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MEXICO, September 2003.

Cisco Networking Academy E-Newsletter

  1. Editorial
  2. Our Community
  3. News!
  4. Did you know...?
  5. Activities Schedule
  6. Sponsored Curriculum
  7. Alliances
  8. From the CATC
  9. May I help you?

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"This bulletin has been edited in Spanish for the Spanish speaking community. The translation into English is to keep the World Wide Education Team informed and it is translated by a non-native speaker. Please use it only internally and do not distribute it."
Another year organizing the largest networking event in Mexico: Networkers…

When I look backward and recall that we had from 500 to 800 attendants, I am greatly surprised to see now more than 2000 people interested in being updated, in learning and sharing experiences.

What is most significant is to see how the event has evolved, thanks to the comments we receive from our customers. This year we are looking forward to comply with the many requests, we invited our dealers to participate in World of Solutions and we organized meetings with different technologies' experts, trying to show solutions for every market.

Cisco's strategy: Listen, Share, Deliver, has been 100% implemented during Networkers, since one of the main goals is for the event to serve as a forum to Listen to our customers and partners, to Share experiences, ideas, development, etc., and to Deliver solutions according to market needs.

For Cisco it is very important to know you and to help you in your professional development. Share with us your ideas, needs, and experiences. Be part of the network power. Now!

Odette Latapi,
Marketing and Communications Manager
Cisco Systems Mexico

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By this means, we want to greet you and thank you for your presence in the Cisco Networking Academy Conference during Networkers 2003. For the Networking Academy team, it is very important to share a comprehensive industry vision with you, technological advances and the tendencies that are marking the present and the future, GIVING YOU THE POWER TO CHANGE BUSINESSES. NOW!

We sincerely hope that the Cisco Networking Academy Conference 2003 met your expectations, and that during the event you found elements that will help you in your professional and business development.

Receiving you at Networkers - the industry's most important networking forum - is an incentive to continue our contribution to professionalize the industry and increase the business' possibilities of our customers. We are certain that your presence in our forum adds value to our evolution, in order for the Internet to continue changing our lives in such ways we can hardly imagine.

The Networking Academy team thanks you for your presence in the Academy Conference!


Congratulations to every participant in the Rally "EnREDate" carried out during the Cisco Networking Academy Conference 2003!!

Following is the winners' list of the Quintana Roo University:

- Yobana Del Carmen Gamboa Perera
- Cesar Iván García Hernández
- Carlos Noverola Díaz
- Nayar Cano Lemus


-Show us your knowledge!
We want to thank all those students who have been participating in the different quizzes we published in previous bulletins, and we also want to congratulate the August winner, Jorge Luis Ramírez from the Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya who answered all questions correctly.

Answer the following questions and if you are the first to have them correct (only via e-mail), you'll get a surprise. You have to send us your Academy's Connection username and password to participate.


1. How many ways do you know to build Fiber Optics ST or SC connectors?

2. How many VTP SERVER domains should exist in a broadcast domain?

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Our Community
My experience in the Cisco Networking Academy Program...

Educational organizations with technology-specific university courses, have more and more graduates in this field. It is very important for them to keep updated and to relate with colleagues and other industry professionals, for the global expansion and the increase in professionals able to face technological changes. Networkers 2003 has been my firs experience as a Cisco Networking Academy Instructor, and the variety of conferences offered during the event was amazing.

These kinds of events provide us with information about technologies, business tendencies, and solutions we can supply to program's students. It is highly valuable to share ideas with and to relate to other professionals specialized in networking and telecommunications in a very positive environment, allowing you to learn about projects and tendencies around telecommunication's equipment.

In World of Solutions, I found leaders with great technological exhibitions, including a specialist explaining what's new in the market, all this allowed us to know and understand the technology. Networkers 2003 exceeded my expectations!

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to continue our professional development.

Patricia Hernandez Ornelas,
Degree in Information Systems
Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara.

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Did you know...?

Cisco, leader in IP Telephony.
- Cisco, Latin-American IP Telephony market share leader.

Miami, USA, September 3rd, 2003. - Cisco Systems is the worldwide leader in IP Telephony, in income as in dispatch units, according to the latest market share studies from Synergy Research and Dell' Oro Group, for the April-June, 2003 quarter.

According to IDC, Cisco is also the market leader in IP Telephony in Latin America.

According to Synergy Research, in the IP Phones segments, Cisco holds 42.7%, followed by Avaya (11.3%), and Nortel (8.4%) worldwide. In the enterprise packet voice segments, Cisco holds 36.3%, followed by Avaya (19.5 %), and Nortel (7.9%). In the enterprise voice gateways segment, Cisco holds 73.2%. In the enterprise IP Telephony, Cisco holds 27.4%, followed by Avaya (21.5%), and Nortel (9.9 %)

At the moment, Cisco has shipped more than 2 million IP phones worldwide, and is shipping an average of 5,000 IP phones daily, with more than 10,000 IP communications corporate customers.

