Networking Academy, I can affirm that I would NOT have been able to find a job like the one I have (I provide technical support to Cisco equipment) or to obtain my CCNA certification, which I did a few days ago during Networkers 2003.

For all of this, once again, THANK YOU, VERY MUCH!

Jorge Luis Ramírez González, CCNA
Technological Institute of Celaya
Internetworking Engineer, Getronics México

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Cisco Systems Unveils Color IP Telephone.

- a Powerful New Platform for Network-Based Productivity.

SAN JOSE, Calif., September 9, 2003 - Cisco Systems® today announced a new Internet Protocol (IP) telephone with a high resolution, color touch screen, as well as enhancements to two of its entry-level IP phones, which enable a host of compelling new productivity applications that have the potential to greatly improve business processes.

The new Cisco color IP Phone 7970G, and XML support on the Cisco IP Phones 7905G and 7912G will be unveiled at the third annual Cisco Innovation Through Convergence Expo (ITC) Sept. 10-12 at the Westin Santa Clara Hotel in Santa Clara, Calif. The Cisco ITC Expo provides Cisco's growing community of Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data (AVVID) partners the opportunity to showcase their innovative Extensible Markup Language (XML) applications running on Cisco AVVID networks.

Complete article...

Cisco IP Telephony Certifications Issued Doubles in 2003..
- Rise in Cisco IP telephony certifications awarded surpasses IP telephony industry growth .

SAN JOSE, Calif., September 23, 2003 - Cisco Systems, Inc.® today announced that the number of Cisco IP telephony certifications issued more than doubled from December 31, 2002 to July 1, 2003.

Significant contributors to the rapid adoption of IP telephony certifications are a rise in global IP telephony implementations and growing confidence in Cisco's high quality IP telephony networking professional training and certifications.

The IP telephony industry grew 60% in 2002 and is expected to continue at an annual growth of at least 40% through 2007, according to industry analysts. As a leading IP telephony provider, Cisco recently announced it has 10,000 IP telephony customers worldwide and delivered over 2 million Cisco IP phones to customers.

Complet Article

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CCNA, CCNP y Sponsored Curriculm
Consult the next dates in:

- CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University
- Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Technological Nezahualcoyotl University
- Technological Queretaro University

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A cordial invitation is extended to all Regional Academies of the Mexico Cisco Networking Academy program to become a part of the "Sponsored Curriculum" program and profit from the next training sessions to be held at the Tamaulipas Autonomous University campus. It should be noted that the courses will be given by the Centro Universitario de la Costa.

The Academies that still don't have a signed agreement may request it to Mr. Jaime Tabares, e-mail: jtabares@cisco.com.

Calendar as follows:

  • Fundamentals of Unix (October 20-24 )
  • ** Voice and Data Cabling (October 20-24)
  • Java programming (November 3-7 and 10-12)
  • IT Essentials I (November 17-21)
  • IT Essentials II(November 24-28)

Remember that if you cannot attend these courses because of the distance, other dates will be opened at the installations of the CATC SC in Puerto Vallarta if other Academies should be interested in the training.

We await your e-mails to know who will be participating and, should you have any doubts, you may write Paty Hernández at: patyh@pv.udg.mx

**Note: the Voice and Data Cabling course is to be confirmed due to laboratory issues.

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Program´s Benefits for the community…

Remember that one of the program's benefits is the discount in the certification exam. The approximate cost at full price is $150 usd.

To locate the CCNA testing Centers in México, please visit the following sites:

www.vue.com/cisco y www.prometric.com.

"We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip little by little at a truth we find bitter".

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information:

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Career Connection

We are very happy to be able to participate in this Bulletin with a section to promote the program's labor exchange. In this section you will be able to learn about the most recent job openings as well as how to register for the labor exchange and the most important news.

We are very interested in your having these work opportunities within your reach because we want to offer as many as possible. For this, your participation is very important.

