
The minds behind the Program. From World Wide Education.
From this issue on, we invite you to share the thoughts and reflections of all those people who day after day work hard to make it possible for thousand of academies to offer the Program to hundreds of students.
In this issue we have Scott Dierks: Thoughts from International Operations.
At the head of International Operations is Scott Dierks. Scott is the General Manager of International Operations in the Corporate Affairs Division at Cisco. From the 7 years he has been collaborating with Cisco, 6 have been dedicated to the Cisco Networking Academy Program.
Based in Cisco's headquarters in San Jose , California , Scott travels constantly round the world. Within the framework of the International World Wide Education meeting held in New Orleans , U.S. last July, Scott Dierks took a break to answer some questions and to think about his work inside the Program.
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Cisco Networking Academy Latinoamérica.

Academy Profile
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
The origin of the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas dates back to January 6, 1873 , when the Seminar School -founded by Mr. Ignacio Montes de Oca y Obregón, Tamaulipas' first bishop- was opened in Ciudad Victoria . The seminar
established the beginning of professional high education in Tamaulipas.
On August 6, 2000 , the Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas (UAT) started activities as part of the Cisco Networking Academy Program with the main purpose of granting an added value to its students. This institution constitutes a fundamental pillar for the Program, being Cisco's CCNA Training Center in Mexico , having an effect on many students, since this institution trains the Regional Academies, who in turn train their respective Local Academies.
The UAT is also a Local Academy that offers the Program to engineering and other degrees students. At the moment, the Program in the UAT has 4 generations of graduated students. This fills with pride the institution as there are several success stories of students who have finished the Program, certified and have successful working lives.
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Main Contact: Everardo Huerta
E-mail: ehuerta@uat.edu.mx
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Our student's opinion...
" Knowledge and the ability to face new technologies challenges, without overlooking the human side of our job, has been one of the most important and outstanding achievements of the work being done at the Cisco Academies. It would have been impossible for me to have the skills and professional and personal development I have, without the Cisco Networking Academy Program".
Miguel Alfonso López Alonso,
Universidad Tecnológica de León.

New Regional Academy , Technological University of Puebla.
We want to congratulate the Technological University in Puebla for its upgrade in September from Local Academy to Regional Academy . In its first stage, this Regional Academy will support 7 Local Academies, 4 of which are new institutions and we want to seize the opportunity to welcome them to the Networking Academy community.
1. Instituto Tecnológico Superior de San Martín.
2. Universidad Madero
3. Universidad Politécnica de Puebla.
4. Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP).

Gender Initiative


Intangible benefits.
In our last edition, we talked about the importance and benefits offered by the Cisco's Technical Support agreement, known as SMARTnet: access to the Telephone Support Center , access to Cisco.com for troubleshooting, parts replacement, and Cisco's IOS software upgrades.
In this issue we will describe the advantages of having resources at hand such as maintenance releases, minimum changes and main upgrades of the Cisco's IOS software.
Performance, even in the best products, decreases over time. Upgrading Cisco's equipment on a regular basis with maintenance releases, changes or main versions of the Cisco IOS software, assures that your network is operating with the newest software technologies to guarantee end users' success. This updates also help in preventing network downs and the negative effect this triggers, both in costs and in user satisfaction.
Many customers do not realize that in most cases, the annual fee associated with the service agreement is equal or less than the price they would have to pay for these upgrades or new releases every time they need them.
The SMARTnet agreement offers additional benefits.
Through a SMARTnet agreement the return of investment in equipment increases; network downtime decreases; network operation costs are reduced; end user satisfaction goes up and the learning curve goes on.
Ana Saputi
Customer Advocacy
E-mail: asaputi@cisco.com
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How much do you know about e-learning?.
 Cisco is one of the main promoters of e-learning. To learn about its uses and implications, click here!

The Program in Figures...
 Being the largest e-learning Program in the world is not a matter of sayings, it is a matter of facts. To date, more than 33,685,188 online exams have been taken, 780,509 of which have been registered during June.
More than 10, 200 academies in 158 countries are offering the same Program to 437,914 students, 27,000 of which study in our country in one of our 269 academies, which means an average of a little bit more than 100 students per Academy. With more than 1,000 instructors, the Program operates in the whole country. The figures that place Mexico first among 22 Latin American countries are number of students, number of academies, and number of instructors. |
Technology Report |
Cisco announces new integrated services routers.
San José , California , Sept.14, 2004. – Cisco Systems today announced the new Cisco Integrated Services Routers, the industry's first routers with no performance degradation when all its functions are in use; designed for medium to large enterprises and branch offices, they deliver secure data, voice and video, and other advanced services. >> See more ... |

