
During the last months, we have been dedicating most part of this publication to two very important topics: certification and the CCNA 3.1 version, and their particular connotations.
These topics, although they are a priority for instructors, are of great importance for students. The program's most recent version has been updated with the constant changes of technology. If an instructor is properly trained and updated, students do not need to worry about being taught obsolete information.
On the other hand, a student whose instructor is certified can be confident that the instructor has a deep knowledge in the subject he/she is teaching, and he/she can be of great assistance when the student decides to take the certification exam, increasing student's success possibilities.
Therefore, these issues will be part of our Cisco Networking Academy México agenda during the following months.
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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"This newsletter has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it." |
N e w s ! |
Can I help you? |
For Instructors only. Bridge CCNA 3.1 Training.
More |
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO), the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, this year celebrates 20 years of commitment to technology innovation, industry leadership, and corporate social responsibility. Information on Cisco can be found at at http://www.cisco.com. For ongoing news, please go to http://newsroom.cisco.com. |

Tic-Tac Design Contest. |
In one way or another, technology is in everybody's life. However, most people think that technology relates only to men and adults. Very few women dare to join this fascinating world, and it is about time we change this tendency. Do it!
Explore your creativity and inventiveness to show that technology is also a girls' thing! Be part of it!
See the rules (84.1 KB-PDF). |
Alumni Connection.
Cisco Wireless Game.
Bring to bear your networking knowledge, gaming acumen, and site survey strategy to meet the needs of 'our friendly aliens on a faraway spaceship.' Your role is to keep the aliens connected - and score as high as you can.
Cisco Wireless Explorer is a free game available on the site for your recreation and learning. The game presents meaningful networking scenarios in an engaging environment for you to solve. The scenarios emphasize key concepts about wireless at an introductory level. The game also highlights the basic challenges of site surveys and coverage when setting up wireless networks.
Cisco Certifications Multi-Player Challenge: CCNA
Challenge your friends to a one-on-one game as you prepare for your CCNA certification. A series of CCNA questions are presented to both you and your opponent. Be the first to answer correctly and you score; the highest score at the end of the game is the winner!
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico.
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Our student's opinion.
“I am 31 years old, and the opportunity I have to learn through the program, will strengthen my skills in the working field, despite my age”. Víctor Manuel Villanueva Fábil.
UT Nezahualcóyotl.
“The program has been of great help. The concepts I’ve learned in class have been very useful in the department where I am working right now".
Milagros Guadalupe Poom Molina.
Technological Universities Confirm their Commitment with Cisco Networking Academy.
Last October 1st, 60 vice-chancellors of Technological Universities (UT) met in the Universidad Tecnológica Mariano Escobedo, located in Monterrey, Nuevo León, during the 13th Vice-Chancellors meeting, where they confirmed their support and commitment with Cisco Networking Academy Program. See more
Welcome new Academies:
UT de la Región Norte de Guerrero
UT de la Riviera Maya
TESE Coacalco
ITS Zamora
Universidad La Salle Cd. Victoria.
We want to thank the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Cajeme (ITESCA) and the Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcóyotl for inviting us to their events.

IT Women: How are we doing?
Statistics about the gender breakdown of the labour force can be hard to interpret, since IT work cuts across many industrial and occupational categories. Some IT workers are hidden at home, doing contract, freelance, part-time or other forms of precarious work. Some IT workers do technical tasks as part of their daily routine, but their official job title is not considered a technical one. Information technologies and changes in work practices have created many new types of jobs and reconfigured old ones.
Here you can find an abstract of the book Doing IT. Women Working in Information Technology.
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Discover the possibilities as a woman of a career in Information Technologies, see the new material of Cisco Networking Academy Mexico: video and poster.


The network and its effect in business.
Companies have expanded their networks in terms of size, business utility and strategic value. More and more, the network is being associated to business’ objectives. Companies are getting focused on their networks’ ROI evaluation, considering four basic areas:
- Cut down the Total Cost of Ownership — Every time new technologies are added to existent networks, new equipment is acquired, people are trained and the network performance has to be managed and optimized.
- Improve Business Agility — In terms of the ability of an organization to respond fast to market and/or business’ changing conditions, and to adapt to the dynamic demands of their customers and their businesses.
- Speed up access to applications and services — This acceleration improves business agility. For example, the IP Communications System includes an application to manage customer relationships that allows the displaying of information related to the calling customer. With this information, customer attention is fast and efficient.
- Increase availability — Network’s downtime can negatively affect income and can diminish cost-effectiveness, due to costs associated to the time IT staff has to spend troubleshooting the network. High availability relies on carefully planned redundancy, strong security, and scalability, as well as on diligences throughout the network’s life-cycle. Availability goals are influenced by businesses’ objectives.
Considering these factors, Cisco is introducing into the market the concept of “Network’s Life cycle” that visualizes the network in six stages: preparation, planning, design, implementation, operation, and optimization.
In our next edition, we will detail these life cycle stages of a network, as well as Cisco’s offerings to make the most out of these stages.
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Technology Report.
 Networkers Solutions 2005: Cisco Systems México announces Networkers Solutions Forum 2005, the technological forum for networking updates and connectivity, aimed for technical and business’ professionals interested in training and in gathering recent information on technology and connectivity solutions. See more…
Use the Help Desk.
 As member of the Cisco Networking Academy Program, you can request for help in Spanish any time you need it. See more...
Cisco Networking Academy Program, Mexico. |
Cisco Networking Academy is a non-profit program in Mexico. If you are requested a fee to take any course, please contact us at click here. |