Complet Article

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Activities Schedule

CCNA, CCNP y Sponsored Curriculm
Consult the next dates in:

- CATC - Tamaulipas Autonomous University
- Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Technological Nezahualcoyotl University

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Sponsored Curriculum

It was great being in Networkers 2003. We met wit Regional and Local Academies to spread the "Sponsored Curriculums" and their approval was amazing as was the opportunity to share our experiences.

We are increasing the amount of agreements with Academies to teach the new courses sponsored by Hewlett Packard, Sun Microsystems, and Panduit. We agreed to work together in the planning of the next training, so you'll receive suggestions to organize the following courses.

Jaime Tabares' presentation, which was shown during the meetings with the academies, is already in our web page at http://catc.pv.udg.mx. There you will find all information regarding the Sponsored Curriculum courses. We'll be waiting for you! If you have any comments, pleas write us to

Patricia Hernández,

Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara.

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Program´s Benefits for the community…

Remember that one of the program's benefits is the 70% discount in the certification exam. The approximate cost at full price is $150 usd.

To locate the CCNA testing Centers in México, please visit the following sites:

www.vue.com/cisco y www.prometric.com .

"To cry out loud a reason, doesn't make it stronger".
Alejandro Casona.

Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.

For more information:

As every month, we are pleased to inform you about our progress and new regarding our academic Cisco - Sun program, and to tell you that this month we started the training in Java and Unix in the following Universities, signed last month:

University in Veracruz (Universidad Veracruzana)
- Technological Institute in Misantla
- University Cultural Center in Veracruz
- Faculty of Statistics and Information Technologies
- Faculty of Administrative Computers Systems in Xalapa
- Faculty of Telecommunications Engineering in Veracruz
- Faculty of Telecommunications Engineering in Poza Rica
- Faculty of Engineering in Xalapa
- Cristobal Colón University
- Faculty of Computer Systems in Veracruz

Technological University in Hermosillo:
- Kino University
- Superior Studies' Technological Institute in Cajeme
- Superior Technological Institute in Cananea
- Northwest University
- TU (Technological University) in Tijuana
- TU in Cd. Juárez
- TU in Chihuaha
- TU in Piedras Negras
- TU in Nogales
- TU in Hermosillo

These academies will be teaching the courses during the September - December 2003 period.

We want to thank Cisco Networking Academy for its support during last week's great show.

We are expecting your participation in the Cisco's Networking Academy Curriculum!
For more information about the Cisco - Sun program, please contact Viviana Adalid,

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From the CATC...
A new training wave...

Every time training activities increases in the CATC, you can see a lot of personalities participating, while in other cases you see only the instructor. A new training era is coming for all Academies in Mexico. The reason is the new version in CCNA 3.0, even when this version isn't yet available to Mexico, the Cisco Networking Academy Mexico operations team, the training staff at CATC and International Operation are working together to offer high quality training and to determine schedules for all interested academies in Mexico.

At the same time, the labs are being adapted to support the new training programs "Networking Security Fundamentals" and "Wireless networks fundamentals". These programs are in the forefront regarding contents, materials, images, support material, etc.

All this is on behalf of more and more Mexican students, to be able to be part of the change, a daily change. The program's statistics don't lie, we are number 2 in the world in number of students and number 5 in number of academies; we can work even more to set important precedents in Mexico's education. This information is very important to all our regional academies, main contacts, and instructors.

We are working very hard with the Mexico's operations team for you to have an information kit as soon as possible. This information should spread what we are today and what we will build tomorrow, because we have to be part of the change. The CATC Mexico wants to reiterate its commitment with the education of a modern Mexico, we are changing agents and value privileges.

Best Regards,

CATC México,
Tamaulipas Autonomous University.

E-mail: catcmx@netacad.com.mx

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May I Help you?
How do Students complete the initial account registration process?

When an Instructor creates a Student account, the Student must complete the initial registration process and provide personal/account information before access to the Academy Connection site is granted. Please have your Students follow the steps below to complete the initial account registration process:

1. Access the URL addres http://cisco.netacad.net/public/index.html
2. Click on the 'log in here' link located under the orange 'Academy Users Log In' heading at the right-hand side of the page.
3. Enter the Academy Connection ID issued for your account in the 'Username' field.
4. Enter the temporary password issued for your account in the 'Password' field.
5. Click on 'Go'.
6. Agree to the Student Use Agreement, complete the required personal and account information, and submit your account information.

Please Note: The Academy Connection ID number issued at the time the account was created and the temporary password generated by the system MUST be entered as the initial login information. Upon gaining access to the initial registration pages, Students may edit their user information and select a unique username and password for their account.

Help Desk,
Cisco Networking Academy México.

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