We invite to joint the labor exchange of the Cisco Networking Academy Program in Mexico. The only thing you have to do is fill out the form you will find at this link: http://www.cisco.com/mx/netacad/bolsa1.shtml

Some of the companies presently participating are : Nextel, Grupo Tele & Com, GJ Telecomunicaciones among others.

Aside from this we would like to invite all students and alumni of the program who are currently working to answer the survey published at http://www.cisco.com/mx/netacad/encuestabt.shtml

We hope to provide you with the best of services whether you ar a student or alumnus of the program and remain at your service to clear any doubt you may have regarding its Labor Exchange. Write us to ciscosystems@netacad.com.mx.

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We begin…

A big surprise: I was using one of the wonderful tools of the Academy Connection for sending messages to its different users in order to make an invitation to the first Bridge course which CATC Mexico will be starting soon and to my surprise a great number of messages were returned to my mailbox indicating several reasons why the many e-mails had not been delivered.

The reasons: non existent mail accounts, full mailboxes, non existent domain names, etc. All of these, if we think about it, are obstacles for communication between CATC and regional and local academies to be carried out in a fluid and transparent fashion.

Our Academy Connection really offers a number of tools that many of us don't use, but for the tools to work properly, we must contribute our grain of sand. What do you think? We could begin by updating our information on the system's profile. Hard? Of course not! We only need to put in 5 minutes of our precious time to do it. And something else: spread this bit of news to other users of the system so that in a short time this information may be used.

We also have a search engine that is already activated where we could find out a lot more about the different users of the system but, what do you know? Without complete information, this will never be possible. For this reason, let's begin a great campaign for the updating of information in the system. Spread this among your colleagues, students, and instructors.

But the big question for many is, where do you do it? Log into the Academy Connection. Once logged in, in the upper right hand corner click on "My Profile". This simple way we can start a great revolution by updating our information. Now I only have one small doubt: Do you want to be part of the change?

A small doubt…
During the Academy conference at Networkers 2003 in which the Cisco Worldwide Education demonstrated training for version 3.0 and for the Bridge Course, the question of training for CATC Mexico and the responsibility of replicating this course in its 4 modes at the different regional academies that constitute the program so that they replicate in turn at the local academies came up.

For the correct development of version 3.0, a communication process is needed first and, second, a series of directives that set the pace at an international level, and that are presently being carried out in Mexico. For this it is important to mention several special points that the different regional and local academies must diffuse.

1. Training Mode
a.CATC to Regional
Bridge Course 1, 100% Remote Mode
Bridge Course 2 through 4, Remote/Present Mode. Use of Netlab
Use of Webex Tool
Evaluation: 80 First Exam. 85 Second Try/Present if the first is not successful
Download official course activities and material, once registered
b.Regional to Local
Only Local Mode in the 4 modules
Training program dependent of Regional
Evaluation: 80 First Exam. 85 Second Try. Retake the course if not passed

The points mentioned above are the most relevant. However, all important information will be given to instructors registering remote for this first training period.

Working for universities that are Agent of Change and Privilege of Values.

CATC México, Everardo Huerta
Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

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What is the difference between the CCNA 640-801 exam and the CCNA 640-607 exam?

The revised CCNA 640-801 exam will replace the existing CCNA 640-607 exam.

The revised CCNA 640-801 exam is designed to better assess the networking skills of entry-level candidates. The CCNA curriculum includes understanding the functions and operations of local area networks (LAN), Cisco IOS fundamentals, wide area networks (WAN), virtual private networks (VPN), and Storage Area.

The CCNA 640-801 exam tests more in-depth knowledge of the ICND 2.x course. The exam covers topics such as.

  1. Switching configuration
  2. OSPF and EIGRP routing protocols (Open Shortest Path First and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
  3. VLSM (Variable Length Subnet Masking)
These topics were not covered in the 640-607 exam7.

Help Desk.

Cisco Networking Academy México.

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