The not finishing culture.
Some actions show that leaving things unfinished is part of our culture: not finishing... not graduating… not certifying . For some people this means a break, no more studying. For others, it closes doors to better and greater life opportunities. A lot of students choose this easy way and do not certify without even looking into the future; they will have to struggle more if they want a better position in the working market.
One of the most positive aspects of the Cisco Networking Academy Program e-learning approach, is the role of the instructors. In this initiative, the instructor is a facilitator, but also an example to follow; a responsible instructor who finishes what he starts, who certifies, offers invaluable examples to his students.
Therefore, certification is more important for instructors, they have to take advantage of the opportunity to certify as CCAI. The CCAI certification proves the instructor's ability to teach the several needs demanded by the Program.
If you are not among the 41 CCAI certified instructors, think about the kind of example you want to be. Don't let this opportunity go by. Requirements are as follows:
- To have successfully finished the Program Orientation Course.
- To have successfully and verifiable finished the Program's training courses.
- To have successfully taught at least one curriculum course, including online test application as required by the Program .
- To have the CCNA certification.
These requirements must be fulfilled within the next 24 months after the date you start as instructor.
Help Desk en Español Latinoamérica
Cisco Networking Academy Program
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Are you studying or did you study CCNA 4?
 If have are close to graduation or you graduated from the Cisco Networking Academy Program, the next goal is to apply for the CCNA certification exam.
Applying for the certification exam is an additional effort in time and resources, but if you fulfilled every requirement of the courses, you are entitled to a discount voucher.
About Testing Centers visit www.prometric.com or
Benefits for students and instructors.
" "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it".
Wolfgang Goethe.
Cisco Networking Academy Program Mexico and Padhia developed an alliance to offer programs about Human development, academic improvement, pedagogic updating for teachers, as well as top education technology integration.
For more information call Padhia S.C. at 5603-0840, 671 7081 and 5603-3072.
Visit us, click here! |
Virtual Meeting.
Regional Academies in Mexico.
On September 8, 2004 , the Regional Academies participated in a virtual conference. 26 of the Mexican Regional Academies were connected.
During this meeting, the CATC and the Main Contacts exchanged information regarding issues that are affecting the Program in our country.
Among the most important topics discussed we can mention CCNA 3.1 upgrade, highlighting the importance of training in Bridge courses; we announced the opening of the next course in October and we insisted on the commitment we have as Regional Instructors to update and to grow professionally.
We also talked about the details of the next continuous education events that will be offered by Cisco Systems Mexico and Networking Academy Program during 2005. Retooling and Academy Conference will be held on March 14,15 and 16 in Puebla at the Convention Center. On March 14 Retooling will be dedicated to academic and administrative topics related to the Program in the Academies. Only Main Contacts will be invited to this event. The Academy Conference will take place on March 15 and 16, offering new conferences and technological update workshops to every member of the Program's community.
During the meeting we discussed several important issues as the status of usage of the new Qtick tool and the current status of Regional Academies. We also talked about key points such as the commitment we have as Regional Academies and the importance of the monitoring and quality control visits, the renewal of warranty policies of the equipments as well as the commitment established during Retooling 2003, related to the CCAI certification of all Regional Instructors of the Program in Mexico.
As we already know, some of the responsibilities of the CATC are to visit the Regional Academies to monitor its operation, in order to assure the Program's quality standards compliance. We exposed this new agenda listing the next Academies we will visit, which include: UANL, ITESM Mty, UVM / Lomas Verdes, UVM / Tlalpan, UNITEC, ITESM CEM, U. T. de Nezahualcóyotl, ITESM Gdl, UAG, U.T. de Xicotepec de Juárez, Univ. de Occidente, Univ. de Colima, among others.
The documents we used during this meeting can be found in the CATC's web page:
We also want to invite the Local Academies to join this important effort and to send us their feedback to the following e-mail address: catcmx@uat.edu.mx.
Operations Teams
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas.
E-mail: catcmx@uat.edu.mx
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Now, log in to Academy Connection in Spanish from www.cisco.com/edu/espanol, an informative portal of the Cisco Networking Academy Program for the Spanish-speaking community.
Training courses for Local Academies |
Academy |
Course |
Date |
Conalep Tabasco |
CCNA Bridge 1 |
September 16 - 18. |
Orientation Course |
October 4 - 7. |
CCNA 1 |
October 7 - 14. |
Universidad Anáhuac del Norte |
CCNA Bridge 1 |
September 11 - 13. |
CCNA Bridge 2 |
September 14 - 16. |
Community on Line
Have you already joined the Networking Academy forums? These forums are an excellent resource to get support from other instructors colleagues.
If you do not know where to go, visit the following links:
Sylvia Marino
Instructor Support & Community
World Wide Education
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Cisco Trivia.
Of the following, which is NOT a valid statement to support VLANs?
Port Id.
MAC address.
IP address.
Congratulations to Esteban Briones Molina, winner of the August Trivia, and student at the Regional Academy of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey , Campus Estado de Mexico.
The correct answer to the Trivia was d) It uses TTL (Time to Live) values to generate messages from every router used along the path.
If you are the first one to correctly answer this Quiz, you will get a surprise gift. Send your answer via e-mail to rdelavega@netacadlatam.com. Deadline for submitting your answer is September 30, 2004. Do not forget to send us your username for the Academy Connection to validate your participation. |

Visit the new Alumni Connection site and take advantage of the new benefits offered in this page.
Alumni offers three benefits which can be accessed only registering in the desired option in the page Cisco Networking Academy Community.
- Entrance to NETLABS (limited time offering).
- Access to the new site of the Prep. Center for CCNA certifications.
- Free subscription to Cisco Learning Connection (available to the first 75 users).
To access these benefits, you must use your Academy Connection account http://cisco.netacad.net/public/index.html ) enter your Username and Password to log in into the site, then go to the Alumni Home section.
Then click on Alumni inside the text box Alumni Connection and you will be in the CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY COMMUNITY page, where you can start enjoying great benefits.
Click on each one to get specifications and details about registration.
Don't forget to contact us for more information.
Help Desk en Español Latinoamérica
Cisco Networking Academy Program
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