Certification exam. |
If your students already completed module 4 and they want to take the CCNA certification exam, but they do not know where to do it, please contact Webmaster. |

Last September 22nd, the Spanish version of the CCNA 640-801certification has been released. This new version relates to the most updated version of the CCNA (3.1) curriculum.
Those instructors who aren’t updated in this new version, can still take the certification test of version 2.1 in Spanish, but for limited time. This version is available only for members of the Programa Cisco Networking Academy and test’s candidates have to mention it when requesting the exam. The due date to register for the certification exam 640-607 is Wednesday, November 30th, 2005 and the last day to take it is December 30th, 2005. Both dates are subject to change without notice.
Do you want to get ready for the exam? Click here and visit our
Prep Center.
Contact: webmaster-espanol@cisco.netacad.net.
Cisco Networking Academy Progrma México.
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Cisco’s certification offers professionals important acknowledgement in the TI industry, adding value and service to any organization they work for.
Benefits for students and instructors.
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.
Visit us, click here!

Are you certified as CCNA? |
Let’s all Networking Academy México to be aware...
During August, September and October, Cisco’s Academies Training Center in México, (CATC), continued the telephone poll regarding the status of Local Academies around the country.
We discover very important and interesting issues we have to focus on. We still need information from many academies. If you are among them, please contact us immediately. Remember that only with your help we will be able to correct program’s problems and improve it. See more...
Help us help you!
Mc. Everardo Huerta Sosa.
M.C. Everardo Huerta Sosa
CATC MéxicoDirector.
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: catcmx@uat.edu.mx
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For Legal Main Contacts and instructors. |
Every year, Networking Academy México conducts a survey to know Instructors, Main Contacts, and Students’ perception. The use of these data is only for statistical purposes and allows us to improve the quality of the services we offer to the community.
If you are chosen to answer this survey, please do it. Your answers are very important. You can answer the survey online:
1. From the Academy Connection (Headlines. Aviso importante. Everardo Huerta)
2. Throw Academy Connection en español.
The survey will take you from 5 to 10 minutes and the information you provide is strictly confidential.
Thank you very much for your cooperation. |
For Legal Main Contacts and instructors. |
SMARTnet Policy. Due Date: December 15, 2005.
CCNA Certification. Due Date: December 31, 2005. |
To all our working students and graduates. |
It is very important for our community to learn about the achievements of our students and graduates in the job market. We can only do it with your help. If you are working and have not answered the survey, please click here. |
Cisco Quiz.
Which is the search sequence of a Router to locate the Cisco IOS upon initializing?
A) Flash-Nvram-Rom.
B) Rom-flash-Nvram.
Congratulations to Gerardo Arellano, winner of the August Quiz.
The correct answer to the last Quiz is: c) 113%.
If you are the first one to correctly answer this Quiz, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is October 31, 2005. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation.
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For Instructors only. Bridge CCNA 3.1 Training.
As of 2006, version 2.1 of the CCNA curriculum will be definitely removed; the only available curriculum to open classes will be version 3.1. Therefore, those instructors who do not show their competence in the new version (3.1) won’t be able to teach any classes from that date on.
If you are an instructor and haven’t approved all courses, please remember that you have until December 2005 to do it; otherwise you won’t be allowed to open classes in Academy Connection. Bridge CCNA 1 and CCNA 4 courses are still available and will be offered on a regular basis through Academy Connection, until December 2005.
Enter Academy Connection, in the Instructor section look for the LEARN subsection and search the courses you need in order to update to version CCNA 3.1.
If you already took one or more modules of 3.1 version, you don’t need to attend the Bridge course of that specific module.
Frecuently asked questions:
If I am already trained in version 2.1, what happens if I do not attend bridge courses before December 2005?
You won’t be able to open classes in the system as of January 1st, 2006.
You attended CCNA 1 version 2.1.2, than you need to attend BRIDGE CCNA 1.
If you also attended the module CCNA 2 version 3.1, (new), you do not need to attend the Bridge CCNA 2 course for this particular module.
Do I have to go to the CATC to attend bridge courses?
No, bridge courses are 100% remote. However, you need to know that every module is charged a registration fee of 550 Mexican pesos.
How do I pay this registration fee?
After registration you will receive an email with all the information you need to attend the course. It is very important for you to know, that this information will be sent to the email address you entered in Academy Connection.
Can I attend several modules simultaneously?
Yes, but remember that Bridge courses are 6-day courses. You will need to carefully schedule them to be able to finish each module on time; otherwise you won’t approve the module.
If you are interested, please register through Academy Connection.
For more information, please contact us.
Help Desk Latinamerica.
Cisco Networking Academy Program.
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